He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2062 Xiaozhi, I almost killed you

[Juzi introduced Xiba and Du to you, and you confirmed each other's ideal goals. 】

[In order to eradicate the evil deeds of human beings, you have formed an evil gang named "Four Heavenly Kings", lurking and observing the Kanto region, waiting for opportunities to act. 】

Kona was a little surprised, and made a fuss for a long time, so "I" is still the Four Heavenly Kings?

But in his own world, the Four Heavenly Kings of the Alliance is an official organization, representing the authority of the Pokémon Alliance.

But in this world, the Four Heavenly Kings are a private organization and have nothing to do with the official alliance.

And the "Du" in this world also looked very gloomy and extreme, completely different from the handsome and righteous Du he knew.

Although they all like to be behind the back, just wear an inexplicable cloak.

"Mr. Shiba is about the same."

Kona couldn't help but complain.

Although he joined the villain organization, Shiba in the picture doesn't seem to have any criminal thoughts in his mind, and he just wants to find some powerful partners to improve his strength.

No matter where he goes, Mr. Shiba only has muscles in his mind.

[The Rockets are making a big fuss, but your Four Heavenly Kings gang has been lurking and hiding, not taking any action, and observing the battle situation. 】

[At the alliance meeting, you first saw the powerful strength of Xiaozhi in Zhenxin Town. 】

[Realizing that Xiaozhi may become an obstacle to your future actions, you and Juzi decided to kill Xiaozhi. 】

Kona's simulated situation is somewhat similar to Xiaoxia's.

The "Xiaozhi" in the first picture looks different from the one outside now.

But it was forcibly corrected soon, and turned into Xiaozhi's face and facial features that he was familiar with.

"I didn't expect that there would be an assassination link, am I so evil!"

Although a little uncomfortable with the plot, this "Kona" is a cruel and ruthless executioner.

But Kona also became inexplicably excited in his heart.

[You and Chrysanthemum plan to let Shiba and Xiaozhi fight in Yuejian Mountain. 】

[When the energy of the two is exhausted, you and Juzi will fight out forcefully. 】

【Juzi controlled Xiba, and you were vicious and vicious and froze Xiaozhi into an ice sculpture. 】

[As for Xiao Zhi's only Pokémon that escaped - Pikachu, you started chasing after him, planning to avoid future troubles forever. 】

Cooperating with the picture, Kona couldn't help feeling a little scalp numb.

Such a ruthless "self", completely killing all of them!

Looking at Xiaozhi who was completely frozen into an ice sculpture and had no breath, Kona was not sure whether the former was still alive.

While worrying about "Xiaozhi" in his heart, Kona also had an idea.

In other words, why not take the opportunity to give another kick and completely break the ice sculpture?

[Finally, you are all ready. 】

[The Four Heavenly Kings Group began to attack the Kanto region on a large scale, preparing to completely take over the domination of this world. 】

The next scene seems to have entered a war.

In several cities around the world, rioting ice, fighting, and ghost-type Pokémon frequently appeared, launching disaster-level raids on the cities.

These are the combat power that their Four Heavenly Kings organization has secretly accumulated for many years.

The local gymnasium owners united again to actively resist the attack and fight hard

"Tuigui, is that world so exciting?"

Kona exclaimed inwardly.

After all, in the world she lived in, such a thing had never happened before.

At least since she served as the king of the alliance, there has never been any large-scale riots in the Kanto region.

Even the local villain organization, the Rockets, is developing a contest in secret, and will never move to the surface, and there will be no direct war.

Kona was a little curious about his ending.

According to normal logic, their "Four Heavenly Kings" organization should be the character who was defeated by the decent protagonist and finally repented, right?

[In the end, you were defeated by the righteous trainer. So did the other three heavenly kings. 】

【Your actions have completely failed, which has shaken your original beliefs. 】

[The four of you fled and scattered, hiding, and you returned to your hometown, the Seven Islands. 】

The plot was not as expected by Ke Na. Their Four Heavenly Kings organization looked very strong, but they were broken at the first touch, and they were defeated immediately.

"Next, it should be my turn to clean up, right?"

Kona has roughly understood the operating mechanism of this simulator, and will even rush to answer it in advance.

[During an operation to protect your hometown, you witnessed the residents of the Seven Islands, and they were also working hard to protect Pokémon. 】

[Your thinking has begun to change, so you no longer destroy, but use protection as the principle of action. 】

【You have been honored. 】

In the picture, the final scene of "Kona" working side by side with the residents of the Seven Islands tends to be the expectation of Kona at the beginning.

While the process was a bit ridiculously tortuous, the result was the same.

The later whitewashed "Kona" even joined forces with the protagonists to resist the new evil forces and became a righteous warrior.

In the end, it even officially established contact with the local official alliance, and was awarded the title of the real "Four Heavenly Kings"

As the saying goes, there is a Pokémon with evil attributes living in everyone's heart.

"Unfortunately, why didn't I experience this...?"

After the experience, Kona couldn't help complaining, feeling a little regretful.

In comparison, my own life has no waves.

When he was a child, he became a partner with Chenglong. When he was 10 years old, Kona beat up all the trainers in the Seven Islands.

At the age of 11, he also beat up the trainers of the adjacent Orange Islands.

Then there is the Kanto region, the Union Conference

There was no difficulty, and Kona became the king of the alliance very smoothly.

Now it seems that such a life is really boring~

【. Above, this simulation is over. 】

【Thank you for using Acroma Simulator 1.0. After using it, please be sure to give feedback and suggestions for improvement. 】

At the end of the simulation, the picture in front of him gradually became dim, and Kona's consciousness was withdrawn, and he regained consciousness

In reality, in the hall of the villa.

The few people who were still chatting suddenly saw that Kona was awake and took off the device, and they all surrounded him curiously.

"How about it, Miss Kona, what is your parallel world like!?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help asking.

Kona is much older than them, and naturally has more experience.

Maybe Kona in another world has a more special life?

But the waking up time is a bit short, so it's hard to say.

"Um, what should I say?"

Kona shook his head slightly, but he hadn't recovered from his other "self", who was once an evil villain.

After a while, he looked at Xiaozhi and said bluntly:

"Xiaozhi, in that world, I almost killed you."

Xiaozhi: "?"

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