He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 209 Sunny Team, I understand a little

The inner center of Red Lotus Volcano.

The three of Xiaozhi were standing on a reddish-brown rock platform, and through the cracks in the rock under their feet, they could clearly see what was under the rock.

"Gulu Gulu..."


It was the bubbling hot magma that was less than 5 meters away from them!

"This is where my new Red Lotus Gym is located!"

Xia Bo opened his arms, as if embracing the surrounding environment, with a hint of madness in his expression.

There is nothing more suitable for a fire attribute gymnasium than a battlefield on volcanic magma!

This is the very center of the crater, below is hot and flowing magma, and above is a layer of naturally formed rock platform, so Xia Bo took advantage of the opportunity to artificially transform these reddish-brown rocks.

Transform the center into a huge battle field, even with a standard white line drawn for the competition.

Around the arena, there are countless gravel footholds, big or small, and if there is a slight deviation, they will even fall directly into the purgatory below.

There is also a small road that connects the cave path when they came, and this is the only way out of the volcano.

Of course, the annular mouth of the volcano above the head can also go out, and it can go out by flying more than 30 meters.

"Is this really an extinct volcano..."

Xiaozhi carefully grabbed the floor, leaned out of the rock formation and looked down at the bubbling volcanic lava, the steaming heat covered his face.

It always has a feeling that magma may be sprayed up at any time.

"Don't worry, the experts here have said it's a safe place, as long as you remember the taboo words, "not *" and "little***" you'll be fine."

Xia Bo comforted him again.

He is also considered a half-expert. Although he is in the field of biology, experts have to speak for experts.

"Let me tell you some cold knowledge I just learned. Our experts in Nibi City only study stones, and have never seen any volcanoes at all."

Xiao Gang suddenly interrupted with a half-smile and replied.

He has completely believed that the volcano will erupt.

It's fine?

It's really all right, just be careful in the next life.


Soon, Xiaozhi and Xia Bo stood at the two ends of the lava field, staring at each other from a distance.

Although the environment is very dangerous, the strong and hot atmosphere under the feet and the surroundings can indeed arouse the trainer's will to fight and make people's blood swell. Now Xiaozhi's whole body seems to be burning, the flames of war are wanton, and he can't wait to turn his head and jump into the magma A few laps in the middle were calm and calm.

"The rules of the Red Lotus Gymnasium. Each person sends out three Pokémon. When all three Pokémon on one side lose their fighting ability, the other side wins! As for the referee, don't use it."

Xia Bo said.

After all, you can't fight, and you can see with only one eye, so you don't need a referee at all.

He has always felt that in Pokémon battles, the referee is a meaningless existence.

"No, although referees are really useless, but trainers must have a sense of ritual in fighting!"

Xiao Gang, who possessed the will of the rock, walked between the two and took the initiative to be the referee. With a serious and deep expression, he waved to the two of them, indicating that he could release his Pokémon.

"And this is the last time you will fight here, please cherish it!"

Xia Bo: "?"

Although he was confused, he didn't get too entangled in this aspect. Seeing Xiaozhi's blood boiling in front of him, he paused for a while with his palm on his waist, and then touched another elf ball.

Let's be a little more serious this time...

In the Kanto area, every old man is not a good stubble.

"Just let my flame burn wildly!!"

Xia Bo gave a low snort, and threw an elf ball fiercely, and the red light flashed. It was a golden beast-shaped fox Pokémon with a well-proportioned body and a golden and soft fur. It looked noble and mysterious, with a pair of The jewel-shaped red pupils looked at Xiaozhi, showing a humane expression.

The most peculiar thing is that there are nine fluffy golden tails behind this golden fox, which are gently shaking, very elegant and beautiful.

"Didi. Nine-Tails, Fox Pokémon. It is said that each tail has a unique ability. It has a high IQ and a long lifespan. It can live to be thousands of years old."

The picture book suggested.

As soon as the words fell, a beam of golden light fell vertically from the crater above, covering the entire arena, as if the sun had descended, shining brightly.

The current site is very sunny.

"Didi. This is the characteristic of Nine Tails: Sunshine, which can change the venue to a sunny day when it enters the stage."

The illustration book kindly reminded.

The corner of Xia Bo's mouth raised slightly. He has two nine-tails in total. One has the common fire-igniting characteristic, while the other has the very rare drought-sunshine characteristic. .

Team Sunny, I understand a little bit.

"Is the weather...?"

Xiaozhi was no longer the chick who fought on the first day. After being slightly startled, he quickly regained his composure and threw his elf ball.

"Your is a thousand-year-old fox, then mine is a ten-thousand-year tortoise! ​​It's up to you!"


A red light flashed, it was Kami Turtle, one of Xiaozhi's generals.

"Water attribute restrains your fire attribute, this time I'm going to win!"

Xiaozhi was so determined that he couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, is it so..."

Xia Bo also replied with a smile, the fighting spirit of the two had reached its peak.


"Red Lotus Gym Challenge, the game begins!"

Following Xiao Gang's prompting, Xiao Zhi and Xia Bo shouted at the same time, and launched an attack on the enemy.

"Nine Tails, use Jet Flame!"

"Cami Turtle, use the water gun!"

Nine tails raised its head, and opened its mouth to spit out a pillar of red flames. Under the sunlight, the power of the flames soared even higher, and the waves of air were scorching.

"Cami poof!!"

Kamigui didn't hesitate at all, and opened his mouth to spit out a column of blue water, which collided with the flame without hindrance.


When the water flow came into contact with the flame, a large cloud of white water mist burst out instantly, spreading and covering the two of them.

It's just that the power of spraying flames is obviously better. After less than a second of stalemate, they pushed back the water gun and kept attacking the Kami turtle at the source.

Spraying flames and water guns are not equivalent skills. Coupled with the blessing of sunny weather, even with attribute restraint, it has little effect.

The fierce flame was in front of him, even the Kami turtle with attribute resistance didn't dare to catch it. He immediately stopped spraying water and rolled to the side to dodge, barely avoiding the flame.

"So strong..."

Xiaozhi's forehead was sweating profusely, it was unknown whether it was because of the rigor of the competition or the hot environment.

"The difference in level is sometimes more important than attribute restraint."

Xia Bo smiled lightly. In terms of level alone, although this Cammy Turtle is not low, it is still a bit inferior compared to his own hidden characteristic Nine Tails.

"Then try this trick! Kyuubi, use the strange light!"


The ruby-like eyes of Nine Tails flickered, and a group of strange lights shining with white light condensed in front of him, throwing it at Kami Turtle who was still rolling on the ground.

As soon as the light cluster touched the target, it immediately shattered, turning into a faint powder and falling on the latter.

"Kami Kami..."

In the next second, Kamigui's eyes were already blurred, and he stepped on the ground unsteadily, with a circle of little lightning birds flying around his bald head...

Kami Turtle is in a state of confusion.

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