He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2057 Ash's Sims

"Well, it's understandable that I lost the first alliance conference."

Xiaozhi quickly accepted the fact that he won the top 16 in the Quartz Conference.

It's not a big problem, he also saw the miserable situation of Xiaomao winning the top 32!

Xiaozhi secretly laughed in his heart, this guy is worse than himself!

Find a chance and let Xiaomao try this Acroma simulator!

But from the looks of it, this Xiaomao seemed more unlucky.

His strength is much stronger than that of Xiaozhi in the same period, and the Pokémon on his body are also in their final form, with strong strength

But when he met a ruthless character, he was unlucky enough to be eliminated before reaching the top 16.

What happened next didn't make much difference.

[You received the task of delivering the GS ball from Dr. Oki. 】

[On the way to the Orange Islands, you met Xiaojian and decided to challenge the local Orange League. 】

[Your strength began to improve, and finally successfully defeated the chief trainer Yuji, and dominated the Tangerine Alliance. 】

Seeing the battle of all members in the front screen, Xiao Zhi became a little bit agitated.

This is Xiaozhi's first 6v6 in his life, right?

Although the Quartz Conference may seem like a joke, the battle of the Orange Alliance is much more serious.

The rebellious fire-breathing dragon is obedient, and there are many powerful Pokémon such as Kirbymon and Chenglong.

"The next step is the Silver League, right?"

Xiaozhi is completely fascinated by watching it, and will not feel bored because some plots are similar to his own experience.

【You and Xiaoxia, Xiaogang embarked on a journey again, came to Ruoye Town, and started the adventure in the Chengdu area. 】

【You tamed new Pokémon and released some old ones at the same time. 】

[Because you are no longer a newcomer, your journey of collecting badges has become much easier and more comfortable. 】

The screen kept flowing, and when they arrived in the Johto area, most of the Pokémon in the Kanto area were placed in Dr. Oki's backyard for the elderly.

During the period, except for the first challenge when facing the owner of the Manjin Gym—Xiaoqian, which was a bit tragic, the other battles showed the appearance of a mature trainer.

"Not bad. Now, my Silver Alliance Conference should be stable, right?"

Seeing this "Little Zhi" summoning the fire-breathing dragon back from the fire-breathing dragon valley, and defeating the powerful dragon house owner Xiao Chun, Xiaozhi straightened his back immediately.

Although he was eliminated by fried fish at the Quartz Conference.

But at the Silver Conference, they made it all the way to the final, and staged a final battle with Xiao Mao on the final stage, successfully winning the championship.

Even later, there was an exhibition match at the level of Tianwang Lihua with Tianwang Lihua.

He wants to see what little Zhi in this world can achieve this time?

【You are already a mature trainer. In the Silver Conference, you successfully passed the preliminaries and the group round robin. 】

[You played against Xiao Mao in the round of 16. 】

[After a fierce battle, you defeated Xiao Mao, advanced to the top 8, and successfully retired Xiao Mao. 】

"Did you match up so quickly?"

Xiaozhi looked at the fierce 6v6 battle in front of him, and finally the fire-breathing dragon vs. water arrow turtle

Although the level is not as good as my own in the same period, the competition is quite exciting.

Fast forward fast forward!

He began to look forward to the final results of this "Xiaozhi" Silver Conference.

[Because you lost to Ye Yue in the quarterfinals, and ended up in the quarterfinals of the Silver Conference. 】

[Although you are very disappointed, you still regain your strength and continue to move towards the path of Pokémon Master. 】

Xiaozhi: "?"

Why did it feel like it was about to take off. Then it fell down immediately?

Is the opponent Ye Yue?

Xiaozhi has the impression that he has also fought against Ye Yue in this world. He is a very sophisticated elite trainer, and his trump card is a flame chicken.

In the end, I lost to the opponent in the extreme state, so I can barely accept it.

And this Ye Yue was also unlucky. Because the ace flame chicken was too injured, he couldn't be sent to the stage the next day. After forcing out all the opponents, he stopped in the top four.

This opponent also successfully won the championship after that.

"Rounding up, Ye Yue should be the champion in this Silver Conference, and "I" should be the runner-up."

Xiaozhi stroked his chin and secretly analyzed.

However, starting from the top 8, the strength of the players is basically the same, and they all hit the last one under the limit of 6v6.

Whoever loses wins, even depends on luck.?

Here the simulation seems to have completed its first phase.

After a bit of buffering, we entered the second stage of the screen.

"Okay, the top 16 of the Quartz Conference, the top 8 of the Silver Conference. I want to see when I can win the championship!"

Xiaozhi let out a little breath, and had completely substituted himself in.

The Quartz Tournament was really good, but at the Silver Tournament, even if Xiaozhi won the championship directly, he was still qualified.

Next, it should be the Caiyou Conference in the Fangyuan area, right?

[In order to start again, you put all the Pokémon in Zhenxin Town, and the only one took Pikachu to the Fangyuan area. 】

【Along the way, you got to know Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng's siblings, and your former teammate Xiaogang, and the four traveled together. 】

"Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng?"

Xiaozhi blinked, a little surprised.

And this picture of four people forming a team is somewhat familiar, as if I have seen it somewhere before.?

[Your trainer level is not low, and your command ability is mature. Even if you use a newly captured Pokémon, you can get started quickly. 】

[In the face of all kinds of Gym Masters, you can defeat them one by one with ease. 】

[As a senior in the team, you often teach Xiaoyao fighting skills. 】

Xiaozhi nodded again and again, "my" strength was finally on the right track.

It seems that there is also a plot of being a teacher.

However, this process didn't last long. The newcomer trainer, Xiaoyao, soon no longer needed his own help to improve.

One second he was new, but the next second he became a trainer not inferior to himself

The process always feels a bit abrupt?

[Facing the offensive of Team Lava and Team Ocean, you and your friends jointly searched Guandu and successfully prevented the disaster from happening. 】

【In Larousse City, you witnessed the battle between Rift and Deoxys.】

[In Ouludran City, you awakened the power of waveguide for the first time]

These are some special plots in the process, which are very heroic and serious, and each plot seems to be very dangerous, the kind that can destroy the world.

"Wait a minute, I remember!"

Seeing Likongzao and Deoxys fighting restrainedly and fiercely over a high-tech city, Xiaozhi fully reacted.

At the beginning, because of the empty seat, he accidentally traveled to another parallel world.

In Larousse City, he even met another version of himself.

At that time, the travel partner of "Xiaozhi" was Xiaoyao, Xiaosheng and Xiaogang's team, right?

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