He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2061 Kona: such a wonderful start

"Output to external electronics."

Akromar is listening to feedback from two users.

It is somewhat difficult to actually output the simulated image to the real screen.

After all, the operating mechanism of this simulator is somewhat metaphysical, and to a large extent, it depends on the operation of this magical Pokémon Illustrated Book.

But you can try it.

It's just a prototype now, he should be able to add more things in the 2.0 version.

"Miss Kona, it's our turn~!"

"Well, let's get started."

On the other hand, watching the scene where Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia talked excitedly about the simulated plot, Mingyi and Kona also became very interested.

The two hurriedly imitated Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, sitting on the sofa in a comfortable posture, and put on the headset.


With Rotom's shy sound, the simulator started up again, allowing the consciousness of the two to gradually sink into the depths of their minds

Seeing that nothing went wrong, Xiao Zhicai turned his head and continued to discuss the experience just now.

"By the way, Mr. Acromar, can Pikachu wear it too?"

He couldn't help asking, the "Pikachu" in that world was also outrageous, and his strength fluctuated too much.

However, he couldn't find any flaws in acting.

Look, this is the old drama in Pikachu!

"Pokémon is not available yet~"

Akromar smiled and said, his gaze casually fell in the direction of the sofa user.

Miss Kona and Mingyi sat on their backs, their chests subconsciously raised up a little, making their already proud chests wider.

"Cough cough."

Akromar coughed quickly and turned his gaze away.

Although the picture is beautiful, it is not enough.

If he makes a female robot, it can be even bigger!

And Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia interacted and exchanged each other's simulation experience.

"Hey, is there no difference between me in your simulated world?"

Xiaoxia is a little confused. According to Xiaozhi, there seems to be no big difference between the two worlds.

Looking at the other person's expression, Xiaozhi was surprised instead.

"Is there a big difference between me?"

Previously, Xiaoxia was always talking about Shui Jun and so on, so he thought he had no role to play.

"Well anyway, um."

Listening to Xiaozhi's inquiry, Xiaoxia's complexion changed a little, a little unnatural, and she faltered in her mouth.

In the end, I couldn't say anything, so I could only slam the table.

"Anyway, no matter which world it is, Xiaozhi, you are just a piece of wood!"

After finishing speaking, she folded her chest and turned her head, as if she didn't want to communicate with him in a short time.

Xiaozhi: "?"

What happened?

Could it be that the "self" in that world joined the Rockets and became a villain?


As the third person, Akromar watched quietly from the side, sometimes making light laughs, as if seeing through everything.

It seems that both of them have appeared in each other's simulated world. But the direction of the plot is completely different.

This represents a parallel world, not just one, but multiple!

Could it be that in another world, the fellow villagers in front of you are still a couple?

Of course, Akromar didn't ask this question, and it can be recorded in the experiment log later.

On the other hand, the simulations of Kona and Mingyi also started one after another.

[Acromar Simulator version 1.0, I am very happy to serve you. 】

[Start collecting integrated data now.]

There is no change in the beginning, and Rotom is still used as an intermediary to integrate the data information of the two different worlds.

There was no movement on Mingyi's side, and Kona was the first to respond, and soon there was a picture in front of him, and he entered the actual simulation state.

[Collection and integration completed, character: Kona. Hometown: Kanto region, Seven Islands. 】

【Start Sims.】

Kona fixed his eyes a little, this experience is really very novel.

If there is a self in another world, it should also be an elegant and independent ice and snow woman, right?

[You have lived in the Seven Islands in the southern waters of the Kanto region since childhood, and Laplace in the ice cave in the back mountain is your initial Pokémon. 】

[With a strong fighting talent, your trainer level is increasing rapidly, and there are few trainers in the Seven Islands who are your opponents. 】

【You imagine that one day in the future, you will leave your hometown and become an outstanding ice attribute trainer. 】

"What a wonderful start~"

Seeing this background introduction, Kona nodded with a smile on his face.

I am almost like this too. When I was a child, I lived in the Seven Islands, leisurely and free.

So even if he has become the king of the alliance now, whenever he has free time, Kona will go back to his hometown and take a leisurely vacation.

But just when Kona thought the plot was so natural, the picture suddenly changed, and the color of the sky became a little dim.

Even in the ear, there seems to be a sad bgm.

[However, due to human wanton sea activities, unrestrained hunting, and ecological destruction, the environment of the Seven Islands has gradually become worse. 】

[Because you can't change anything, this makes your originally sunny and positive heart start to become dark and extreme. 】

【You start to hate creatures like humans. 】

Kona: "???"

Why did the screen suddenly change like this? !

In the picture, the "self" whose expression is gradually collapsing, often clenches his fists and stares viciously at the passing ship king on the sea.

Kona couldn't help but twitched his mouth.

Wait a minute, the "self" in this world is not a villain, is it?

[The suppressed emotions finally broke out one day. 】

[You saw the dying little sea lion that was washed ashore due to the operation of human hunting boats, your hatred for human beings has reached its peak. 】

[Humans are such pest creatures, damn them. 】

Kona: "."

Well, sure enough, I'm going to become a villain.

The "self" in the picture is almost directly driving the dragon to kill and destroy the ship.

[At this time, you met Chrysanthemum, who came to find a powerful trainer with the same ambition as her. 】

【She fell in love with you, and explained to you the ideal of eradicating human atrocities and the world belonging to Pokémon. 】

[In the darkness, you seem to have found your way, and you immediately agree with this point of view. 】

[Now, you are gay. 】

Kona: "."

From the very beginning, her face has become full of black lines.

It turned out that it wasn't just his own blackening.

In this world, even big sister Chrysanthemum has become black! ?

In my own world, although Sister Juzi's behavior is usually sinister, she is just a knife mouth, and she is still very good to her, or to other people.

But here, she has completely turned into a vicious, extreme villain old woman!

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