He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2307 Reverse Mountain and Ice Attribute Pokémon

At the southern foothills of Reverse Mountain, on a gentle slope.

Xiaozhi is leading four little friends over the Reversing Mountain.

It's just that these four are all female companions, and they have different appearances, ages, and temperaments, but none of them are outstanding beauties...

This caused many mountaineering men who passed by to see him, all of them opened their mouths wide and looked at Xiaozhi's back enviously, and then gradually became resentful.

Damn it, bringing so many women is a disgrace to a mountaineering man!


Xiaozhi didn't doubt that he was there, but felt that along the way, the pressure seemed to be getting bigger and bigger.

It's not just the three silly phantom beasts staring at him, there seems to be other gazes...

These are not important.

The terrain of Reverse Mountain is similar to that of Lianyi Town. It is also a long and narrow mountain range from south to north, stretching for dozens of kilometers...

However, the altitude of the mountain road in the south is not high, and there are even man-made stone steps to make it easier for pedestrians to pass through.

It's just that after going up the reverse mountain, the surrounding rock walls and ground are all yellowish brown, with a feeling of a deserted wall, and the climate has become hot and dry, which makes people feel quite depressing.

"Beep! Reverse Mountain is a dormant volcano, adjacent to Lianyi Town, Heishi Town, Shanlu Town and Kame Town~"

Rotom is serving as a travel guide, floating in front, proudly introducing:

"It is said that there is a legendary Pokémon inhabiting the depths of the Reversing Mountain—Sitran! That is the Pokémon Loto that can only appear when the volcano erupts~!"

That is to say, but the last eruption of Reversing Mountain was hundreds of years ago.

So just looking at the surface of the hillside, it doesn't look like a volcano.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, so there is Xido Lanen living in the Hezhong area?

I don't know if I take out a volcanic stone here, can I summon that Sidoran?



Walking at the end, Kona and Bonnie frowned slightly. They are good at ice attributes, but they don't like the environment of this dormant volcano.

The next moment, the two ice attribute kings made a decision, and each took out a poke ball.

When the red light fell, Kona released a Pokémon shaped like ice cream, with a cone-shaped ice cone in the shape of ice crystals underneath, covered with a ball of snow, and even facial expressions on it.

Duo Duo Bing, this is the local ice-type Pokémon Kona took over after he came to the Hezhong area.

The weather was quite hot, and when they saw the ice cream-shaped Duo Duo Bing, Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help casting their fiery gazes and licking their lips.

Like Feiyun ice cream, it seems delicious...

"Beep beep! Dodo ice, ice attribute, the evolution of mini ice, looks exactly like real ice cream, grows your body by drinking clean water, and your body may melt Loto in hot weather~!"

Rotom immediately introduced it seriously, and then turned the camera to another Pokémon.

Bonnie sent a little blue and white ice bear with watery black eyes and a long runny nose, like a baby...

"Beep beep! Sneezy bear, ice attribute, it always has a runny nose, the strong cold air contained in the nose is the energy source of ice attribute moves, and it also reflects whether a sneezing bear is healthy or not, Loto~!"

While filming, Rotom unconsciously flew in front of Mingyi, covering the latter's face with his ipad panel.

Mingyi: "..."

No one really wants to grab the character design of the Toolman from you!

Just like Xiaoxia has conquered many local water-type Pokémon...

During this journey, Kona and Bonnie have also tamed some local ice-type Pokémon, and are going to bring them back to their hometown for cultivation.

And as Duo Duo Bing floated behind everyone, the Sneezy Bear followed with his short legs, dragging his snot that almost reached the ground.

On the dry and hot reverse mountain road, a gust of cold wind suddenly blew from behind.

"Huh... I feel much more comfortable now~"

"Ice-type Pokémon are completely natural air conditioners~"

This made Xiaozhi and his group breathe freely. It is very enjoyable to have an ice-type Pokémon as a companion during the journey!

"Uh, by the way, Ms. Kona, aren't you worried that the ice will melt...?"

But Xiaoxia turned her head and asked curiously, poking the icy ice cream body with her finger.

It should look soft, but it feels hard when you poke it, which is very weird...

"How icy~!"

Duo Bingbing let out a low snort proudly, it is a tough Pokémon that can perform headbutt moves!

"It's not a big problem, no matter how hot the weather is, it's impossible to melt."

Kona replied with a chuckle, looking quite confident.

However, these words caused Rotom to float over immediately angrily. This is despising its authority face to face!

"Rotom is not wrong. Of course, Kona is also correct. As for the reason...I guess it's because the ice doesn't melt~?"

Beside her, Bonnie, who was dressed as a lady and wearing a lavender dress, touched her chin and replied slowly.

With a delicate and fair face, Bonnie's half-pressed eyes are painted with purple eye shadow, adding a bit of charm.

Xiaozhi and the others took a closer look, and found that there were one or two ice crystal corners protruding slightly from the base of Duobingbing ice cream's body, but it was not obvious.

Is this just swallowing a piece of unmelted ice? !

"As expected of Miss Bonnie, she noticed it so easily~"

Kona pushed his glasses, and the business exchanged a wave, explaining:

"Unmelting ice can enhance the power of Pokémon's ice-type moves... Similarly, it can also give Dodo Bing the ability not to melt even in extremely hot weather."

Xiaozhi nodded blankly.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a master of ice attributes. He has just subdued him, and he is already so familiar with the local Pokémon?

"Only in the battle of ice-type Pokémon, can I defeat Kona Master..."

Several people resumed their forward posture, but Xiaozhi lowered his head, secretly thinking and comparing.

In the battle with all players and all attributes, he is naturally not inferior to Master Kona or Miss Bonnie, and he is very confident that he can directly win the two girls.

But if both parties can only use ice-type Pokémon...

It's hard to say.

"I don't know if there will be an expert masters competition with a single attribute in this world?"

In Xiaozhi's mind, an idea suddenly popped up.

18 kinds of attributes, hold 18 competitions, compete for an absolute king in a single attribute on each track!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly became hot.

"That's right, if I want to become a Pokémon master, then I have to win the single-attribute masters in 18 domains first!"


The few people enjoying the natural air-conditioning stared blankly at Xiaozhi who suddenly burned himself up, confused.

Why is Xiaozhi getting hotter and hotter?

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