He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2064 special people in Hezhong area

At the same time, deep in Mingyi's consciousness.

The data information of the Akroma simulator has actually been integrated, and the simulation operation has started.

For others it is a normal simulation, but to Mingyi here.

"Huh? Why is there no picture?"

Mingyi opened his eyes deep in his brain, and looked around curiously.

It's dark all around so everyone is a dark scene?

This state lasted for a long time, and Mingyi suddenly felt that his head became very swollen.

It seems that there are countless memory fragments pouring into the head at the same time, but there is only so little space at the entrance that is about to burst open!

In an instant, she saw many pictures.

For example, a dark-skinned girl who uses a dragon-type Pokémon to fight for the league title?

For example, I am riding on a gray-white, strangely shaped, asymmetrical ice dragon. This terrifying dragon can even transform into a flame-like frost.

He also engaged in a tournament-like scuffle with many trainers of the same age?

There is even a picture of myself wearing a plasma team uniform, and then being arrested by a young boy who looks like an international patrol, and wearing a silver bracelet?

Mingyi covered her head, feeling unwell, but also full of questions.

"What the hell?!"

These are their own simulation scenarios.

According to Akromar, are these things that the parallel world self is actually experiencing?

It must be too much!

Just now I heard Xiaozhi Xiaoxia and the others, isn't there only one plot direction?

And after such a comparison, it seems that the current self is the most ordinary one?

As the messy and miscellaneous information kept pouring into his brain, Mingyi felt that his brain was going to burn up, and his consciousness was almost unable to support it.

"Don't come in, it's already full!"

She tried to resist loudly in the dark, but there was no response.


At this time, a drop of blue water suddenly landed in the darkness in front of him, and spread out in the form of ripples, causing a light blue film to form on Mingyi's body.

Most of the discomfort in the brain was instantly eliminated.

Mingyi blinked, looked curiously at the hands around her, and then her face showed joy:

"Is this... Xiaozhi's waveguide power?"

She had seen Xiaozhi use the waveguide power a few times before, and his appearance was very similar.

Sure enough, the next moment, Mingyi heard Xiaozhi's familiar loud roar from a distance:

"Hey, hey, can you hear me, Mingyi, wake up quickly!"

"wake up?"

Mingyi blinked her eyes suspiciously, could it be that I had auditory hallucinations?

But with the connection of this waveguide power, it is much easier for Mingyi to interrupt or even wake up this time.

With a thought, consciousness gradually leaves the depths of the brain.

in reality.

After a while, Ming Yi woke up leisurely on the sofa.

After sleeping for a full hour, she woke up suddenly and was still a little dazed, but then there was an inexplicable soreness and discomfort in her brain, which made her subconsciously press her temples.

"Finally woke up Mingyi~!"

Seeing this, Xiaoxia cried out in surprise, and carefully lifted Mingyi up.

"It's okay, Mingyi, you've been lying down for an hour."

Hearing Xiaozhi's question, and several people around him staring at him, with the tension on his face still not completely dissipated, Mingyi was also at a loss.

"It's all right. Did something happen just now?"

The soreness in his head disappeared after a while, Mingyi got up and moved his arms, but he didn't feel anything.

Looking at Kona, who was using the machine together, he had already stood up, and there was a pink shell hippopotamus beside him.

"Hey, Ms. Kona, are you finished too?"

Ke Na nodded, seeing that nothing happened to Ming Yi, he took back his dumb hippo.

From the looks of it, she was just deeply hypnotized, right?

It is said that some people do have a physique that is "easy to be hypnotized".

Seeing that Mingyi was safe, Akromar also breathed a sigh of relief, and then stepped forward to apologize to the former.

"I'm sorry, Mingyi, it's all my problem today. I let someone else use a failed product, and almost had an accident."

"Such a machine, don't mind!"

As he said that, Akromar's face became ruthless, and he immediately raised the chair next to him, ready to smash the machine directly.

Ming Yi was taken aback by this action, did something happen to him just now?

"Wait a moment!"

"Don't worry!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia hurriedly blocked Akroma from left to right.

It's a pity to destroy the painstaking efforts of more than ten days

And the three of them, can't they all function normally?

They still want to continue to experience the plot of version 2.0 in the future.

No matter what, Xiaoxia has to wake up her "self" in another world.

To be a human being, you need to be decisive, Suicune Xiaozhi or something, grasp it with both hands, don't let any one go!

Xiaozhi, on the other hand, has a high degree of trust in Acromar's craftsmanship, and doesn't think it's a problem with the machine.

The machine is fine, if Rotom is fine.

And the three of them, including Mr. Akromar, have also used it, so the four users are all fine.

"Then is it possible that it is actually Mingyi's problem?"

Xiaozhi made a bold guess.

Mingyi: "?"

She pointed to her own face, puzzled.

"By the way, Mingyi, have you seen any scenes? Tell me quickly."

Xiaoxia also became curious, seeing that Akromar had eased up a lot and had already put down his chair, so she hurriedly asked.

"The scene I saw was a mass of darkness, and then many memory fragments appeared at the same time, incoherent and intermittent, and I couldn't understand what those "self" were going through."

"Then my head was throbbing with pain, and finally I woke up when I heard Xiaozhi's call."

Mingyi replied truthfully.

The "her" in that parallel world seems to have many highlights.

But looking back now, it's a pity that I can't fully remember it!

Hearing this, Xiaozhi and the others looked at each other, showing such expressions.

Sure enough, Mingyi should be the key to the problem.

"Could it be that Mingyi is also an existence like me?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help thinking about it.

After all, every time he travels to an area, he can meet some special people who are connected with his "self" in another world.

And every contact method is different.

The special person in the Hezhong area, the powerful international patrol officer Heici, should be counted as one, but Xiaozhi didn't find the second one.

No, maybe the Douzi whom Raven City knew before could also be counted as one?

Douzi's mental insight is obviously far superior to that of his peers, and even Pokémon battles are very strong and mature.

Then Ming Yi in front of me, is he also such a special person?

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