He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 210 Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!


Kami Turtle's figure began to stagger and sway on the field.

"Cami Turtle, come back to your senses and remember what you said last night!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Xiao Zhi quickly let out an inspiring roar of rejuvenation.

Kamigui told him at the hot spring last night that he didn't want to continue to be a funny comedian with an active atmosphere, but wanted to become a truly powerful fighting general.

He found that Xiaozhi sent it out in the last few battles. Although the role of the scene is not low, it is actually funny. Compared with the continuous improvement of the frog grass and the fire dinosaur, its painting style is deflecting in a strange direction .

I, Kami Turtle, will not be weaker than others in my life!


Kami Turtle's swaying figure paused for a moment, as if he remembered something.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he shouted:

"Now, use the bubble light!"


Holding on to the double images of lightning birds in front of his eyes, Kami Turtle aroused water attribute energy and spit out countless blue bubble water balls forward!

It's just that the foam light moved less than three meters forward, then suddenly changed direction and hit the source, blasting out bursts of water mist on the spot.

"Da da da..."

The bubble ray hits itself!

Everyone: "..."

It's just that this oolong bubble made Xiaozhi happy instead of annoyed, and immediately instructed again:

"This is what I want, now, use the water gun!"


In the mist and dust, there was only a low cry of a turtle, and then a blue water column suddenly shot out from it, but the source of the water gun could not be seen.

This time the water gun is not as thick as before, but the diameter has become smaller, only 10 centimeters, and it has become a water "gun" in the true sense.


The diameter shrunk, but the power and speed increased several times. Caught off guard, it directly slapped Nine Tails' face, soaking the fur of the latter's elegant and noble head, and losing his posture.

The effect is outstanding!


And Kami Turtle also showed its figure, with a resolute expression, obviously dispelling the chaos.

Xiaoxia, who was watching the show at the back, narrowed her eyes and clapped her hands with a smile.

In order to cope with this fire challenge, although Xiaozhi did not borrow water-type Pokémon from her, who is a water-type expert, the two still talked by candlelight at night, discussing some water-type battles in depth.

Narrowing down the range of the water gun and concentrating on hitting one point will increase the power and speed to a higher level. This is a new routine developed by the two of them.

The two even put forward a hypothesis that if the diameter of the water gun continues to be reduced to 1 cm, the water gun will become an indestructible cutting blade at this time, which can cut everything when moving in the direction!

You should know that some flames don't use knives when they wipe the necks of passers-by, but steel wires!

It is undoubtedly a brain-opening idea to transform the water attribute attack that is biased towards high-pressure impact into a sharp cutting attack.

But now the diameter has shrunk to 10 centimeters, which is already the limit of the Kami turtle.

"Not bad...Using the weak bubble light to relieve myself of confusion, I even created a layer of camouflage smoke, and then used this special water gun to launch a sneak attack."

After a little thought, Xia Bo saw through all of Xiaozhi's previous operations, and had a preliminary understanding of the latter's flexible mind.

"In this case, try my trick again! Nine tails, use supernatural powers!!"

Xia Bo launched an attack again.

Nine-Tails is originally a Pokémon with mysterious attributes, and can use strange skills such as strange light, supernatural power, and ghost fire.

With the flickering of Jiuwei's eyes, a burst of blue light instantly enveloped Kami Turtle, freezing it in place.


Kamigui continued to exert strength on the spot, but couldn't break free from the struggle, and couldn't move an inch.


Nine Tails groaned softly, and the power of the blue light suddenly increased and concentrated on the target, and it was even visible to the naked eye that Kamigui's figure was continuously distorted and squeezed by this powerful thought.


Under the supernatural power, Kami Turtle let out a whine.

Xiaozhi stormed wildly in his mind, suddenly thought of something, and quickly opened his mouth to remind:

"Kami Turtle, quickly use high-speed rotation!"

How can pure force be more powerful than the power that can be exerted by rotation?


Hearing that Kamigui's eyes lit up, his limbs and head suddenly shrank into the turtle shell, and then the turtle shell turned around out of thin air. Spins freely in mid-air.

High-speed rotation can naturally easily break the effects of restraint skills, such as sticky nets, poisonous diamond binding, etc. It also has a miraculous effect on the restraint of supernatural powers.

It can be said that Xiaozhi hit it by mistake and just used a high-speed rotation that can naturally restrain restraint.

"Cracked well..."

Looking at the spinning tortoise shell that was about to attack him, Xia Bo's tone sank and he pushed the sunglasses on his face.

"In that case, let's get rid of it directly, Kyuubi, use the sun beam!!"


As Nine-Tails screamed upwards, a beam of golden energy flew from its body into the midair of the crater, instantly inflated several times, and turned into a large ball of golden-white light with a layer of Terrifying scorching energy, even the surrounding air is slowly distorting due to the high temperature.


Not only Xiaozhi, but also Xiaogang and Xiaoxia behind were all shocked, they didn't expect Nine Tails to hide this trick.

"Hehe, with the characteristic of sunny weather, how could I not prepare a sun beam in advance..."

Xia Bo smiled lightly, the sun beam is a grass-type big move, and its power is terrifying, but the only drawback is that it needs to be charged for a while.

But on a sunny day, the terrifying sun beam can be sent instantly!


The golden light energy group split a beam of hot laser light that fell from mid-air, and suddenly shot at the spinning Kami turtle.


The sun beam hits completely, and the terrifying strength and attribute attacks follow one after another. Although it feels like a hot fire attribute, it is actually a grass attribute!


The Kami turtle didn't even have time to stretch out the head of the glans, the whole turtle and its shell shot out quickly in the sun beam, and the terrifying solar laser even dragged it to draw a long gully mark on the ground!

The effect is outstanding! !


The laser swept across and even caused an explosion at the end!

"Camey Turtle!!"

Smoke and dust danced in front of Xiaozhi's face, and he hurriedly shouted anxiously towards the center of the explosion.

"Is it specially reserved to deal with the grass-type skills that are specially assigned to water-type Pokémon in order to deal with your fire-type Pokémon?"

Xiao Gang, who was at the edge of the center of the arena, had deep eyes, to see what was in Xia Bo's eyes.

It seems that this old man is very experienced in fighting with fire attributes and dealing with challengers...

"Hahaha, I remember that when the old man was still traveling, he made a name for himself by relying on the characteristic sun beam Nine Tails."

The sunbeam worked, and Xiabo started laughing triumphantly.

"At that time, I also got a title, called Nine-Tails Jinchuriki!"

Renzhuli, in ancient books, is a special introduction to a kind of human being, describing this person as a sacrifice of some kind of tool man.

But now the meaning has completely changed, referring to a trainer who is particularly good at manipulating a certain kind of Pokémon.

For example, Du can be called Kuailong Renzhuli, or Bird Renzhuli.


"So strong..."

Soon, the aftermath of the explosion caused by the solar beam dissipated completely, and just one attack actually drew a long gully on half of the arena, stretching all the way to the edge of the volcanic rock.


A turtle shadow slowly stood up from the pit.

To Xia Bo's surprise, Cammy Turtle, who ate the grass-attribute big move Sun Beam head-on, did not completely lose his fighting ability.

Although his whole body was covered with burn marks as if he had been scorched by flames, he still stood up tremblingly, his eyes were determined, and he stared closely at Nine Tails.

Improper comedian! !

(Temporarily modify a previous setting. In the unmanned power plant, after Xiaozhi defeated the Lightning Bird, he not only got a Thunder Stone, but also got a Lightning Bird feather.)

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