He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2297 Qinghai Wave Tragedy (End)

Seeing Hu Che holding his head on the opposite side with a headache on his face, Xiao Zhi paused and slowed down. Yao

"How about Huche, do you want to continue fighting?"

Although being forced to push the team was no different from a tragedy, after hearing these words, Hu Che still stood up abruptly.

"Fight! Of course we still have to fight! The battle is not over yet!"


Even Riolu who stood beside him had firm eyes and clenched his small fists.

It has to be said that this pair of partners are very similar in temperament.

"Then keep fighting!" Yao said.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi naturally took out the fourth elf ball.

Although Hu Che's command level is a bit different from ordinary people, ups and downs, and the Pokémon's cultivation is not good enough...

But I have to say that all the Pokémon I carry on my body are of very good quality.

The "self" who was hacked into Mengxin Xiaobai will be defeated by 6v5, and there is no injustice.

boom! boom!

The next moment, two Pokémon reappeared at both ends of the field.

"Woo~!!" Yao

Xiaozhi sent the ancestor bird, with a smooth and hard head, and his eyes were a little dull.

The somewhat incompletely developed body of a primitive bird flaps its wings with gorgeous and fancy feathers.

On the other side, Huche sent a strange Pokémon in the shape of a crystal chandelier.

The body of the black iron ring chandelier, with blue and purple will-o'-the-wisps burning on the top of the head and around it, looks very gruesome...

"Beep beep! Crystal lamp fire spirit, ghost and fire attribute, will shake the flame on the arm bracket to hypnotize the opponent, and then absorb its soul and burn it, making it a walking dead Lotor~!"

While introducing, Rotom approached to take pictures.

It only has a cpu, but it has no soul, and it is not afraid of being drained. Yao

The Crystal Lantern Spirit is not a common Pokémon. Only when the Candle Spirit is upgraded to a high level can it evolve into a Light Ghost.

Then you need to use the rare stone of darkness to complete the final evolution - the crystal lantern fire spirit.

"Tsk... These Pokémon of Huche."

In the spectator seats, Mingyi opened his mouth slightly.

It feels like this person seems to have gathered all the Leng Wucai brigades in the Hezhong area!

Grass steel, crystal lamp, three-stage imperial family, three-stage quasi-god, plus an ace that can evolve into Lucario...

Although it was cultivated so-so, it is a very powerful Pokémon itself! Yao

"It's lucky to have these Pokémon..."

Beside, Xiaoxia couldn't help but admire.

Although she is not very familiar with the local Pokémon, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are some outstanding partner choices.

Compared with Hu Che's reckless appearance, it gives people an unexpected sense of contrast.

The battle begins!

"Ancestral Bird, use Lightning Flash!"

As soon as the match started, Xiaozhi yelled out a move that no one could react to. Yao

The Primordial Bird flapped its wings, turned into a beam of straight white light, and slammed into the face of the crystal lamp fire spirit.

"Wait a minute, how is it possible...?"

Although Huche is an educated man, it is common sense that general-attribute moves cannot touch ghost-attribute Pokémon!

"Hey, Progenitor Bird, use Dragon's Breath!!"

Xiaozhi didn't explain, but just chuckled inwardly.

The current characteristics of the Proto-bird have been forcibly corrected from "weakness" to "guts".

The courage characteristic is a well-known ghost-killing characteristic, which can make its general attribute and fighting attribute moves can hit ghost Pokémon normally. Yao

The Progenitor Bird opened its mouth to the maximum, and suddenly a beam of blue-blue gas roared out.

"Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit, use big characters to explode!!"

There were several wisps of ghost fire lights on the Crystal Lantern Huoling, all of which burned violently, forming a big flaming character on the top of the head, and threw it out forcefully!

The mighty big character Blast Flame easily defeated the dragon's breath, and roared towards the ancestor bird.

The level of the crystal lantern fire spirit is definitely not low, and the abuse of vegetables is definitely a skill...

Unfortunately, I met Xiaozhi today.

"Ancestor Bird, use acrobatics!" Yao

The next moment, the progenitor bird fluttered its wings and flew flexibly, successfully bypassing the low-hit move of the big character explosion.

Snapped! !

Even a sharp bird's claw hit the face of the crystal lantern fire spirit, almost kicking the latter's lampshade away.

"Damn it, use the strange light!!"

Hu Che cursed in a low voice, and quickly launched a counterattack.

Crystal Lantern Fire Spirit immediately threw out a strange ball of light, which accurately hit the ancestor bird.

"Woo...?" Yao

This also caused the ancestor bird to fall to the ground all of a sudden, and a circle of confused bird phantoms flew in front of him, falling into a state of chaos.

However, Xiaozhi's command was very direct, and he said:

"Ancestor Bird, hit the ground with a head hammer!!"

The progenitor bird in a state of confusion, although it can't tell the front, back, left, and right directions, it can still tell the up and down.

Bang bang!

He bent his head, and the next moment, a mallet hit the floor directly, like a sledgehammer hitting a rock, making a small hole in the ground.

The violent collision also brought the ancestor bird back to his senses in an instant. Yao

Just a primitive little bird with a stone head and empty, empty eyes, looking very silly...

It was also the first time for Huche to fight a local fossil Pokémon. Although the level of the crystal lamp was at an advantage, his mentality was completely messed up.

"Use big characters to explode!!"

The crystal lantern fire spirit condensed a fiery flame, and once again released this fire attribute big move.


However, in an instant, the ancestor bird's eyes brightened up, flapped its small wings, and dropped a few feathers, and then easily dodged the big-character explosion again.

"It's time to decide the outcome, try your unique move... use the double-edged head mallet!!" Yao

Xiaozhi raised his finger earlier, and immediately roared loudly.


The proto-bird's eyes became sharper, and it flapped its wings and rushed straight. Along the way, its small body continuously burst out with gray-brown energy.

Whoosh! !

In the next moment, two seemingly invincible rock bends stretched out in front of the Progenitor Bird's head, and like a charging bull, it slammed into the target brazenly!

Hu Che was completely flustered, and he couldn't use his "head-wearing stimulation method" in a very short time, so he could only give a random command.

"Hurry up and use your mental force to control it!!" Yao

Crystal Lantern Huoling floated blue light all over his body, and was about to control the rushing ancestor bird...

However, in the face of the ultimate ultimate move of the rock attribute, the brilliance of the mental will was completely shattered in just an instant!

The offensive continued, the sharp horn of the rock collided head-on with the lampshade body of the crystal lantern fire spirit!

Boom! !

The energy of the rock exploded, and the body of the crystal lamp fire spirit was thrown out in an instant, and fell heavily to the ground.

The effect is outstanding!

When the smoke cleared, this high-level crystal lantern fire spirit had completely lost its fighting ability. Yao



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