He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2308 Haunted House, House of Strangers

After nearly a day of hiking, several people have changed from the initial uphill to downhill...

The altitude of the mountain road they chose is not high, and they have already started to go down the reverse mountain.

Along the way, besides the mountaineering man, there were also some local wild Pokémon approaching.

Especially after seeing the four beautiful human women, they also attracted a lot of local wild Pupu pigs.

This is a superpower-type Pokémon that is common in the Yoshien area. It is a pig-shaped Pokémon that walks upright, with a fat body and sly eyes.

The black pearls covering the body twinkle, with a magical hypnotic ability.

"Beep beep! Be very careful of the wild Poopo pig Loto when reversing ~ especially female climbers, these Poopo pigs like to hypnotize them and drag them into the back mountain Loto~!"

Rotom stepped back half a meter while introducing.

Because of the location of the mountain road ahead, three wild Pupu pigs have already approached.

Curved wretched eyes, staring straight at the four girls behind Xiaozhi, the pearls on his body are faintly condensing hypnotic energy...

Not to mention, on a desolate mountain road, if a girl is suddenly surrounded by a few big purple and black pigs, it is indeed enough to scare people.

However, Xiaozhi directly released his fried pig to open the way ahead.

"Fry! Fry!


It's also a pig-shaped Pokémon, the fried pig showed its muscular body, and hot smoke and flames spewed out from its nostrils, and its aura successfully frightened the three puff pigs.

In the end, the Boo Boo pigs could only run away with their tails between their legs.


This made Chao Chaozhu proudly put his hips on his hips, hooked his palms forward, and led the way in front.

Stir fry, do pigs from other places dare to be so arrogant...

The pigs in the Hezhong area are only fried by them!

"Puff..." "Puff..."

And these wild Pupu pigs could only watch Xiaozhi and his party leave with a disappointed expression.

They are all female Pupu pigs!

Hypnotizing beautiful human women is just for them to decorate themselves with beautiful pearls!


Near dusk, several people have arrived at the western foothills of Reversing Mountain.


It's just that the environment here seems to have become even worse, with gray dust floating in the air, covering everything with a gray-brown filter.

"The environment is very bad..."

Ke Na raised his pretty eyebrows, and temporarily put Duoduo Bing back.

Duoduobing doesn't like this kind of windy and sandy place.

From a distance, they could already see the edge of the small town ahead, about 1 or 2 hours away.

However, being able to walk the reverse mountain in one day without camping in the mountain made the four women look happy.

No girl likes to camp in the wilderness, let alone this kind of yellow sandy mountain road, where a wild poof pig may jump out and attack from time to time.

"Actually, it's okay~"

Xiaozhi doesn't care about this, but it's rare to pass by the very famous Reversing Mountain in the Hezhong area without camping for a night, and I always feel that something is missing...

"Perhaps we can sleep there tonight?"

At this time, Xiaoxia suddenly found a building standing at the foot of the mountain, and said pleasantly.

This is a three-storey stone villa with a solid and tight yellow-brown stone wall on the surface, with only a few windows exposed.

This is a very common building in the local area. After all, the sky is full of yellow sand, so it is naturally impossible to build that kind of exquisite villa restaurant.

The stone building villa with a bit of exotic atmosphere suddenly attracted the curiosity of several people, and they all walked towards it.

The villa is built at the foot of the mountain. If you stay here for one night, it is equivalent to staying in the reverse mountain for one night.

"Beep! Data retrieval...retrieval successful~!"

Rotom made a beep to signal everyone to look at him:

"This is an open hotel called Home of Visitors~ You can stay at ease and experience the local cultural characteristics of Loto~!"

It sounded quite interesting, but just as Xiaozhi was about to walk in the front and pushed the door to enter, he felt as if someone had ripped off the hem of his clothes.

"What's wrong, Mingyi?"

Xiaozhi turned his head and saw that it was Mingyi who was pulling him, so he asked curiously.

And judging from Mingyi's face, it seems that he is not in a good mood, his shoulders are trembling constantly, with a bit of fear.

The place where the eyes are looking... is the visitor's house in front of me!

"What's the matter, Mingyi, is there any problem with this villa?"

Kona approached, patted Mingyi on the shoulder, and the soft voice made Mingyi calm down a lot.

"Uh, let's go directly to Shanlu Town tonight, we're almost there anyway... This kind of place doesn't seem very auspicious..."

Ming Yi could only speak hesitantly.

This made the people around them puzzled, looked at Mingyi, and then at the villa in front of them.

"Mingyi, have you been here before?"

Xiaoxia couldn't help asking, while holding Mingyi's palm.

"It's my first time here too, but as you know, I have a lot of knowledge and information in my mind... According to the information I know, this visitor's home, also called the stranger's home, is actually a dangerous place. haunted house!"

These words caused Xiaoxia and the others to change their expressions suddenly.

When I looked at the villa stone building in front of me again, I was looking at the ordinary stone wall, but now it looks a little creepy.

But upon hearing this, Rotom came alive and immediately retorted:

"Beep beep! I object! This is just an ordinary open hotel, and there is no record of haunted houses, Luoto~!"

Ming Yi didn't want to compete with Luo Tuo, but he didn't want to live in a haunted house, so he could only reply slowly:

"Then check it out, has anyone lived in this hotel before?"

If it's a ghost Pokémon, she can barely accept it...

But according to the information in her mind, there are people who died in this room, and they are real ghosts of the dead!

"Beep! This desert hotel is well-received. Let me find a few good reviews to slap Loto..."

After searching on the screen for a long time, Rotom didn't come up with any good reviews.

It seems that there are really no passenger records?

"Beep beep! But that doesn't prove it's the haunted Loto either..."

Rotom's trumpet mouth was made of iron, so hard that Xiaozhi tore it off.

Then he looked up and down the three-story stone building in front of him.

There was nothing wrong with looking at it from a distance just now, but getting closer...

Well, it is true that the smell of the haunted house is a bit heavy!

Traveling all the way for so long, Xiaozhi has also been to many famous haunted houses, so he is very familiar with this kind of atmosphere.

But he is not afraid of ghosts and ghosts, so he just lives there, but...

"Ah, is there really a ghost!?"

Xiaoxia was so frightened that she hugged Mingyi, screaming again and again, her face paled.

She seemed to be on a wall window just now, and saw a little girl floating, looking straight at them...

run! run now!

"Um, let's go directly to Shanlu Town tonight...?"

Kona and Bonnie in the back also looked at each other. Even though they are powerful alliance kings, it is better to stay away from such supernatural places.

"All right..."

Seeing this, all four votes were cast to leave, and Xiao Zhi could only nod along.

The small copy of the ghost or something, I still don't go shopping.

After taking a last look at this stranger's house, he turned away with everyone.

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