He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 208 The God of Volcano and the

"How can it be repaired, it's a bunch of nonsense!"

Xia Bo frowned deeply. What the picture book said was completely different from his state of mind. It was simply humiliating himself, and his expression suddenly became ugly.

"Didi. Just say it casually, don't take it for granted."

The illustrated book also expressed its position and issued a well-intentioned reminder.

The three of Xiaozhi also quickly helped the illustration book, and looked at Xia Bo with a smile.

"Hehe, it just talks about Tu Yile casually, don't worry about it."

"There shouldn't be anyone in a hurry, right?"

"How could someone be in a hurry, doesn't that mean you admit it? Hehe."

Xia Bo: "..."

In the end, he could only wave his hands. Although he was a little sour, the economy of Honglian Island seemed to have improved a lot in the past few years. He couldn't stop the folks, so he could only use the act of demolishing his gymnasium. Express silent protest.

Although in fact, his intention to simply change to another gym is actually a little stronger.

Because he found a position that is more suitable for fire-type Pokémon to fight.

"So are you here to challenge the Red Lotus Gym? If you don't get more than 6 badges, this gym is not for you to challenge yet."

Back to the topic, Xia Bo's face became serious.

The Red Lotus Gym is not like those gyms that can release water at will, even if it is to release water, it is very difficult, and it may leave a psychological shadow on the newcomer trainers, so this rule is set.

"There are some."

Xiaozhi quickly turned over his vest, revealing the 6 badges neatly arranged inside.

"Oh~ not bad."

Xia Bo took a slight look at Xiaozhi. He had 6 badges, and the golden badge and the pink badge were quite difficult. Judging by his age and appearance, he might be a trainer who just came out to travel. This performance is already really good.

Then he turned his back and walked to one side.

"Since the badge requirements have been met, I, Xia Bo, will officially accept your challenge. As for the battle venue...we will meet here at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning, and I will take you to the real Red Lotus Gym."

After finishing speaking, Xia Bo's figure disappeared in front of the three of them, with the air of a mysterious master.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, don't you tell him about the volcanic eruption?"

"Don't worry, it will be more convincing when I defeat him!"

Now Xiaozhi's mind is full of only tomorrow's battle, and his heart has become extremely hot, like a volcano under his feet, wishing to find something to vent on the spot.

A powerful fire attribute expert?

Then we have to think about tomorrow's lineup.

The three of them left the Red Lotus Gymnasium and found a nearby hot spring hotel. After eating and drinking, they even went to soak in the very famous local volcanic open-air hot spring, and finally relax themselves on the eve of the battle...

"Kamigui, the volcanic hot spring here can help you master a very special skill "boiling water" among the water attribute skills, you should learn it well."




The next day, it was less than 9 o'clock in the morning.

In front of the broken Red Lotus gymnasium, the three of Xiaozhi had already arrived here a long time ago, full of vigor and fighting spirit.

When the time came to 9 o'clock, Xia Bo's figure also arrived as scheduled, but the difference from yesterday was that today's Xia Bo was no longer wearing a hippie-hunting costume, but a rather serious academic researcher's costume, even wearing a White coat.

Although he still wore a pair of inexplicable round-frame sunglasses on his face.

Xiaozhi can often see this outfit on Dr. Oki.

"A researcher at the Red Lotus Research Institute."

The three of them suddenly remembered yesterday's reference book to Xia Bo's other identity, secretly thinking that it is indeed a reference book, and everything has been predicted.

"Young man, you are in a good state today."

Xia Bo stroked his beard and greeted him with a smile.

No matter how gentle a fire attribute trainer is, when facing a battle, he will also be infected by the scorching flames, and his heart will become hot.

It has been a week since Xia Bo's last battle. Although the last trainer got 6 badges, his strength was mediocre, and he couldn't enjoy himself at all.

"Come with me, boys."

Xia Bo led the three of them to the corner of the ruins of the Red Lotus Gymnasium, pressed against a certain ruin trace, and seemed to touch some mechanism, the ruins began to vibrate, and within a short while, there was an extra Cave-like entrance.

The floor of the cave is a man-made stepped corridor, and there are torches that provide light sources standing on the walls of the cave a few meters away.

A scorching heat wave rushed from it, making their noses feel a little hot.

The three of them didn't know what was going on, they stretched out their heads and looked into the depths of the cave, straight without seeing the end.

The three of them looked out again, looking at the corresponding direction outside the cave, their pupils shrank suddenly.

"This is..."

At the end of the cave direction is the volcano that stands on the Red Lotus Island.

This is a cave path that leads deep into the volcano! ?

Seeing the shocked expressions of the three of them, Xia Bo thought they were frightened, so he explained with a smile:

"Hehe, it is indeed deep in the volcano, but don't worry, experts from Nibi City came to investigate it a few years ago. This volcano will not erupt for at least 50 years."

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

Then he saw the three of Xiaozhi staring at him blankly as if they were looking at a mentally retarded person.

Xia Bo: "?"


Because they planned to explain it after the game, Xiaozhi and the three didn't say much, and soon stepped into this volcanic cave path with Xia Bo.

As soon as you enter, the temperature rises sharply and becomes extremely hot.

"By the way, I forgot to tell you. When I arrive at the destination, remember that there are a few taboos that cannot be said."

Xia Bo thought of something, and suddenly turned his head to remind him.

This is not a taboo set by him or by some human beings, nor is it a taboo of the Red Lotus Island volcano alone, but a natural taboo word in all craters in various regions of the world, which carries the prestige of nature.

It's still on the path of the volcano, so it's not a big problem. Once you get to the depths of the volcano, you can't say those few words.

"Oh, I know!"

Xiao Gang couldn't help interjecting, he still has some knowledge in this regard.

Facing volcanic lava, there are a few words that must not be said. Although volcanic lava is dead, there is a god like a volcano god behind him, silently guarding all volcanoes on this planet.

It can be said that these taboos are actually the taboos of the god of volcanoes.

"It's fake... How could something happen if you just say it casually?"

Feeling the seriousness of the two people's tone, Xiaozhi was a little noncommittal.

"It's better to believe in what you have than to believe in what you don't have."

Xia Bo solemnly said that one must have the most basic reverence for nature.

It is said that a certain city surrounded by the ocean in the Hoen area was buried deep in the sea because it disrespected the gods and violated taboos at the crater.

"The first taboo word is "can't fly". It is said that every time you say "can't fly" to the crater, the volcanic lava will rise by 1 centimeter."

Xiaozhi: "?"

"The second taboo word is, "You can't fly if you don't really have a god." This punishment will be stronger, and the altitude of the lava will directly rise by 1 meter!"

Xiaozhi: "?"

"And the third taboo word is the most dangerous. It is said that humans shouted ten times to the volcanic lava, which means that a hundred-year-old volcano will erupt on the spot, and people will be devastated. This sentence is..."

Xia Bo's tone sank, and he said in a low voice:

"Little Coal Turtle!"

After finishing speaking, he carefully looked at the path of the surrounding volcanoes and found that there was nothing unusual before he dared to move on.

Coal Turtle, a unique Pokémon in the Yoshien area, because of this taboo, many experts and scholars now believe that it may be inextricably related to the God of Volcano.

Some senior researchers even put forward a very bold hypothesis.

The god of volcanoes is the little coal turtle!

As long as the coal turtle's Pokémon egg is soaked in volcanic lava for 49 days, then this little coal turtle is likely to become the legendary god of volcanoes on the day it is born!

In fact, this hypothetical research has already achieved great results, and only the most critical step can be realized, but this most critical step has never been able to break through.

"How to prevent the egg from being baked into a poached egg in an instant when putting the egg into the magma in the first step?" "

Xiaozhi: "?"

The God of Volcano, and those who study the God of Volcano.

Why does it sound like a fool?

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