He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2056 Xiaozhi: I seem to have seen my dark history?

At the same time, on the other side.

After loading Xiaozhi's data information for a long time, there was finally a movement.

[Data collection and integration completed, character: Xiaozhi. Hometown: Zhenxin Town, Kanto Region. 】

【Start Sims.】

[The data is abnormal, please wait. 】

Xiao Zhi, who just woke up, frowned again.

What the hell, is there something wrong with Mr. Akromar's invention?

He didn't think it was his problem.

【Due to the abnormal data of the user, multiple simulation worlds have been generated, and the data is not enough to support all branches of the simulation.】

[The optimal solution has been automatically selected to select the most complete and clear simulation world for the user. 】

[Please log off the user, collect more additional data, and then try to explore other simulated worlds. 】

Xiaozhi: "."

I don't understand, it's a little brain-burning.

But it's not a big problem, there is already a light in front of him, which cheers Xiaozhi up.

【Start Sims.】

【Your name is Xiaozhi. You were born in Zhenxin Town in the Kanto region. You have lived with your mother Hanako since childhood, and your father is unknown. 】

Xiaozhi nodded, as if there was no difference with his own experience?

In the picture, there is also a picture of my home in Zhenxin Town, and a picture of my childhood playing around and growing up.

It seems that even the personality is exactly the same, mischievous, fearless, full of curiosity about everything

Well, it's just a bear kid.

However, the scenes switched quickly, and Xiaozhi couldn't fully experience the plot before he was 10 years old, and could barely see a few clips.

For example, when I was a child, I ran around in the back mountain of Manzhen New Town and became friends with wild Pokémon

Sneak into the Oki Research Institute and play with Xiaomao, who is also a brat.

Participated in the Damu summer camp and met some children of the same age from other places.

sleepy at big wood lecture


Looking all the way, Xiaozhi was a little puzzled, why it seemed that there was one person missing.

Where's Xiaolan?

Although the screen switches quickly, it seems that Xiaolan does not exist here, which is somewhat different from his memory.

"That's right, it seems that he is not exactly the same as me."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself, this is a simulation of a parallel world, another life of his own.

[On the day you were 10 years old, you finally became a rookie trainer. 】

At this time, the plot came to the starting point of everything, and Xiaozhi quickly stared at the front.

[But on this day, you got up late, and the original three Kanto imperial families were taken away by other newcomer trainers. 】

[You were also mocked by Xiao Mao at the gate. 】

[However, with a disappointed face, you finally got a disobedient Pikachu and officially embarked on a journey as a trainer. 】

Xiaozhi nodded secretly, this scene is exactly what he remembered, without any change.

What he was more curious about was that the next

[You just went out, and you angered a wild sparrow. 】

【You were crazily attacked by a flock of sparrows, you ran away in a panic, and snatched Xiaoxia's bicycle. 】

[Both you and Pikachu are seriously injured. 】

[In desperation, Pikachu exploded with a lightning strike, repelling the flock of sparrows, and you officially established a bond with Pikachu and became friends. 】

Xiaozhi browsed his first trip again, feeling a lot of emotion for a while.

Pikachu at that time was really rebellious!

I was really stunned, I almost died suddenly at the beginning.

It's just that next, he should meet Brother Chi, but he didn't.

There is nothing special except for Ho-Oh who brings the rainbow after the rain.

The next thing is that I brought the seriously injured Pikachu to Changqing City, made friends with Xiaoxia, and was officially entangled by the Rockets trio.

"Is there really no brother Chi?"

Xiaozhi watched with wide-eyed eyes, afraid of missing any details.

Without Brother Chi's intervention, the plot seems a little dull. Especially the growth of his own strength also seems quite slow.

【You travel together with Xiaoxia and Xiaogang. 】

[During this period, you have subdued all the Pokémon such as Bulgaria Seed, Squirtle, and Charmander. 】

[You have defeated many gymnasiums in the Kanto area, but your strength has improved slowly]

The captured Pokémon aren't exactly the same, but they're pretty much the same.

As for the battle in gymnasiums, it seems a bit of a joke. Many gymnasium badges are more like gifts from the owner of the gymnasium?

For example, in the light red gymnasium, the plot of forcing out the strength of Mr. Aju's alliance king did not happen at all.

Also, in Golden City, the scene where he entered the Silver Building with Xiaomao and fought the Rockets head-on didn't happen?

Xiaozhi was a little puzzled. The trip of "Xiaozhi" in front of him seemed much easier?

It's more like repeating, something happens every day, and then the Rockets come out to make trouble, blow up the Rockets, and it's like that.

And the Rockets trio here, do you play too often!

Or let you be the protagonist!

Watching the Rockets come on stage frequently, Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

And as Xiaozhi in this world collected all eight badges, the plot naturally came to the Quartz Alliance.

Xiaozhi cheered up a little bit, he remembered that at this conference, the royal masked man from the Alola region frantically fried fish and killed them in various ways, he was really new.

But the Quartz Conference in another world is much more dull.

Even the strength of "myself" is much inferior, and I took a team of babies to participate in the competition.

The first battle was very handsome, with the giant claw crab wearing three.

Then there's the round of 32 and the round of 16.

Facing Ahong at the end, because the disobedient Charizard lost his will to fight, "I" also completely fell to the top 16 of Quartz.

"Charizard, hurry up and fight! I beg you!!"

Especially looking at the "self" in the picture, who kept begging and begging from behind, while the charizard on the field was just sleeping soundly on his side, yawning lazily in response, giving the opponent a promotion in vain.

Xiaozhi: "."

It seems that by accident, I saw a terrible black history!

So in this world, although the time is similar, is he still just a fledgling rookie when it comes to the Quartz Conference?

The command ability is average, and the Pokémon have hardly evolved, and the strength is average.

The only evolved fire-breathing dragon, but also very rebellious and disobedient

He remembered that his fire-breathing dragon, when it first evolved into a fire dinosaur, also had some signs of rebellion.

But after being beaten up by himself, he immediately became a loyal partner.

The reason why there are two "selves" with such a huge difference.

"Is it because of Brother Chi?"

Xiao Zhi's heart sank, the only difference seemed to be the soul of this big guy from another world?

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