He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2065 Mingyi...resuscitated?

Chapter 2065 Is Mingyi enlightened?

"Anyway, find a chance in the future and ask Mingyi again."

Xiaozhi didn't speculate too much, and planned to find a time to tell Mingyi all the secrets of brother Chi, to see if the latter could remember anything.

Perhaps Mingyi himself is such a special person, that an unexpected error occurred when the simulator was running?

Seeing that Akromar was still standing there in a state of despair, lacking energy, the blue satellite-shaped long hairs on the top of his head were all wilted.

"In short, Mr. Akromar, I can absolutely trust your craftsmanship!"

Xiaozhi quickly patted the latter on the shoulder and encouraged him aloud.

"Eh, I don't know what happened, but I also think there should be nothing wrong with the machine."

Next to him, Mingyi also agreed.

And it seems that after waking up this time, I always feel that there seems to be something extra in my body?

But Mingyi couldn't say what it was, he just felt weird and a little uncomfortable.


But Akromar didn't answer.

As an impeccable scientist, the occurrence of a defective product in his hands seemed to have hit him unexpectedly hard, and he could not listen to comfort at all.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi could only sigh helplessly.

Lack of stress.

But Mr. Akromar himself is a mature person, and he doesn't need their comfort. Maybe he will recover in a few days.

A few people were not bothering the former, they chatted and dispersed.

After the novelty of the simulator was over, everyone's itinerary was back on track again.

Xiaozhi still brought a kind of uneven baby brigade, and actively engaged in training under the sun and the beach every day.

Xiao Zhi who was "targeted" in another world made him full of energy now.

If I don't work hard, I may be maliciously targeted someday in the future!

"There is also Huche. Xiaozhi from another world, I will remember him!"

"The next time I see this trainer, I will help you take a good breath and regain your original glory!"

Suddenly thinking of the scene where Xiao Zhi was brutally killed by 6v5, Xiao Zhi secretly cheered him on.

I hope that Xiaozhi in the next world will no longer be unlucky, be targeted maliciously, win the championship as soon as possible, and even go further!

Speaking of which, Master Huche should be near Lianyi Town now, right?

Maybe we can still meet?

If I had known earlier, I would have done it someday!

"Everyone, let's exercise and run on this beach in Lianyi Town!"

So Xiaozhi led a team of babies and started running a marathon along the long and narrow coastline of Lianyi Town from south to north, to see if he could find Master Huche.

Hey, why did I subconsciously add the suffix of master?

On the other side, on the sea, Xiaoxia is wearing sunglasses, sitting on the back of a dragon fishing leisurely, trying to collect some water-type Pokémon that are rare in the Hezhong area.

And Naruto released her own Pokémon on the beach, and she is also exercising.

Before, her training was all based on intuition and preference, which was very unprofessional.

Or the assistance of Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia, but the help is not too great

But today, when she saw her group of Pokémon, plus the appearance of the four Pokémon in front of her, a set of perfectly suitable breeding routes was naturally born in her mind.

"Hayok, don't just train your lightning teeth. You can master both freezing teeth and flame teeth at the same time, and even the freezing light and flame-throwing moves can be learned."

"Try to feel the adaptive power that belongs to ordinary-type Pokémon!"


Hearing Mingyi's rather professional term suddenly popped out of his mouth, Hayoke was a little stunned.

Isn't my own trainer a cute one?

However, Hayok is a mature Pokémon, and soon tried to follow what Mingyi said, closing his eyes and feeling his own power.

Pokémon with general attributes do not have outstanding advantages, but Panacea itself is an advantage.

When seeing the Four Seasons Deer, Ming Yi blurted out again:

"Four Seasons Deer, when releasing your energy ball moves, focus on the petals above your head, that is the source of your strength!"

When the Four Seasons Deer evolves into a Budding Deer, a pair of big horns will grow on the top of its head.

Putting the focus of exercise on the top of the head in advance will allow future budding deer to use their powerful strength earlier.


Sijilu was stunned. Although he didn't understand much, Mingyi's confident voice could undoubtedly give Pokémon strength.

You must know that when Ming Yi spoke in the past, he always had no confidence and was soft and weak.

The Four Seasons Deer quickly stepped aside, trying to condense energy balls from the petals above their heads instead of releasing them from their mouths like before.

After blurting out these targeted training methods, even Mingyi stood there in a daze after he finished speaking.

What the hell, how do I know this knowledge?

But when the zebra came to her, Mingyi still subconsciously came up with the training method:

"Zebra, what you have to do now is to try to control your electric shock while running or try to speed up your running speed when releasing electric shock."

"When you can control your running and electric shock at the same time, it is enough to evolve, even stronger than other lightning zebras."


Hearing this, the zebra got excited all of a sudden.

A blue electric shock burst out from the pony's body, and immediately started running on the beach with its short legs, sparks and lightning along the way, stirring the sand on the ground.

After saying this, Mingyi was taken aback again.

"rice wine."

As the otter who was most familiar with his trainer, he was stunned for a while.

Has my trainer been taken away by some villain?

How can you say so many things at once?

Could it be possible.

Did you study in private? !

"Rice wine rice wine!!"

This made the aggressive otter scream angrily.

Even if he secretly introverts himself, if the amazing Pokémon is so introverted, it will also introvert!

Otter ran over with his face, yelling for Mingyi to train himself well.

"Well, the move of the holy sword is not easy to master in the case of otters, but it is not impossible to do it."

"Next you swing the scallops, but don't swing them on the shore, go underwater and use the resistance of the water to increase the training intensity."

Mingyi subconsciously replied again.

"Rice wine! Rice wine!!"

After getting the information, the water otter looked excited, and immediately jumped out of the nearby sea water, took out the scallop and waved it.

It also has to amaze everyone!

And Xiaoxia, who has been fishing on the nearby sea, watched the entire scene, and her sunglasses almost fell into the water.

Since she is not familiar with the Pokémon in the Hezhong area, she can't help Naruto's training.

Why all of a sudden, Ming Yi, who was still cute yesterday, has become a master trainer today? !

"Mingyi is... enlightened?"

Xiaoxia gasped in amazement.

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