He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2039 Ripple Town, Huche vs Kennyyang!

Ripple Town is located in the easternmost part of the Hezhong area.

This long and narrow road is located at the east foot of Reverse Mountain, adjacent to the ocean, so there is a large leisurely beach area for vacation.

And located in the center, Lianyi Town, is the most famous resort town in the Hezhong area.

Even in the world, it is a famous summer resort. Every summer, tourists from all over the world come here for vacation.

Of course it's not summer

But in the early spring, the seaside beaches around Lianyi Town still gathered a lot of tourists and were very lively.

Coming out of Fengrao Temple, Xiaozhi and his party officially came to Lianyi Town.

On the way to the local elf center, there are sunny beaches, and a few big sisters in bikinis pass by from time to time.

But these are not the focus of Xiaozhi, he was quickly attracted by a scene.

"Huh, this is...?"

However, on this open space on the beach, two trainers opened up their posture and were fighting, and there were also a few passers-by standing scattered around to watch the battle.

Roadside fights are actually very common in this world.

When the eyes are aligned, it is natural to fight.

However, one of the trainer's Pokémon attracted Xiaozhi's interest.

Black and blue upright puppy.

"Riolu? Didn't expect to meet a trainer with Riolu here?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but leaned forward, and Akromar and Mingyi beside him followed curiously.

However, the trainer commanding Riolu was a young boy, estimated to be only in his early ten years old, he looked very young, even half a head shorter than Xiaozhi.

Wearing orange short-sleeves and blue shorts, he has a clean and refreshing shorts kid look, with frizzy hair standing upright, and a red headband tied on his forehead.

The trainer on the other side is much stronger and taller, wearing a sleeveless sweater, a little puffy, and looks like a fighter.

His Pokémon is a blue humanoid Pokémon with a thin, bald head and what appears to be a karate suit.

Posing in a fighting stance with a majestic aura, it is obviously a Pokémon with fighting attributes.

"Beep beep! Fighting ghosts, fighting attributes, wearing a belt will make you full of energy, and the destructive power of boxing will also increase. If your practice is disturbed, you will get angry. But it is said that it is better to throw ghost Lotto~!"

Rotom flew up and issued a reminder, the sound made the strong trainer and the ghost striker frown.

Fight ghosts and wrestle ghosts, one specializes in karate, and the other practices judo.

The completely different martial arts paths also make these two Pokémon exist like rivals.

Xiaozhi quickly pulled Rotom back, laughed dryly, and motioned for you to continue fighting.

He has long understood Rotom's pissing behavior. If there is a wrestling ghost in front of him, Rotom will change it to "but wrestling ghosts are not as good as fighting ghosts".

Withdrawing their minds, the two players on the natural arena on the beach also attacked one after another.

"Riolu, use Lightning Flash!"

Riolu's trainer was named Huche, and his name sounded very arrogant, so he took the lead in attacking.

The little Riolu jumped out immediately, his figure turned into a white light, and quickly bumped into the striking ghost.


However, this hitting ghost was as motionless as a mountain, standing there firmly, blocking the blow with its firm chest muscles.

"I don't have much power, hit the ghost, use tile splitting, let it see the real power!!"

The name of the ghost-fighting trainer was Kenny Yang, and he immediately shouted excitedly.

The battering ghost had a tacit understanding with him, posing with a knife in his hand, and slammed heavily on Leolu's shoulder, sending the latter flying.


Getting up from the sand, Riolu shrugged one shoulder, panting heavily as if dislocated.

"The power gap is a bit large"

Xiaozhi, who was watching, couldn't help but commented in a low voice.

He is also a brother of Riolu. These two Pokémon are pure fighting Pokémon, but in terms of strength, the small Riolu undoubtedly hits a stone with an egg.

However, it is not impossible to win.

"Fight the ghost, get rid of it, cross chop!!"

On the other side, Kenny Yang pursued the victory and launched a fierce attack.

Immediately, the Striker charged across the beach, with his arms raised in front of his chest in a crucifix pose.

If this blow could hit, it would be able to completely kill Riolu in one shot.

"Ah, what to do, what to do, what to do!!"

In front of him, the opponent had already attacked, Hu Che was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, and his expression kept changing.

At this time, he suddenly grabbed his headband, pulled it out suddenly, and then let go suddenly.


The headband was retracted, and it slapped Hu Che on the forehead, making a crisp sound.

This also made Huche's eyes light up as if an inspiration had suddenly appeared in his mind.

The three of Xiaozhi: "???"

The three of them stared blankly, not understanding what Hu Che was doing.

"Yes! Riolu, attack the beach under your feet with a vacuum wave!!"

Riolu understood it, let out a low shout, and then swept his short tail towards the beach below.


A beam of weak air slashes flew out, hit the beach, and immediately stirred up the sand in front of him, many of which fell into the eyes of the attacking ghosts rushing towards them.

The hit rate of the cross chop is not high, and now the vision is limited, and the strike ghost is directly missed.

"It's now, use the bottom kick!!"

Seeing this, Huche quickly opened his mouth and said.

I saw Lioulu with a sliding shovel, his small figure gliding quickly on the beach, and with his small size, he kicked hard on the toe of the striker's side.


This made the Striking Ghost immediately let out a tragic cry, hugged one of the soles of his feet, and jumped up and down again and again.

Having seized the opportunity, Huche quickly attacked again:

"It's now, use Fa Jin with all your strength!!"

This Riolu's strength was not strong, but his skill was very nimble, and he quickly rushed to the striker's body, stretched his small palm forward, and stuck to the latter's abdomen.

Boom! !

Immediately, the energy in the palm exploded, sparking a burst of golden-white lightning, directly blasting the striking ghost into the air!


Even after landing, the striker's body was still filled with electric arcs, and his movements became stiff.

This is the additional effect of Fa Jin triggered, which paralyzed the striking ghost.

"Damn it, this little one.!"

Kenny Yang couldn't help cursing in a low voice, but the current battle situation was completely controlled by Hu Che.

In terms of strength, it can't compete at all, but in terms of speed, especially at this moment, the strike ghost has entered a state of paralysis.

The nimble Riolu can tease each other as he likes.

Boom! !

In the end, under another burst of energy from Riolu, the fighting ghost finally collapsed, completely losing the ability to fight.

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