He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2037 Arrival, Land Cloud!

As Lei Dianyun was unable to fight, he fainted and fell to the ground, and Tornado Yun also crouched on the ground with his head in his hands and surrendered, and the Fengrao Temple suddenly became much quieter.

It's just that this peace didn't last long, and the familiar scene happened for the third time.


In the sky above the sacrificial stele, the black-purple flowing clouds spiraled again, and a pressure that surpassed the previous thunder cloud and tornado cloud gradually became stronger.

"Drink the soil!!"

There was another wild male growl, and the clouds burst and parted.

This time, it was finally the turn of Land Cloud.

Still in the shape of a majestic and muscular macho, the surface of the brown-red body is covered with light red spots, and the white cloud above the head looks like a hammer.

The lower body is also hidden in the white clouds. Its thick brown-black tail is covered with flat bumps, and if it is waved at will, it can sweep up a hurricane.

Noticing that everyone's eyes were on him, Di Yun stared with big and small eyes, showing a confident expression.

It has three pointed horns on its head, while Thunder Cloud and Tornado Cloud have one and two pointed horns respectively, showing his identity as a big brother.

"Earth, earth cough cough!"

But when he looked down, Land Yun's expression changed, and he coughed a few times.

According to the previous process, although human beings are calling themselves, they will always call out their two troublesome little brothers first by mistake.

At this time, the tornado cloud and the thunder cloud will both release their own moves, as if attacking the surroundings.

And I usually delay it for 10 minutes on purpose, and then the hero will appear on the stage, and beat up the tornado cloud and the thunder cloud to show the majesty

But now, the thunder cloud on the lower side couldn't fight, and was stepped on by a tiny electric mouse, and fainted in embarrassment.

On the other side, Tornado Cloud seemed to have gone to the Carlos area to study abroad. He raised his palms and surrendered?

What happened? !

"Has the third cloud god finally come out?"

The appearance of the land cloud also made Xiaozhi's gaze brighten. The appearance may be of rock or ground properties?

Pikachu didn't enjoy the fight either, and the electric arc on his cheeks began to move, ready to give another shot.

"Oh~ the strength seems to surpass these two~!"

Akromar even had three more of the machine in his hands at the same time, as if he was ready to throw them all out at any time.

Its four Genesect killing squads carry water, lightning, freezing, and flame cartridges respectively, and cooperate to attack

Not to mention the earth cloud, even if Zekrom came, he would be arrested and suppressed on the spot!

"Wait a minute, my own!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Ute hurriedly ran to Xiaozhi and Akromar, and opened his palms to stop them.

Have you forgotten, their purpose from the beginning was to summon the earth cloud!

"Ah, yes."

Only then did Xiaozhi realize that despite the fact that Tudiyun and the other two cloud gods all had vicious faces.

But in the legend, Tu Yun is the god of farmland who is kind and righteous.

Akromar also quickly put away the three high-level balls, smiled kindly, and said that he just planned to release the three steel worm gods just now, without any malicious intentions, to cleanse the earth.


The land cloud above was sluggish for a long time, completely unaware of what happened.

But he was still floating in the air with his chest folded, his expression majestic and tense, and he was serious.

Well, as long as the human doesn't see that he's confused.

In the distance, on that high slope.

"Damn it, meow, why didn't this earth cloud fight after it came out, meow!"

Meow Meow was a little annoyed.

If they don't fight, they won't be able to collect the data of Land Cloud!

"In that case, then I will add fire."

Seeing this, Musashi's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly said:

"Fatty, use the big water spray and attack that land cloud directly for me!!"

Hearing that this fan's female chubby immediately floated up excitedly, the jellyfish's balloon-shaped body trembled continuously, and majestic energy finally burst out from the crack in its mouth.

Boom! !

There was a huge roar, and the water gushed out all over the sky, rushing straight to the distant land cloud in the form of a fountain!

The big water spray, also known as the tsunami, is a big move of the water attribute, especially when Chubby's stamina is full, its power reaches its peak!

It's just that the distance is a bit far after all

When it reached the vicinity of the land cloud, the full power of the tsunami move probably only had the power of the wave of water left.

Crack! !

Although the water-attributed moves are very effective against Land Cloud, but now this power is not up to the mark, and was directly smashed to pieces by Land Cloud's arm punch.

"Dirt drink?!"

Seeing that someone dared to sneak attack him, Tu Diyun kicked his eyes, and Baiyun's beard immediately raised, and he quickly looked in the direction of the source of the attack, aggressively.

It's just that at the source, I didn't see anyone, and I didn't sense any aura hostility.

Instead, I saw an unlucky thing that looked like a golden coffin

It turned out that after the rocket team hit a blow, they immediately hid inside the lost coffin, and the coffin lid was closed.

The lost coffin has the special ability to completely block the breath.

But they can't hide in it for long, because the lost coffin will instinctively turn the creatures inside into mummies.

Before the cat was inside for 2 minutes, Dieshou Coffin couldn't restrain his instincts. A few dark tentacles had quietly stretched out to the inside, with bandages still in their hands, and they were about to tie the three of them into zongzi.

Kojiro wanted to push the coffin away, but Tu Tuyun was patrolling above, so he could only bite the bullet and start pulling the lost coffin.

After patrolling for a long time, Tu Yun didn't find any enemies.

When his eyes fell on Xiaozhi and his group, Ute had already knelt down sincerely.

"Master Yun, the great land, please, let this land come back to life~!"

Beside, Miss Goth also exerted her mind energy, trying to communicate with the land cloud.

With Ute's steps, Land Cloud was not angry because of this sneak attack.

But if you really want to get angry, it seems that you can't beat the following two people?

"Drink the earth, drink the earth!"

But even so, Tudiyun still accepted Ute's request and sipped a few times.

According to the tradition, you humans should send specific sacrifices.

But at this moment, the front of the stele is empty.

This caused several people to look at Lei Dianyun, who was making a gesture of surrender.

It seems that from the beginning, it was all swept away by this guy?

"Volume amount."

This tornado cloud smiled awkwardly and scratched its head, obviously also a bully.

Immediately, he stretched his palm into the white cloud on his lower body, took out several berries and handed them to Big Brother.

It was just this action that made Tu Yun's brows deeply frowned.

Others don't know it, but the people themselves know it.

Hiding things in the flowing white clouds is actually equivalent to stuffing things in the crotch of a human being.

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