He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2031 Resurrection Grass Is Just Like the Weeds on the Bad Street

Temple of Harvest, located in the south area of ​​Route 14.

I walked past a shrine torii gate, but the mahogany columns have faded, and it looks like it has been around for some years.

The former convenience is a place where jungles and farmland intersect, surrounded by mountains on three sides, and entering from Road 14 seems to be the only entrance here.

After listening to Ash's narration about the Pokémon Virus, both Mingyi and Akromar became very interested.

Of course, the former just wants to make his Pokémon stronger.

And Acromar's treatment of this peculiar virus is more for scientific research purposes.

"It is best not to spread this virus into the natural environment for the time being. It is best to self-isolate for 3 days."

After sending a small Lada sample from Dr. Oki, Xiaozhi also warned the two.

Naruto is naturally happy to have all four of his Pokémon infected with the virus.

As for isolation or something

Since Xiaozhi's Pokémon are already immune, and Acromar rarely releases his Pokémon, in fact, he only needs to let his Pokémon not touch wild Pokémon casually. Can.


And Akromar also obtained a precious virus sample, and immediately began to study it.

Originally, his main research topic was to discover the potential of Pokémon and make it exert greater power.

That's why the ruler of Team Plasma, who has been hiding behind the scenes, worked hard to dig Akromar in.

Attempt to borrow the power of the latter to let the plasma team bloom more powerful destructive power.

For this reason, Xiaozhi and his party did not leave Route 14 directly and headed for the seaside area in the northeast direction, but came to the Temple of Fengrao in the west.

"This is the only place in the Hezhong area that produces resurrection grass, and there are a lot of them. It is said that the streets are as bad as weeds. I need to collect some resurrection grass as materials."

Akromar explained while leading the way.

"Resurrection grass?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes. He knew this kind of herb, and it was very powerful.

If you give it to a Pokémon that cannot fight, it can be revived with full blood on the spot.

However, due to the extremely bitter taste and the high efficacy of the medicine, this process will make Pokémon experience a sour and refreshing taste.

Generally, after taking the Resurrection Grass, the Pokémon's intimacy with the trainer will also decrease.

"But I belong to the vitality fragment party."

Xiaozhi shook his head and couldn't help but speak.

Vitality Fragments are processed resurrection potions with very mild effects and can be reused in large quantities.

Although the effect is not as strong as the resurrection grass, at least it will not reduce the favorability of Pokémon.

If it really doesn't work, put a few more fragments of vitality, rounded up, it can be regarded as eating a resurrection grass.

It is said that some trainers are well-known users of vitality shards, through continuous drug use and resurrection, they forcefully defeat the opponent in front of them

Of course, there is also a Yandi in his family who can only use the sacred flame.

The charcoal is continuously roasted with the help of the sacred flame, and finally a prop called "holy ash" can be obtained. Not only is the effect better than the resurrection grass, but it also has zero side effects.

Not long ago, Dr. Oki brought himself a small bag of holy ashes.

After a while, the three officially entered Fengrao Temple.

This is a land with fertile soil, and there are lush plants growing everywhere, including rare and rare herbs.

Resurrection grass is the most famous of them.

Using the high pressure of the "root" move here, and the rich nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements underground, the Pokémon can even recover 200% more blood every round!

"Hey, is this really Fengrao Shrine?"

But after several people entered, Mingyi couldn't help but said in surprise.

After a quick glance, it can be found that the plants here are actually not very lush, not only dense and small, but some grass blades are a little wilted.

When the soles of the feet step on the ground, it also has a dry and hard texture, not like soft and fertile land.

The yellow and non-garbage ground even looks a little cracked and dry.?

Rotom grabbed a handful of dirt, and then broadcast:

"Beep! Change the data, the place west of Route 14 is called the Barren Land Loto~!"

The soil is not fertile at all. If you use the rooting trick here, you might lose your blood!

But these have nothing to do with the three of them. Akromar has already pulled out a herb detector to find the wild resurrection grass in this area.

"Tsk, is that all there is?"

After a long while, Akromar frowned, and said tut-tsk.

He scanned the surrounding two kilometers area, and it turned out that there seemed to be only 2 or 3 plants of the resurrection grass.

This is completely different from the saying on the Internet that "the resurrection grass of the temple of abundance is as rotten as weeds"!

The nearest resurrection grass was hundreds of meters ahead, so they quickened their pace, and they could find one after another.

"Ah, by the way, is this really the resurrection grass?"

It's just that after arriving at the destination, Xiaozhi's eyes widened when he saw a withered yellow and shriveled resurrection grass on the ground.

I don't know whether it has lost nutrients or water, but the resurrection grass has been completely lying on the ground, and it seems that it has no medicinal effect at all.

"Is it true that the Internet is a lie?"

Akromar pulled out the withered and yellow resurrection grass, and threw it away with a frown.

It seems that it is better to go shopping online, if it is more expensive, it will be more expensive. Anyway, with the Plasma team being taken advantage of, I am not short of money.

Even if the resurrection grass is not taken directly, it can also be used as a raw material for many medicines, and the price is not cheap


At this time, a nearby bush made a sound of scurrying, which immediately cheered up the three of Xiaozhi.

Is it a wild Pokémon?

The next moment, an orange-red petal jumped out.

No, it's a humanoid Pokémon.

She is as soft and lovely as a human woman, with a milky white head and body, the lower body is covered with green leaves like a long skirt, and there is a petal decoration on top of her head.

"So cute! It's Miss Qun'er~!"

Ming Yi's eyes lit up immediately, Miss Qun'er was the most beautiful Pokémon in the Hezhong area.

Is it wild? Mingyi even has a plan to tame it.

"Beep beep! Miss Qun'er, a grass-type, lily root doll is a Pokémon that evolved through the Sun Stone. The fragrance of the flower decoration on the head has a soothing effect, and it is a vase Pokémon that is very popular among celebrities and ladies. Monroto~!"

Rotom introduced automatically.


But soon, another figure emerged from the bushes, this time it was a human man.

In his twenties, he was half a head taller than Xiaozhi, with a peaceful face and gray-green hair hanging down.

Wearing a rope-shaped headdress and a rather rare traditional costume, it looks like a local villager.

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