He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2047 Defeat one after another! Mega flame chicken!

"Tsk, so smart?!"

Xiaozhi frowned tightly. This Genesect didn't look like a wild Pokémon at all. It seemed that there was an experienced trainer behind it.

Could it be Mr. Akromar commanding from a distance?

Xiaozhi subconsciously glanced in the direction of the villa, but didn't see any smiling satellite heads.

No, Genesect is free-willed at this moment.

It is completely commanding itself, which makes its actions more fluid, without any gaps.


The flame monkey was dumbfounded by a single ray of light.

It hasn't been on stage for so long, and it wants to show off its strength.

As a result, no matter how it arouses the power of the mutated fire in the body, it will disappear and cannot be ignited at all.


On the other side, the flame chicken's wrist burst into flames, and with a loud cry, it jumped in front of the flame monkey, with a high fighting spirit.

Monkeys are still unreliable, as expected, you still have to rely on yourself!

Immediately, Flaming Chicken raised one thigh high, posed in a muay thai posture, and looked at Xiaozhi.

"In that case."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi understood in his heart, at this time, let's fight with cars!

Soon he made the same gesture, actually raising his arm again.

The key stone on the wrist shines again, and it complements the mega stone on the flame chicken, emitting a dazzling light

"Hey, why can I use Mega Evolution twice?"

Xiaoxia, who was watching by the side, couldn't help being surprised.

You must know that in a game, the trainer can only use the chance of mega evolution once, and it is not just a mandatory rule.

Cooperating with the Pokémon to complete the mega evolution, the trainer will also consume a lot of physical strength.

Two consecutive mega evolutions in a short period of time also have a great burden on the trainer.


But as soon as she spoke, Xiaoxia's mouth twisted, and if the object was Xiaozhi, there seemed to be no surprise?

And Kona in front of him threw another poke ball, this time with a dumb hippopotamus.

Silly hippopotamus and thorn shellfish are both Pokémon known for their defensive power.

The power of this Genesect exceeds Kona's expectation, especially in terms of intelligent calculation. To be on the safe side, let's release two shields.

The Hippopotamus and the Armored Shell take turns using protection moves, and they can achieve unlimited protection, at least if they are watching a movie, there is no problem.


In the middle of the beach, the mega evolution has been completed, and the flame chicken also showed a new fighting posture.

The shape of the yellow hair on the top of the head and neck became sharper, black lines appeared on the raised strong thighs, and the flames that had exploded at the wrists directly turned into fluttering flame ribbons, which looked very elegant.

Mega flame chicken! !

"Use Flame Kick!!"

Hearing that the flame chicken jumped up, its super jumping ability turned its figure into an afterimage, and the position of the calf burst into flames with a "boom" and kicked to the target, full of courage!

"Jie Jie!"

However, upon seeing this scene, Genesect also went forward to meet him, and kicked out a flaming heavy kick in the same posture of a reverse flying kick!

Boom! !

There was an explosion of vigorous power, even in the face of the mega-evolved flame chicken, Genesect's strength was not inferior, and the lower limbs of the two made a crossed posture in the air.

However, the move of Flame Kick is Flame Chicken's forte, and his proficiency has reached the extreme.


The flame chicken let out a low cry, just as his left foot was put away, the right foot was ignited again, and kicked out quickly!

Second Stage Flame Kick!

This is a combination of the two-stage kick and the flame kick, a feat that can only be accomplished by kicking masters like Fei Jilang and Flame Chicken!

Boom! !

This time, the flame kick swept across Genesect's face, sending him flying and falling back to the ground.

Four times the restraint, the effect is outstanding! !


After landing, the flame chicken smiled triumphantly at the flame monkey behind, saying that its strength is still stable enough?

What a mutant fire. Without the mechanism of mega evolution, it still won't work!

The two belong to the same Yusan family in the backyard of Zhenxin Town, even the attributes are the same, so they often compete.

It's just that without Xiaozhi by his side, the flame chicken can't complete the mega evolution alone, and is always overwhelmed by the flame monkey who can turn on the mutant fire at any time.

I can finally be domineering once today!

"Don't be distracted, flame chicken!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly reminded him loudly, but saw that the falling Genesect had not completely lost his fighting ability, but stepped on the ground and attacked the flame chicken again.

Although there were scorched black marks on his face and the injury was not serious, it used the same movement to kick again with flames!

Boom! !

The flame chicken is naturally merciless, and it also kicks with a flame, and then it is a second-stage flame kick.


However, this time, the movement of the red Genesect was exactly the same as that of the flame chicken, like a horizontal mirror image.

Turning over and sweeping in the same way, the flame kicks of the two collided again, evenly matched!

Even the following Genesect, whose body rotation has not yet ended, fiercely swept out the third flame kick!

Boom! !

This time, it was the flame chicken's turn to be kicked out mercilessly and fell heavily on the sand.

During the inverted flight, he still had a bewildered expression.

"How can it be?!"

Even Xiao Zhi, who was used to seeing big scenes, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Isn't this learning ability too exaggerated? Not only did he instantly copy the second stage of flame kick, but he even came out of the third stage? !

Recently, I heard that some place in the Hezhong area has developed opAI, a high degree of artificial intelligence, which can completely simulate and cooperate with human dialogue work.

But the evolutionary learning ability of the steel worm god in front of him seems to be much outrageous! ?


Pikachu was also taken aback, can he be a thief better than himself? !

In successive wheel battles, Genesect defeated the opponent one by one, so that the flame monkey and flame chicken in front had to temporarily put aside their thoughts of competition and join forces to fight against the enemy.

It's rare to appear on the stage once, and it can't be two against one, and it's four times restraint. It can't beat an iron lump bug, right? !

Boom! !

As soon as the flame monkey spit out its mouth, a spiral flame tornado spewed out in an instant, and it was about to engulf the steel worm god.

The flame chicken leaped vertically and backward, posing in a charging posture, and crimson flames exploded on its body

Flash Charge! !

Using the cover of the flame monkey to deliver a sure-fire blow, it is obvious that the cooperation of the two fire-attributed Yusanjia also wants to be a tacit understanding.

However, facing this move, Genesect directly set up the cannon barrel on his back, the black hole, this time lingering with powerful water force.

High-tech light cannon! !

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