He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2311 Hezhong area is also in dire straits

The next day, everyone boarded the plane on time according to the time on the ticket.

Since they went to bed early last night, today's Kona and Bonnie stood out among the crowd with ruddy and energetic faces.

One is a beautiful woman with a noble temperament, and the other is a capable red-haired woman in a short uniform skirt. When boarding the plane, many people cast their eyes intentionally or unintentionally.

The Hezhong region doesn't know much about the strong trainers from other places, and they only think of them as two beauties with outstanding temperament.

Of course, the two young and beautiful girls following behind are also a pleasing scenery.


Only Xiaozhi, as soon as he sat down, fell asleep with his head on his head.


Pikachu did the same thing, lying on his back in Xiaozhi's arms, drooling from the corner of his mouth, and fell asleep completely after a while.

"These two guys..."

"It can only be said that it is worthy of being a partner for many years..."

This made Mingyi and Xiaoxia laugh dryly, and finally sat down in turn.

The two of them were not too interested in the move record room with its dazzling array of moves.

Xiaoxia learned a new move from other regions for her starfish—quick return, similar to the rapid return of the insect attribute, and can exit the field flexibly.

As for Mingyi, he gave himself the Shuangren Wan, mastering the key to a sneak attack.

After all, the goal is to evolve into a special evil-attributed great sword ghost. Now that he has one more evil-attributed move, the help should be even greater, right?

After learning a move each, the two left the move recording room and went back to sleep.

In such a dry and windy place, you can't stay up late.

As for Xiaozhi...

It is rare to have this opportunity, so it is natural to fill up the whole process, and directly live the whole night.

Not only did he learn "Thunder Fist" for Nuannuanzhu, but he also practiced the dragon-attribute move that perfectly fits his own anti-tune characteristics-"Meteor Swarm" for Ivy Snake.

The private teacher guiding the meteor group is a dityrannosaurus, with a gray-blue animal-shaped body, and two dragon heads covered with thick black hair. The hair covers the eyes and nose, and only the mouth with dangerous sharp teeth is exposed.

The double-headed tyrannosaurus is exactly the previous stage of Huche's quasi-god, the three-headed dragon.

This made Xiaozhi a little surprised...

Now even quasi-gods come to work?

Didn't it mean that the Hezhong area is economically developed, the people are safe and free, and even the air is sweet... Now it seems that it is not so comfortable.

But facing Ivy Snake's request to practice Meteor Swarm...



Both heads of the double-headed tyrannosaurus shook, showing embarrassment.

Your Pokémon cannot master this move, please try again with another Pokémon.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Why don't you play video games here? !

If you can't master it, you have to teach it. Qian Xiaoxiaming and the others have already paid for it!

"Vine hum...!"

The Ivy Snake also showed a stern and threatening look, and let out a soft hum.

She dared to say that she couldn't master this move, so she must master it!

Seeing this, the double-headed tyrannosaurus could only helplessly bow its head to Qianqian...

No, he raised his head.

The two mouths were opened, and the dark purple energy condensed in the mouth in the form of energy bombs, blasting a meteor cluster into the air, as a demonstration.

As for the rogue crocodile, it chose the "Water Tail" move.

When he saw the list, Xiaozhi was stunned for a while. Can a ground-type crocodile practice water-type water tail?

Not only that, even the Ivy Snake seems to be able to master the move of Water Flowing Tail...but the Ivy Snake is going to take the special attack route, and has already mastered the two tail moves of Leaf Blade and Dragon Tail, so there is no need to rush to practice Water Flowing Tail.

For the Archaeopteryx...

No, it's the ancestor bird now.

As soon as this large fossil bird Pokémon appeared on the stage, the black guy was taken aback, for fear that he would be swallowed by the fierce-looking primordial bird.

The move he chose was "Hot Wind", blowing out a fiery air current. Although the power is not great, it can give the Proto-Bird a better initiative in the battle.

The last Soraya...

Since in this world, there may not be many people who have ever seen Zoroya who looks like Xi Cui, so there is no special skill list.

Xiaozhi can only choose to use the original Zoroya's move list to make a choice.

After much deliberation, he finally chose the "Supernatural Power" move.

The omnipotent superpower move will not be a problem after all.

A good new move was arranged for each Pokémon, and it was precisely because of this that Xiao Zhi spent the whole night directly.

Although there are many one-on-one guidance from personal trainers, not all Pokémon are learned on the spot, and the progress varies.


near daytime.

The stir-fried pig is still full of energy. Anyway, it has been drained and used to it, and it will not feel any discomfort overnight.


A fist was swung out in the air, and electric sparks burst out around the fist, and the thunder and lightning fist moves were mastered very smoothly.

"Migrant workers..."

The ironworker next to him nodded in satisfaction, and it didn't waste a whole night of careful guidance.

Glancing at it, the sky outside had already turned white, so the iron worker picked up the steel bars again and walked towards the gate, his back looking a bit vicissitudes.

Next, it is going to move bricks in the Mine of Reverse Mountain, dig volcanic clay...

Xiaozhi: "..." It's really hard work, do you have a new part-time job during the day?

Beside, the Ivy Snake opened its mouth.


A beam of yellow-purple energy beams blasted out, forming a flying dragon posture in mid-air, and slammed into the nearby stone wall forcefully.

Dragon Wave!

The Meteor Swarm is considered as the top move of the Dragon Wave, but by mistake, the Ivy Snake mastered the Dragon Wave first.

"Based on this, I have already mastered three dragon-attributed moves..."

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi was overjoyed, if he mastered the wave of the dragon, then the difficulty should be lowered by breaking through the limit and mastering the meteor swarm!

Anyway, the moves and movements have been memorized, and the next step is to practice slowly.

"Oh..." This made the two-headed tyrannosaurus teacher next to him shrug off his two slender necks, feeling weak.

It's really possible for you, a grass leaf snake, to master their dragon clan's big move!

Compared with the fried pig and the ivy snake, the progress of other Pokémon is not so optimistic...

Especially the rogue crocodile, who flicked his tail all night, and in the end only made a few small splashes, not even considered an entry level.


Zoroya's eyes glowed with amber light, but with the supernatural power he displayed, he could only grab some broken stones from the air.


The great proto-bird kept flapping its wings, and the airflow blowing out was basically not very hot.

It is probably the lowest gear of the hair dryer, and there is obviously still some distance from the scorching hot air move.

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