He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2046 Super intelligence, the battle of Genesect!

I saw Heracross raised his horn upwards, and the tyrannical brute force directly arched Genesect into the air.

Immediately, the wings on the back vibrated, and Heracross flew up suddenly, raising the white horn and rushing towards the target in the air!

"Jie Jie"

Seeing this, the crimson Genesect was also merciless, and this time both claws attacked at the same time, each with a gray-blue luster.

Cross scissors! !

Two powerful insect-attribute moves collided head-on, causing a burst of explosions, and the powerful force from the big horn immediately made Heracross step on the sand with his hind legs, drawing a trail backwards.

Just completed the mega evolution, Heracross's brute force is also extremely powerful!


It shouted loudly, exerted force with its big horn, and forcibly broke through the cross scissors, sending Genesect flying out!

"In terms of strength, does Heracross have the upper hand?"

It was the first time to fight against such a strange existence, and Xiaozhi in the rear was also analyzing the battle situation quickly.

"Heracross, use rock blast!!"

Heracross condensed huge rocks out of thin air with both hands, and threw them all together. Combined with its own continuous attack characteristics, the power of this rock blast is extremely exaggerated.

Seeing this, the Steel Worm God in the air folded his body and turned into a flying machine.

In the next moment, Genesect burst out in an instant, leaving only a crimson afterimage in the air.

The light keeps refracting and moving forward in the air, avoiding all rock blasts

boom! !

The final blow hit Heracross's chest, sending it flying.

Yan Hui!

The effect is outstanding!

"Tsk, what an exaggerated speed, and also know how to restrain attributes."

Xiaozhi's face darkened, and Pikachu beside him also looked surprised.

Only a red streamer can be seen at all, it seems that the other party has also reached the level of super speed?

Strength and endurance opponents are easy to deal with, but this speed opponent is quite difficult.


Seeing that the opponent was getting very close, white mist rose all over Heracross' body immediately, his carapace was red and hot, and he raised his hand to hug him.

Brute force!

"Wait a minute, take it easy Hera"

Xiaozhi was startled, but it was too late to command.

Genesect returned to an upright fighting stance, spun backwards, and dodged this dangerous brute force move.

Even while dodging, one of the lower limbs "boomed", ignited flames, and kicked out fiercely!

Crack! !

Flame Kicks! !

The clumsy brute force of the backward swing made Heracross have no time to dodge or defend, and was kicked directly in the face, and his figure flew out suddenly

The effect is outstanding!

"Jie Jie!"

And this Genesect didn't see any ups and downs of expression at all, the turret on the back had already been set up, and the black lacquered barrel hole was aimed at Heracross.

Boom! !

The next moment, a flaming laser beam shot out suddenly, hitting the target precisely, causing a violent flame explosion around Heracross! !

Fire attribute high-tech light cannon! !

Such a decisive and ruthless battle shocked the Kona crowd who were watching.

Is this really a wild Pokémon?

It's completely beating to death, without mercy!

Where did Xiaozhi get this Pokémon? At least it is a legendary Pokémon, right? !

"Are you all right, Heracross?"

The fire light gradually dissipated, and Xiaozhi looked over there worriedly.


Heracross did not completely lose his ability to fight, and struggled to get up from the sand.

It's just that the body has already withdrawn from the mega-evolved posture, and the dark blue carapace body is covered with scorched marks, looking very tragic.

After taking several combined punches of restrained big moves in a row, if Heracross's perseverance and will were not strong enough, he would have fallen down now.

"Enough is enough, Heracross, come back for now."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only take Heracross back temporarily, and when he looked at the steel worm god in front of him again, he found that the latter was also staring at him closely.

After killing a troublesome bug, the next step is to tear the flesh of this fragile human first!

"Jie Jie!"

There was a horrible mechanical sound coming from Genesect's body, which made people shudder.

The eyes covered with hard shells are constantly flashing red light, as if they are constantly thinking about something.

"This is thinking. No, it's calculation!?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, Steel Worm God used the cross scissors to fight the million horns at first, but the last three moves were all moves that completely restrained Heracross.

Can this Pokémon learn quickly and evolve intelligently in battle? !

Acromasang, what kind of monster did you research? !

"Jie Sa!!"

The next moment, Genesect was bathed in red light, and was about to attack Xiaozhi again.

Boom boom! !

However, a thick beam of flames crossed in front of Xiaozhi, the weakness of four times restraint made him stop in his tracks and turned to look at the source of the attack.


The flame monkey looked at each other with bright eyes, eager to try, and called out provocatively.

Next, is it your turn?

"Flame Monkey, fight with all your strength, don't show mercy!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi quickly reminded that this strange-colored steel worm god must not be treated as an ordinary Pokémon.

Even if it is placed in the camp of legendary Pokémon, it is definitely a top-notch existence!

"Drink hard!!"

Hearing this, the flame monkey didn't dare to slack off, and immediately raised its arms and roared, its whole body turned red in an instant, and the flame above its head ignited to a height of two meters, like an erupting volcano.

Start full of blood, enter the fierce fire feature!

At this moment, the flame monkey has completely mastered its own mutation power!

"Spray flames!!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's command, Flame Monkey immediately took a deep breath, and instantly spewed out an exaggerated beam of golden-white flames, the heat wave and wind pressure it aroused crazily blown the surrounding sand and soil, and it calmed down.

The blessing of the mutated fire feature, as well as the natural sunny weather of this beach, make the power of this jet of flame even more than that of destroying death light!

"Jie Jie"

This scene made the Genesect seem dumbfounded, its red eyes flickering and calculating.

But it quickly changed into the posture of an aircraft, and jumped into the air in an instant, barely avoiding this terrifying and exaggerated jet of flame.

But when it was in mid-air, Genesect shot suddenly, and a beam of pure white light flew out of the cannon barrel.

The fierce beam of light successfully hit the flame monkey!

Just when everyone thought something happened, Flame Monkey also looked at his hands and body curiously, and there was no harm.

However, the crimson skin of the flame monkey began to fade rapidly, and the flames flying above the head also quickly weakened, and it returned to the Muggle flame monkey's posture.

"Jie Jie!"

In the air, Genesect laughed mockingly.

Isn't it just a mutant flame?

That being the case, then I will directly erase your characteristics!

The previous pure white laser, named "Simple Beam", can forcibly change the characteristics of the target to pure!

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