He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2296 Qinghai wave tragedy (final)

"As expected of a quasi-god, he is really strong..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help admiring, saying that he had traveled more than half of the Hezhong area, why didn't he meet a Pokémon with three dragons and a family.

In this way, the small group of quasi-gods in their hometown can also add a newcomer.


However, the poor start also sharpened the eyes of the gangster crocodile.

On the other side of the watching seats, Chaochaozhu was still doing push-ups up and down, panting constantly.

But the Abandoned Monkey next to him suddenly took off his sunglasses and threw them far into the arena.

The gangster crocodile understood, leaped up immediately, took the sunglasses and put them on the eyes, and finally landed firmly.

"Give up drinking~!"

The Abandoned Monkey let out a low cry, folded his hands on his chest, and signaled that the current gangster crocodile is eligible to get his sunglasses back.


After putting on the sunglasses again, the crocodile's aura continued to rise, and he gave a manly thumbs up to the Forsaken Monkey in the audience.


This made Chaochaozhu, who was still doing push-ups, a little bit off guard.

Why does Mr. Monkey seem to be able to form a cp with anyone...

When it comes to myself, the only thing left is to train myself to be a pig for abandoning the world! ?

"Uh, let's talk about carrying props on the spot during the battle..."

The referee Xi Ziyi wanted to say something, but Hu Che on the other side waved his hand and said triumphantly:

"It doesn't matter, it's just a friendly match~ No matter what your gangster crocodile does, it is impossible to defeat my invincible three-headed dragon~!!"

"Really, let's see the next outcome."

Wen Yan Xiaozhi also showed a smile, although the gangster crocodile has not reached his full state, but if he defeats the three evil dragons...

It should be possible now!

"Three evil dragons, use triple attack!"

"The crocodile, use the sharp stone to attack!"

At the beginning of the battle, the three evil dragons raised their heads, and each of the three heads condensed a kind of attribute energy, and then three energy rays were fired together.

And the rogue crocodile gathered sharp gravel all over its body, and they also flew out together!

Boom boom boom! !

The two moves collided and exploded in the center of the arena, causing a burst of smoke and dust.

In the fuzzy smoke and dust, Hu Che vaguely saw an afterimage of blue light coming quickly...

"Hurry up to the sky!!"

The three evil dragons immediately flapped their wings and flew into the air.

The rogue crocodile, whose dragon claws had condensed in the smoke, missed the opportunity. The blue light dragon claws did not hit the target, leaving a blue afterimage in the air.

"Does it even hide dragon-type moves? It's really dangerous..."

Hu Che breathed a sigh of relief, but since your move failed, it's my turn.

"Defeat it at once, use Dragon God to dive!!"

Just in time, the three evil dragons were high in the sky, and a burst of dark blue dragon energy burst out of their black and blue bodies, covering them in an energy coat.

In an instant, the three evil dragons turned into a huge and fierce blue flying dragon, swooped down from the air, and attacked the gangster crocodile!

The momentum is majestic, the speed is strange, and there is no time to dodge.

Boom! !

The dragon god dived and exploded, and exploded directly at the position of the rogue crocodile, forming a majestic explosion!

This scene also made the corner of Huche's mouth twitch, now it's stable!

As expected of his secret weapon, he completely defeated the opponent!


However, the smoke hadn't completely dissipated yet, Xiao Zhi's eyes suddenly fixed, and the corners of his mouth raised.


Even the three evil dragons flew up again, and the three heads shook from side to side, a little confused.

Seems like... didn't hit the target?

"Now, use shoot down!"

The next moment, the gangster crocodile suddenly dug a hole from the ground and came to the back of the three evil dragons.

It jumped up, with white light attached to one of its sharp claws, and then it slammed at the three evil dragons.

boom! !

Being hit by a palm, this caused pain on the back of the three evil dragons.

More importantly, at the same moment, I seemed to be unable to control my wings, no matter how I swung my body, my body was falling straight...


The three evil dragons fell directly to the ground, their bodies clinging to the ground, making it difficult to get up.

"Ah, what happened?!"

The sudden change changed Hu Che's face.

Xiaozhi smiled smugly in his heart. Naturally, the gangster crocodile used digging to escape at the last moment when the opponent used Dragon God to dive, and then waited for an opportunity to counterattack with shooting down.

But if a general trainer calls it out directly, the intention is completely exposed...

It's not a big problem, Xiaozhi's waveguide power, even the power of fetters, has the ability to communicate and command Pokémon silently, which can completely surprise him!

As a ground-type Pokémon, once it faces a flying Pokémon, it can't be used at all...

Xiaozhi is a good brother, so he naturally let the gangster crocodile practice the magical skill of "shooting down" in advance.

Looking at the three evil dragons still struggling to take off on the ground, Xiaozhi's face tightened, and he suddenly said:

"Get rid of it, use the strongest dragon claw!!"

The gangster crocodile understood, and immediately rushed towards the three evil dragons, and the claws on both sides were attached with green light, forming two huge dragon-shaped claws!

"Three evil dragons, don't lose, use Frozen Fang!!"

But after all, the three evil dragons are quasi-gods with extremely high qualities.

Boom! !

Just when the dragon claw hit its chest, three heads bit it at the same time, biting the shoulder of the crocodile all at once, and the icy energy poured out along the teeth in an instant, freezing the crocodile with frost .

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a huge explosion erupted in the center of the arena. Dragon Claw and Frozen Fang hit each other at the same time, and the energy exploded!

"Three evil dragons!!"

"Ah, the crocodile...!"

This made the two trainers at both ends look anxious at the same time. Huche didn't expect the gangster crocodile to make such a strong attack, and Xiaozhi also didn't expect the three evil dragons to be able to counterattack...

As the explosion smoke dissipated, a large gravel pit was cracked in the center of the arena.

As for the rogue crocodile and the three evil dragons, they both fell down in the center of the crater at this moment, and the pupils of both sides turned into vortex eyes.

"The crocodile, the three dragons lost their ability to fight at the same time!!"

The referee Xi Ziyi immediately said loudly.

But this battle was obviously won by the gangster crocodile...

As a quasi-god, he was killed by a gangster crocodile that had not fully matured and evolved.

"Good job, croc."

Xiao Zhichang let out a breath, and took the bully crocodile back.

Although Hu Che is a little stunned, this quasi-god bred it is not particularly good...

But after all, the three evil dragons are perfect quasi-gods, and their own qualities are still very good.

It's not a big problem, the rogue crocodile can continue to grow.

"Damn... the three evil dragons lost?!"

But on the other side, Huche was not as open-minded as Xiaozhi, and his expression became flustered again.

The three-headed dragon was his secret weapon, but in the end he only killed one rogue crocodile... and fell down by himself!

Next, I only have the last two Pokémon left, and Xiaozhi still has the combat power of five!



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