He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 211 Turtle, please drink more water!


On the rock field, Kamigui yelled angrily, dragged his tired body, and raised his palm.


The next moment, an inexplicable water flow emerged from the slate floor at its feet, and the blue water flow shot up into the sky and attached to its body, tightly fitting it.

Soon, the turbulent water flow disappeared as if melting into its body, replaced by Kami's blue skin which has become extraordinarily blue at the moment, with a dark blue energy film covering its surface, exuding a powerful force .

"Didi. Kami Turtle's characteristic: torrent, which has a certain probability of being triggered when the HP is very low, and can enhance the power of water attribute skills, and the degree of improvement varies from individual to individual."

The picture book suggested.

Rapids, fierce fire, dark green, these are the signature characteristics of Yusanjia, and the effects are similar.


Kami Turtle, who had completed the torrent transformation, was panting heavily, and its physical strength was on the verge of its limit.

"Good job Cammy Turtle! You did it!"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he encouraged loudly from behind, his blood became extremely tense unconsciously.

A vague bond suddenly appeared in the hearts of the two, and the eyes of one and the other suddenly changed, and at the same time they raised their heads to look at Nine Tails in front of them, and their aura became extremely aggressive.

"This power, is it coming again...?"

Chi, who was silently watching the play in his soul, was taken aback, because at the moment beside his grand master's chair, a blue circular phantom suddenly appeared out of thin air, with a round head and a pair of vortex-shaped ears beside it. .

This is a glans.

"Is this the will of the Cammy Turtle...?"

When Xiaozhi challenged the light red gymnasium before, he and the fire dinosaur also entered this state intentionally or unintentionally when facing the king-level Arbo monster.

Synchronous perception of each other's thoughts, the two will become very tacit understanding.

Even the effect of this power is far more than that. It can simultaneously perceive the other party's spiritual beliefs, which in turn stimulates one's own spiritual beliefs, greatly improving each other's willpower.

Willpower has many sayings in battle, perseverance, fighting spirit, etc., are an important element of whether a Pokémon is strong or not.

"It really isn't a coincidence, is it Xiaozhi's unique ability..."

Chi sank his mind, secretly feeling this turtle head with strange power.

Good job, he plans to copy it.

In the past, Xiaozhi always copied him, but today it is rare for him to steal this special ability from Xiaozhi...


In reality, Xiaozhi has already launched an attack again.

"Cami Turtle, use the water gun!"

"Cami poof!!"

An extremely thick dark blue water column spewed out. With the enhancement of the torrent characteristics, the power and momentum were at least three times stronger than the previous water gun.

It's just that the water column shot out three meters, burst suddenly, scattered towards the surroundings, crossed the rocky field, and turned into countless sprays and landed on the lava below.


As soon as the water touched the hot magma, there was a sharp evaporating sound instantly, and countless white mist and water vapor spewed up, covering the entire Red Lotus Gymnasium, covering the bodies of Nine Tails and Kami Turtle at the same time, and the field of vision dropped sharply .

"Good judgment..."

Looking at the gray mist in front of him, Xia Bo couldn't help laughing and admiring.

If only relying on the water gun to attack, even with the torrent boost, it is impossible to block the sunny day light beam that Kyuubi instantly fires.

After all, the power of the water gun itself is too low.

It is a good choice to rely on the lava field to create a blind area of ​​vision before attacking.

"It seems that this Kami turtle has not mastered higher-level long-range attacks."

Xia Bo raised his palm to feel the water vapor around him, and he seemed to hear some movement in the water vapor in his ear, and raised the corner of his mouth, indicating:

"Nine tails, use supernatural powers to perceive!"


Nine-tailed jewel-like pupils flickered, and blue thoughts spread throughout the audience, using invisible thoughts to perceive all changes on the field.

Perceiving objects, this is the traditional art of super power attribute skills.


As the power of thoughts spread, Nine Tails' eyes fixed, and it felt that a figure was constantly approaching itself.

"Then use magical powers to bind it!"

The blue light in Jiuwei's eyes rose sharply, and the blue light scattered throughout the audience suddenly shrank towards one point, turning into an invisible palm, about to grab Kamigui.

"Hiss, click!"

However, just at the moment of contact, the hand with supernatural power was directly torn apart by something.


Xia Bo pushed his sunglasses and was a little startled. You must know that the sound coming from the water vapor is not the sound of high-speed rotation, but the sound similar to the biting of wild animals.

That silly Kami turtle can still make such a movement?


Soon, the figure of Kami Turtle suddenly jumped out of the water vapor, and it was less than half a meter away from Nine Tails, and its short legs kicked and flew towards the latter.

"This is..."

Xia Bo fixed his eyes, but found that Kamigui's head had already changed drastically.

Just like myself, at this moment it is actually wearing a pair of sharp-rimmed sunglasses at the position of its head and eyes, and its mouth is grinning wide like Geng Gui, with a row of sharp teeth piercing through it, constantly opening and closing.


Kami turtle bit down on the position of Nine Tails' forelimbs, and its sharp teeth were directly embedded several centimeters, causing the latter to ooze blood.

Sunglasses can enhance the power of evil attribute skills.

At this moment, the bite used by the Kami turtle is not even the powerful bite used before.

"Didi. Kami Turtle has learned a new skill: Crushing!"

An automatic broadcast came from the illustrated book.

Crushing, this is already considered a small and powerful skill of the evil attribute.

The gnawed body amplified by the sunglasses bit the Nine Tails tightly, causing huge damage. The evil and insidious force acted on Nine Tails as much as the blood from the teeth and wounds flowed.


Kyuubi was about to use his skills and struggled, but his heart lit up for no reason, and when he stopped, he froze in place.

It fell into a state of fear and could not use skills.

Evil attribute skills, more or less have some fear effect.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened. You must know that Kami Turtle's bloody mouth is in contact with Nine Tails at zero or even negative distance at this moment. This is the best moment to display water attribute skills.

"Cami Turtle is now, using the skills I just learned last night." Xiaozhi waved his thumb and shouted:

"Use boiling water!!"

"Cami [New Biqule www.biqule.info]!!"

Feeling the hot spring last night and the hot magma flowing under his feet, Kamigui felt his abdomen was hot, as if something hot was about to spew out.


In the next second, a huge jet of water spewed out from the Kami turtle's mouth. Dangerous hot steam was still rising from the jet of water, and it hit Kyuubi completely at zero distance. The water attribute power of his body caused tons of damage to it.

What is sprayed out is not cool water, but 100-degree boiling water!

Turtle, please drink more water!


The boiling water fell on Jiuwei's body, on the one hand, it was hit by the water attribute, and on the other hand, the high temperature scalded its fur and skin.

The effect is outstanding!


When the hot boiling water disappeared, Kyuubi fell to the ground, his eyes rolled around, as if he had entered a state of being unable to fight.

On the other side, the Kami turtle was panting heavily, half propped on the ground, with its mouth open, exhaling white steam continuously from its mouth, which made it a little angry.

"In the first battle, Cammy Turtle won!"

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