He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2030 I Should Be Called Abandoned Pig!

And when Chaochaozhu completes evolution, compared to continuing to practice flame moves.

Chaochaozhu's current focus should be on his newly acquired second attribute - fighting attribute.

Only by exercising your physical fighting skills can you better adapt and master new powers!

"Stir fry."

Fried fried pig wants to fight for something.


However, amidst the coughing sound of the Abandoned Monkey, the Chaochao Pig immediately died down, and subconsciously puffed up its chest.

Among this group of babies, the Abandoned Monkey is still very intimidating.

Especially the last time in the desert, the fried pig was beaten by six Dharma baboons released by the Abandoned Monkey, and tortured to the point where it almost died, so it didn't dare to disobey it.

Seeing the Abandoned Monkey hooking its fingers, Chaochaozhu could only follow, Xiaozhi also nodded in satisfaction.

Abandoned Monkey is a real master of fighting, and should be able to give Chaochao a good experience.


Seeing that his partner seemed to have his own arrangements, the black-eyed crocodile let out a low cry, and bit Xiaozhi's trouser leg closer, signaling the latter to pay attention to him.

The black-eyed crocodile whose sunglasses were taken off at this moment.

But the eyes are still covered with black patterns, as if they are wearing a pair of sunglasses.

But without the protection of the sunglasses, the direct sunlight made him uncomfortable.

Of course, the greater role of sunglasses is not to block light, but to isolate the wind and sand in the desert

Since this is not a desert, there is actually no big difference whether the black-eyed crocodile wears sunglasses or not.

"For the black-eyed crocodile, let me think about it."

Xiaozhi stroked his chin and thought for a while. It was also the first time he had subdued a Pokémon with the ground + evil attributes.

But the appearance of the black-eyed crocodile reminded him of his little saw crocodile. Of course, it was now a big crocodile.

And biting land shark

For crocodiles, it is nothing more than training their teeth to bite and the strength of their claws to tear.

Just right, looking at the silent Zoroya on the far side, the only one I fear out of the 18 attributes is the evil attribute.

"In that case, black-eyed crocodile, use your biting moves to attack Zoroya constantly!"

"Zoroya, keep evading the attack of the black-eyed crocodile and try to launch a counterattack!"

Xiaozhi commanded.

Hearing this, the two introverted Pokémon gained confidence, stepped aside, and began to practice against each other.

As for Xiaozhi's general Pikachu.


At this moment, Pikachu was sitting cross-legged on a high slope of the lawn, his eyes were slightly closed, his breathing was gentle, and he let the breeze around him blow his fur.

It seems to be doing some meditation training.

Feeling the threat of the black dragon Zekrom again, today's Pikachu is also a rare serious exercise.

Of course, it's also possible to simply take a nap after a meal.

It's just that the disguise is so real that even Xiaozhi, who has been with him day and night, can't tell the difference.

At about dusk, everyone's exercise came to an end temporarily, and they gradually entered a state of rest.


At this time, a loud and high-pitched voice on the grassland attracted everyone's attention.

I saw the vine and vine snake's blow to the blade's tail, and after sweeping away the acrobatic moves of the ancestor bird, the figure fell to the ground.

The next moment, a bright white light appeared on her body out of thin air, and her petite figure also began to rapidly become larger and deformed.

"Finally evolved!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he quickly approached, and all the humans and Pokémon also surrounded him.


There was another low shouting sound, this time the sound became thicker, and the white light suddenly burst into the surroundings!

The rattan snake has completed its evolution, and its size has reached a height of one meter.

It still has the posture of a grass-leaf snake, but its head and eyes have become more pointed and elongated, and there are more forked grass blades on its back.

In particular, there are two more yellow leaves on the neck, which looks like a neckline. Combined with the cold and arrogant smile that often hangs on the vine snake's face, her aura suddenly rises, like a luxurious aristocrat.

"Beep! The Ivy Snake, the evolution of the Ivy Snake, runs on the ground like a slither, can attack the enemy fiercely, and keeps its body clean at all times. The noble and arrogant character makes the Ivy Snake in some places, Also known as Prince Snake or Guiteng Snake Loto~!"

Rotom broadcast the report automatically and took a few photos by the way.

"Ivy Snake? It's become even more handsome!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise.

This description made the Ivy Snake frown slightly, so it should be more elegant to describe her?

However, considering the education background of my own trainer, it is not a very high fact in itself.

The word handsome is also acceptable.

"Stir fry, stir fry~!!"

Chaochaozhu, who was exhausted by being tortured again by the Abandoned Monkey, saw the movement here, immediately ran up with bright eyes, and looked at the Ivy Snake in admiration.

Snapped! Snapped!

But what greeted it were two rattan whips.

The Ivy Snake made no secret of its dislike. After exercising for a day, it stinks of pork and sweat, so don't get so close!

After the evolution, the ivy snake's vine whip has been improved both in thickness and hardness, and the power of the vine whip has risen sharply.

"Stir fry ~!"

However, this kind of cane whip obviously made the fried pig even more excited, and the whole body became rosy and hot like a roast suckling pig.

"pass away.!"

But soon, the Abandoned World Monkey had already run over, grabbed the fried pig by the ear with one hand, and dragged it to the thick tree again.

What snake to play.

Keep punching!

It originally thought that the fried pig had reached the limit of its body, but now it seems that it still has a lot of strength left!

Chaochao Pig's complexion instantly dimmed, and he continued to throw his fists dejectedly, and the color of the pig's skin quickly turned blue-gray.

The thick and short tree trunk with a diameter of more than one meter in front of him has already been punched with many dents and gaps by its boxing.

Its current name should be called Abandoned Pig!

"Hey~ that's great, it's turned into a beautiful and elegant ivy snake~!"

Beside, Mingyi used the right adjective.

But she was also puzzled, why did Xiaozhi's Pokémon evolve so fast?

The water otter joined the team earlier than the ivy snake and fried pig, but it hasn't evolved yet.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!!"

He suddenly became the tail of Yusanjia's crane, which also made Water Otter anxious.

"Oh Mingyi, I was just about to tell you about the Pokémon Virus. This thing can improve the abilities of Pokémon faster!"

So Xiaozhi walked over and followed the trend.

Hearing the word "virus", Mingyi thought it was some kind of illegal stimulant at first.

But after listening to it completely, Mingyi's eyes gradually lit up.

Of course, Akromar, who was also listening beside him, couldn't help becoming interested.

Xiaozhi didn't intend to hide it, so he just told him together.

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