He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 212: It’s time to clock in and go to work

"come back..."

Xia Bo retracted Nine-Tails, who was unable to fight, and this set of close-quarters crushing and boiling water attacks really caught him off guard.

But the flames of war in his heart became even more intense, and he couldn't wait to know what surprises this young man could give him in the next two battles.

But what kind of turtle is boiling water? This trick should be called boiling water, right?

Although it is a water attribute attack, the water temperature is extremely high, and there is even a certain chance that the opponent will enter a burn state, just like a fire attribute skill.

It can be said that boiling water is a very special skill, a fire attribute attack among water attributes.


Xia Bo seemed to have thought of something, and reached out to touch a poke ball on his waist with a smile on his face.

Just to try out that newly acquired skill...


"You also come back temporarily, Kami Turtle!"

Xiaozhi didn't directly take out the elf ball to take it back, but stepped forward and picked up the already tired Cammy Turtle, went outside the arena, and reached out to touch its smooth head.

The latter's dark blue energy gradually dissipated, and it exited the torrent state.

"Cami Turtle, you have proved your strength. Although I used to want to laugh when I saw your head, I swear, from now on, you will be my fifth-ranked ace general!"


Cammy Turtle touched his head, fifth?

It really annoys the turtle!

Seeing that Kamigui was about to open his bloody mouth and bite his arm to pieces, Xiaozhi quickly changed his words:

"Oh, I made a slip of the tongue, you are now my top five ace generals!"

After the words fell, Kamigui's expression eased a little, expressing his approval.

Although he wants to express the same meaning, but the way of speaking is different, and the feeling given to the turtle is also different.

This is the charm of language.

Xiaozhi smiled lightly, put Cammy Turtle behind him, suddenly thought of something, and reached out to touch Cammy Turtle's face.

"By the way, Cammy Turtle, let me borrow your sunglasses."

He has already guessed why Xia Bo wears sunglasses all the time, even if he concentrates on reading for a long time on weekdays, it will hurt his eyes, let alone in this magma field where steam is constantly steaming.

Put on sunglasses, you can enter the eye protection mode.

Just like when reading a book, enter "eye protection" in the comments, and the interface will automatically enter the eye protection mode, which is a reason.

Hearing this, the corners of Cammy Turtle's mouth finally showed a smile this time.

Its intelligence is not low, and it knows how it called when it was a Jenny before. "Jenny Jenny" is actually a homonym with "Let you lend you" in human language.

It can be said that the Squirtle is a Pokémon that cannot refuse others.

But now it's completely different, it's Cammy Turtle!

"Kami Kami (No Borrow No Borrow)."

Cammy Turtle sat slumped on the ground. Although the floor was a little hot, it still let out a new cry arrogantly, expressing its resolute rejection.

"I can't understand your cry all the time, but if you don't shake your head, then you are willing to borrow it? You are indeed my Kami Turtle."

Xiaozhi took off Cammy Turtle's sharp-framed sunglasses and put them on in front of his eyes. The fiery red and scorching sensory scene around him was really refreshing.

Kami Turtle: "?"

Really makes the glans big...


In the Red Lotus Gym, the two men in sunglasses once again stood at opposite ends of the arena, staring at each other from a distance, and the momentum of the confrontation slowly rose again...

"So hot..."

Xiao Gang, who was in the middle as the referee, couldn't help sweating profusely, and kept wiping the sweat from his forehead.

Not only the volcanic lava under his feet, but also the venomous sunlight above his head seemed to be getting more and more intense.


Xiao Gang's eyes flashed suddenly, he opened his eyes and found something wrong.

Generally speaking, weather characteristics or skills are artificially modified natural weather. If the weather is forcibly modified, the duration will not be too long.

For example, forcibly changing a sunny day to a rainy day will last no more than five rounds at most.

When the three of them came, the weather on Honglian Island was just normal sunny weather, and there was still a big gap from a sunny day, especially in this not-so-open crater, where the weather in their environment could even be said to be shady The weather, the sun doesn't shine in at all.

In other words, the sunny weather was actually modified by Rizhao Kyuubi forcibly. Normally, the duration of 5 or 6 rounds is already the limit, but at this moment, this time limit has already passed, but the intensity of the sunny day has intensified.

Xia Bo noticed Xiao Gang's actions, and said softly:

"It seems that your foreign companion understands a little bit..."

Xiao Gang: "?"

Xia Bo ignored Xiao Gang's bewildered expression, looked at Xiao Zhi, and suddenly asked a question.

"Young man, do you know what a fiery rock is?"

"Fiery rock?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, this is really unfamiliar.

"Didi. Blazing Rock, a prop, carried by Pokémon, can extend the number of rounds of sunny days."

The illustration book kindly reminded.

"That's right, but the hot rock is just the official name. In fact, this kind of rock is a solid rock that has been continuously burned and refined in volcanic magma, and can still maintain its shape!"

Xia Bo opened his arms, with a crazy expression under the sunglasses, admiring the volcanic field.

It can be said that the entire volcano is a huge natural hot rock.

This is not the point of extending a few rounds, but an indefinite sunny day!

And under sunny days indefinitely, its fire-attribute Pokémon can have an absolute advantage!

"Burning again!! My fiery flame!!"

With a low growl, Xia Bo's momentum reached its peak, and he threw out his second pokemon ball violently.


A red light flashed. It was a horse-shaped Pokémon with a proud and resolute face. There was a noble horn growing on its forehead. The tip of the horn was faintly surrounded by a holy aura, which was extraordinary.

The vigorous and well-proportioned iron-hoofed limbs are very good at running at first glance. The light yellow skin is surrounded by red manes, and it looks like a real burning flame, fluttering in the wind.

Even the flame mane burned more vigorously under the sunshine of the sunny day!

"Didi. Flaming horse, running extremely fast, with a burning mane of flames on its body. Only approved trainers will not be burned by the flames on it, but it is useless except for being able to ride."

The picture book suggested.

Xiaozhi nodded and took back the illustration book, not daring to be careless, and looked up and down the four long legs of the flame horse.

"Is this a duel of speed...In that case, it's up to you, Pikachu!"

Immediately, he no longer hesitated, waved his thumb, and dispatched its ace general!

In his impression, Pikachu has been paddling for a long time, and Xiaozhi can't even remember when Pikachu made a move last time.

But if you want to compete for speed, his Pikachu will never lose to anyone!

and any horse!


Feeling the scorching heat coming from the soles of his feet and the flaming horse in front of him, Pikachu nodded, puffed out his round belly, and walked forward step by step, with slow and heavy steps...

Well, time to clock in to work.

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