He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2309 Shanlu Town, Move Record House

Shanlu Town, this is a town full of reddish-brown tones, whether it is the ground streets or the surfaces of houses and buildings, they are all reddish-brown.

Adjacent to Inversion Mountain, although the volcano has not erupted in hundreds of years...

However, the local area still uses the excellent volcanic clay resources to manufacture a lot of exquisite porcelain and pottery, which attracts many tourists every year.

Not to mention that there is also a large airport built in Shanlu Town, which is located on the east and west sides of the Hezhong area respectively with Fukiyo City, and is a well-known transportation hub.

It's just that the environment is not very good, and sand and dust are blowing from time to time...

"Everyone, I'm going to bed first~"

"Call me tomorrow~"

Just after dinner, Kona and Bonnie's routines are surprisingly consistent, and they have already closed the door for bed at eight o'clock in the evening.

They didn't like this kind of dusty town very much, so they simply stayed in the hotel and didn't go out.

The hotel buildings in Shanlu Town are similar to the haunted houses they passed by before. They are also stone houses built with red clay, which can well resist the erosion of wind and sand.

However, the three of Xiaozhi didn't feel disgusted. After dinner, they wandered around Shanlu Town.

"Okay~ Five plane tickets have been booked, and you can go directly to Fukiyo City tomorrow~!"

After booking tickets at the airport ticket center, the three of them walked around the street looking around.

Since Shanlu Town is a transportation hub city in Hezhong, even in the middle of the night, there are still many people wandering on the street.

Moreover, the skin color, clothing, and language are different, and most of them are obviously foreigners.

After shopping for a long time, Xiaozhi became interested in a store.

This is a store called "Motion Record House". Although the store on the street has only a small store door, there is a spacious and tall building behind it, which seems to be a training ground?

"Can you master new moves?"

Xiaozhi suddenly became interested and walked in immediately.

Mingyi and Xiaoxia next to each other looked at each other and smiled, as expected only this could attract Xiaozhi.

Pushing open the outside door, the store area is not too big, except for a front desk, there are several touch-screen self-service machines on both sides.

Soon a black-skinned guy came over with a smile, bald head, a little older than Xiaozhi and the others by one or two years.

"Your distinguished guest is really good-looking. Our move recording room records many moves! Even rare moves from all over the world are recorded~!"

"And there are expert on-site guidance, the success rate of mastering is far higher than those of traditional move recorders~!"

The black boy happily introduced, and the simple introduction made Xiaozhi's eyes light up.

He understands the move recorder, which is to insert a disc and let Pokémon watch the video of a certain move...

It is extremely difficult to grasp it simply by looking at it with the naked eye.

If it wasn't for its excellent aptitude, or its own match for this move... the traditional move skill machine is actually similar to chicken ribs.

Xiaozhi moved up to the machine and began to operate it up and down.

It just so happens that all of my Pokémon are basically on the verge of reaching the goal. If you master a new move, you should be able to reach the full body faster!

"I'll find you a move first~!"

Xiaozhi rubbed Pikachu on his shoulder with his backhand, and then looked at the screen in front of him.

Although Pikachu now has a giant beast slashing move, he hasn't fully mastered it yet...but there are not too many moves.

Now Pikachu's combat power is strong enough, but the attack surface is actually the same, it is better to master more moves, and the battle will be more flexible.

"Pikachu has already mastered a lot of moves... Can he master any new moves?"

Beside, Xiaoxia and Mingyi also came over, looking around curiously.

I have to say that this store does not seem to be deceiving people, the list of moves on the screen is very diverse and dense.

And they are all divided into categories according to attributes. Each attribute has a specific move. After clicking on it, you can see a simple text introduction.

"There are some moves I haven't seen before..."

After browsing through it roughly, Xiaozhi was a little surprised.

For example, there is a move called "Taijing Explosion", which is a move from the Partia region. It can display energy moves of various attributes according to its own Taijing attribute...It sounds very novel.

Speaking of which, he still hasn't traveled to many areas, and it's not surprising that he hasn't seen the special moves in some places.

"Pika pickup!"

Seeing Pikachu on his shoulder urging him, Xiaozhi quickly suppressed the idea of ​​just looking at the flowers, and entered Pikachu's name.

These moves can not only be classified according to attributes, but you can also directly enter the name of a specific Pokémon to display all the moves that the Pokémon can master...

Of course, the information is not necessarily accurate, and some Pokémon can break through their own racial shackles and comprehend some moves that they could not master originally.

Soon, a list appeared on the screen.

"Volt replacement, iron tail, one hundred thousand volts..."

There are quite a lot of moves that Pikachu can master, but most of them have already been mastered by Pikachu.

"But there are still many moves, such as rubbing cheeks, light wall, and reflection wall tricks!"

Beside, Xiaoxia pointed and said pleasantly.

Xiaozhi looked at the move introduction of rubbing his cheeks. This seems to be a very common signature skill of the electric mouse family. It launches an attack by rubbing its cheeks. Although its power is extremely low, it can paralyze the opponent, which is very cute.

"Electromagnetic waves at close range?"

Xiaozhi shook his head, this move was very tasteless to Pikachu.

The light wall and the reflective wall are quite unexpected. These two moves are usually mastered by Pokémon with super power attributes. I didn't expect Pikachu to do it too?

Looking at it all, most of the moves seem a bit tasteless, except for the playful move, which is quite good.

The physical moves of the fairy attribute are also quite powerful, but it can be used as a supplement for Pikachu's attack surface.

"Hey, what is this?"

But just when Xiaozhi was about to choose to play, he suddenly saw a row of skills below.

And the names of the skills are very weird, full of overlapping characters.

What electric acceleration, fluttering fall, surging surf, flashing thunder...

Although a little unclear, Xiaozhi became interested in the "surfing surf" move!

I don’t look at the electric attribute moves, fluttering and falling doesn’t look as good as Pikachu’s flying body weight...

But this surfing move seems to be able to condense huge waves and inject electricity into them. It is a large-scale water attribute move similar to surfing, and it can even cause paralysis to the target!

"Is there such a water attribute move?"

As a water attribute expert, Xiaoxia tilted her head and looked suspiciously at the black guy next to her.

Are you sure it wasn't made up by your store?

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