He knows Pokémon better than me

Reference 2312 Fuki Gymnasium, fantasy battle

At an altitude of nearly 10,000 meters, a plane from Shanlu Town to Fukiyo City was flying smoothly.

In the cabin, Xiaozhi in his sleep punched out from time to time, still muttering in his mouth:

"Pikachu, use Surf Surf...!"


Pikachu, who was also sleeping, also shook his body, and some water flowed from his lower body.

This is not incontinence.

It's that Pikachu has already had a glimpse of the door and can create some water out of thin air.

Xiaoxia: "..."

By the way, Pikachu is lying in Xiaozhi's arms now, and all the water falls on the crotch of Xiaozhi's trouser legs...

Forget it, let's pretend we don't know each other for now.

Compared to Xiaozhi who was sleeping soundly after a whole night, Xiaoxia and the other four were in high spirits and whispered in the plane.

Two alliance kings with ice attributes, a powerful water attribute expert, and a humanoid information bank with a wealth of knowledge in his mind that even Rotom would be ashamed of...

The four women had a lot of topics to talk about, and they were chatting and laughing all the way.

This made many people in the cabin cast envious looks at Xiaozhi.

Damn it, how could this sleepless guy be surrounded by four beauties of all sizes!

Wait a minute, is this person the out-of-town prodigal that I recently brushed on my phone, the guy who often has money parties on the beach? !


Xiaozhi in his sleep didn't feel any malice from his surroundings.

On the contrary, I feel as if I have mastered the tail of the water, and I keep wagging my tail in my sleep. The splash of water seems to wet my pants...?


After flying for half a day, the plane landed safely at Fukiyo Airport.


When she walked out of the cabin, standing on the high platform, Xiaoxia exhaled subconsciously, with a bit of joy in her expression.

Mingyi: "?"

She tilted her head, does Miss Xiaoxia have some kind of airplane phobia?

"Um, you and Xiaozhi haven't traveled long enough, you don't understand..."

Xiaoxia just laughed dryly, without explaining in detail.

Xiaozhi is simply a disaster magnet, flying with him on the plane always feels that the plane will crash suddenly...

Either encountered some counterattack legendary Pokémon, or a crazy villain organization was in action.

"Ah, I slept so comfortably~ What are you talking about?"

From behind, Xiaozhi also came over, rubbing his sleepy eyes and stretching his waist.

He slept for several hours on the plane, and now he wakes up with vigor and vigor again.

It's just that after waking up, the crotch of the pants is inexplicably wet...

"Is it a prank by the kids on the plane?"

There was no peculiar smell, just ordinary water, so Xiaozhi shook his head, so he didn't pay much attention to it.


However, Pikachu on his shoulders had a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and he quickly looked up at the sky like a passerby.

Sleeping so comfortably, I accidentally sprayed water...

Well, I have been able to release a little bit of surfing, so let's hide it for the time being, pretending that I don't know it at all!

Xiaoxia \u0026 Mingyi: "..."

The two looked straight at Pikachu with black lines all over their heads.

Sure enough, this electric mouse's acting skills are getting better and better...!


"It's Fukiyo City~"

“The environment here is much more comfortable~”

After getting off the plane, Kona and Bonnie showed joy on their faces.

Compared with the dry and windy mountain road town, it seems to be in a desert city... The environment and climate of Fukiyo City are much more suitable.

Although Fukiyose City is surrounded by mountains on three sides, surrounded by Mount Ross, Mount Fukiyose, and Tourmaline Mountains, the terrain is relatively high and the scenery is extremely high.

Hoo hoo hoo...!

When the few people walked out of the airport, there was a strong wind blowing in front of them, whistling.

"If the Pokémon Ring Contest is held here, it should be a good place..."

Xiaozhi stroked his chin, thinking to himself.

However, Fukiyo City is not a large city as a whole. Like Shanlu Town, it is more of a transportation hub city.

Most of the area on the west side of the town is used to build this unusually spacious large airport, and the area on the east side is mostly functional shops and hotels.

In the field around the airport, there are still a large area of ​​vegetable crops being cultivated, with several greenhouses built in the middle...

Due to its proximity to the airport, Fukiyose City will directly transport the freshly picked vegetables and fruits to various places by air cargo planes. Like the volcanic clay ceramics in Shanlu Town, it has become the mainstay of the local economy...

The above are all from Mingyi's mouth.

Without any auxiliary reading at all, you can blurt out and introduce local information casually.

Everyone else knew that Mingyi was enlightened by the Akroman simulator...

But Bonnie, who lives next door, doesn't know yet, and looks at Mingyi with some surprise.

What a learned little girl.

"Beep! But these are not the point! Let me introduce Luoto, the most famous Fukiyo Gymnasium in Fukiyo City~!"

But Rotom flew straight in front of Mingyi, and began to introduce proudly, while still winking at Xiaozhi.

Xiaozhi hooked his cheeks, since he doesn't challenge gyms anymore, he doesn't have such a big interest in the local gym owners...

However, he did not discourage Rotom's enthusiasm, so he raised the corner of his mouth and his eyes lit up, showing a curious look of listening attentively.

Seeing Xiaozhi's expression, Rotom was ecstatic in his heart, and immediately started to introduce:

"Fuiji Gym, this is a gym that specializes in flying attributes. The owner of the gym is named Fenglu, and she is a new female gym owner. She is especially good at fighting against Lotto~!"

However, the owner of the museum seemed a little unreliable.

The so-called imaginary battle means that there is no actual battle, but the former simulates the direction of the battle in his mind...

And the final result depends solely on the victory or defeat of the simulation with Fenglu. As long as the simulation passes, the badge will be awarded directly.

On the contrary, there is no need to fight, and the challenger is directly sentenced to lose.

"Uh, what a capricious curator..."

After listening to the introduction, Xiaoxia and the others raised their brows lightly, this way of fighting was somewhat nonsensical.

After all, Xiaozhi has served as the supervisor of the alliance, and he has never seen any strange and weird museum owners, so he can see through the whole story at a glance:

"Is this purely for laziness?"

It can only be said that in order to be lazy and fish for fish, these museum owners are playing more and more extravagantly!

But also because of this, the few people didn't have much interest in the local Fuki Gymnasium, and even Xiaozhi didn't bother to go sightseeing nearby.

I simply stayed at the local elf center, rested overnight, and set off for Nafanba City tomorrow.

Anyway, at the Fanba City Championship, basically all the gym owners in the Hezhong area will be there, so I don't need to go to see them one by one now.

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