He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2038 Everyone has their eyes on Sanyun God!

The farce is over and things are back on track.

As described in ancient legends, first the troublesome tornado cloud thunder cloud two brothers debut.

"Volume." "Thunder forehead."

At this moment, the two strong Pokémon were dragged up into the air by the ears of the land cloud.

Although the three cloud gods seem to be the same as the three holy beasts and the three holy birds.

But Tutuyun obviously surpassed the other two cloud gods both in terms of status and strength.

After accepting the summoning ceremony and fighting, it is natural to get down to business now.

"Drink the soil!!"

Tu Tuyun's low voice revived the shriveled heads of the other two younger brothers.

This made Xiaozhi and his party curious, how would Sanyun God save this barren land?

Ute is also watching closely, he just understands the legend, and he doesn't understand the specific steps.

"Drink the soil!!"

The next moment, I saw a gray-brown energy light bursting out from the whole body of the land cloud, pouring towards the ground layer by layer like a tide, as if giving the ground some new power.

"Roll and drink!!"

And the other two cloud gods didn't just look at it, they saw the tornado cloud raised to the sky and shouted, and in an instant, the entire sky above the Fengrao Temple was covered with dark clouds.

Da da da! !

The downpour, accompanied by the storm, poured on the land.

After a while, the resurrection grass gradually broke through the ground and grew up.

The seeds of the resurrection grass that cannot germinate have been tenaciously alive and hidden under the ground.

This process has not lasted long, and these resurrection grasses have reached the mature stage where they can be harvested and picked.

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!!"

Youte was ecstatic in his heart, and exclaimed again and again, the treasure land of Fengrao Temple is back again!

But before he was happy, Lei Dianyun, who had been silent by the side, also took action.

"Thunder drink!!"

As the palm was raised, the heavy rain stopped, and countless blue lightning bolts fell from the sky, hitting the resurrection grass with precision.



Even these resurrection grasses that had just grown were directly ignited and destroyed by lightning strikes, and after a while, such grass seedlings and wildfires were everywhere in the Temple of Fengzuo.

"Why destroy these precious."

Ute didn't react for a while, his face turned from ecstasy to despair, and he was about to ask, but was held back by Akromar.

He rubbed his chin, now he probably understands how this legend works.

Sure enough, the ceremony is not over yet.

These resurrection grasses were burned to death, turned into black ash withered leaves, and slowly spread on the surface of the temple of abundance.

This is making the land fertile again!

"Roll and drink~!"

Next, it was natural that the tornado cloud caused another storm, and the rain moistened everything. The ground that had been burned to ashes soon grew new resurrection grass.

And this time the resurrection grass is denser and more dense, with lush branches and leaves, obviously it is an excellent version with sufficient medicinal effects!

After several cycles, it was originally a barren land, but at this moment the resurrection grass grew like a weed on a rotten street!

"Pickup. Bah!"

Pikachu tried to take a bite, but quickly spat it out because it was too bitter.

"The resurrection herb with perfect medicinal effect"

Akromar's eyes lit up, and he picked a plant at random. His purpose this time was to collect resurrection grass as research materials, and now there is no shortage of it!

"So it is. So it is"

The local Ute also fully reacted, subconsciously looked at the stele, and then looked at the three cloud gods in the sky.

The meaning of the murals on the stele does not mean that the stele can summon all three

But to make a piece of land rich, it requires the cooperation of the three cloud gods, and the power of the three is indispensable!

Tornado clouds create wind and rain, thunder clouds ignite plants, fertilize the earth

But this process will be very long, and Land Cloud, as the big brother, is to speed up this process.

In less than ten minutes, it went through three or four cycles, forcibly changing the nature of this land!

After completing the ceremony, the three cloud gods folded their hands and prepared to leave.

The appearance of the Fengrao Shrine below has changed drastically. Not only is the vegetation lush and rich, but many wild Pokémon have also come out and returned to this land.

"Thank you so much, Sanyun God!"

Ute bowed and kowtowed again with gratitude, this time the object of gratitude changed from a single land cloud to the three cloud gods.

Similarly, after witnessing the miracle, Xiaozhi and the others watched Sanyun God's departure closely, and a bold idea arose in their minds.

"What a nice Pokémon~"

Akromar's eyes were bare, and he couldn't help thinking of subduing and capturing.

How about 4 Genesects?

Then there are three muscular macho Sanyunshen, they seem pretty good too?

"God Sanyun, I really hope I can subdue one too~!"

Naruto also ascended to the sky with the eager King Sanyun. The legendary human-shaped Pokémon should be able to break the iron law that he can only subdue animal-shaped Pokémon, right? !

And Xiaozhi at the side also had the rare idea of ​​subduing him.

Leaving aside the strong and rough appearance, it was very much in line with Xiaozhi's appetite.

This ability to casually grow resurrection grass also made him very envious!

If Sanyun God is brought back to the backyard of Zhenxin Town, wouldn't the ground in the backyard also grow rotten like resurrection grass and weeds?

At that time, Kentaro's ration will be directly upgraded from ordinary pasture to eating resurrection grass for three meals a day!

There is also the reverse world. After all, the whole world is too destroyed. What is needed most is greening vegetation.

Xie Mi and the others are okay in planting flowers, but for farming and so on, it depends on Sanyun God!

Find a chance to pull Sanyunshen to reverse the world and plow the fields!

Ute, who was kneeling sincerely, did not know that the three people behind him all had bold thoughts about the gods they worshiped.


"Still haven't collected the data of Land Cloud, meow!"

On the high slope in the distance, Musashi and Miaomiao also climbed out of the lost coffin, watching with hatred the God of Sanyun ascending into the air and leaving.

They don't have many bandages wrapped around them.


And Kojiro had been completely tied up like a mummy, his mouth was stuffed with bandages, and he could only wriggle and struggle like a cocoon.

But the limbs and shadow arms of the lost coffins were all grabbing Kojiro and continued to be bandaged.

"Idiot! What are you still playing there!"

"Kojiro, although Die Lost Coffin likes you very much, but now is not the time to slack off meow!"

Musashi and Miaomiao tore off the bandages on their bodies, ready to get up and retreat.

The plan to subdue the three cloud gods has to be planned in the long run.


As for Kojiro, who was still struggling on the ground, the only eyeball that was exposed was about to burst out, and he kept struggling.

Idiots, what brains are you thinking that Die Lost Coffin is just playing games with him? !

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