He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2351 Alice's roots are red

The battle continues. twig

Seeing that he could not overwhelm his opponent in terms of direct strength, Xiaochun immediately changed his tactics:

"Red-faced dragon, use rock avalanche!!"

In an instant, countless broken rocks gathered around the body of this strange-colored red-faced dragon, and they all threw them at the opponent.

"Use the dragon claws to smash everything!!"

Alice's tactics are also very direct and rude, confronting them head-on.

The Axe-toothed Dragon condensed its green-light dragon claws and smashed all the crushed rocks. During this period, it even shook its head repeatedly, using the sharp teeth blades at the corners of its mouth to assist.

"Ax tooth?!"

But when all the rocks turned into powder and dissipated, the Axe-toothed Dragon looked around in surprise, and the red-faced dragon completely disappeared.


Before Alice and Axetooth could react, the ground in front of them suddenly began to tremble.

Immediately afterwards, the figure of the red-faced dragon broke through the ground suddenly, and the dragon's claws clenched its fists and slammed into the abdomen of the axe-toothed dragon, lifting it up with strong force.

It's a digging move!

On the opposite side, Xiaochun's face was cold and solemn, and he launched a second attack:

"And then Dragon Tail!"

The red-faced dragon understood, and after standing still for a while, he turned around quickly, and the dragon tail behind him threw out a powerful blow.

Bang bang! !

The Axe-toothed Dragon was sent flying by the green light dragon's tail, and fell heavily in front of Alice.

The effect is outstanding!

After this combination of punches, Axetooth Dragon's physical strength quickly bottomed out, and it was difficult to support even basic standing.

The corner of Xiaochun's mouth grinned, a gym master intern, if he wants to defeat himself, he still underestimates their Yanmo gym

Only at this time, Alice suddenly raised a hand, the palm of which faced the Axe-toothed Dragon, and even closed her eyes. twig

One person and one dragon seem to have established a connection. Although it is invisible to the naked eye, it feels like there seems to be a faint golden line between the two.

"The battle has just begun, Axetooth Dragon, let her see your true strength!"

As Alice opened her eyes again, the Axe-toothed Dragon, who was still in the wind, stood up again.

And the fighting spirit in his eyes far surpassed that before, even his own aura has been improved.

Xiao Chun: "?"

What the hell, is Void taking drugs?

Alice didn't care so much, and launched an attack directly: 柦

"Axetooth Dragon, use Dragon Wave!"

The Axetooth Dragon opened its mouth suddenly, and a cyan energy bomb flew out instantly, which was different from the dragon wave of the general dragon-shaped shock wave in appearance.

Axtooth is a Pokémon that is extremely partial to physical attacks. Its special attack moves are weak, but they are more powerful than others.

Boom! !

In the blink of an eye, the wave of the dragon hit the target and exploded on the red-faced dragon.

The effect is outstanding!


The strength wasn't too strong, but it caused the red-faced dragon to groan in pain.

"Axetooth Dragon, Reverse Scale!!"

However, the Ax-toothed Dragon on the opposite side has already rushed forward, with a sharp red light gushing from its whole body, and its eyes turned crimson red, and its power is overwhelming.

Involuntarily, Xiaochun's expression also became flustered.

For a moment, the girl opposite even gave her the illusion that she was facing her cousin - Du.

"Block it with dragon claws!"

The red-faced dragon hastily raised its claws and propped itself in front of it, trying to block the blow. twig

However, the Axodontosaurus is much smaller in size, and its movements are much more flexible.

"Ax Tooth!!"

In Ni Lin's first round, he could still think calmly, and the Axe-toothed Dragon immediately lowered his figure and directly bypassed the defense of the Dragon Claw.

Immediately, his head thrust forward, and the sharp blade of the ax fangs slammed into the red-faced dragon's abdomen, and the scale-reversing power exploded in an instant!


The turbulent dragon's aura was red, and the force exploded. The heavy body of the red-faced dragon was directly knocked out by this blow, and fell heavily in front of Xiaochun.

The effect is outstanding! twig

And hit the nail on the head!

Ordinary reverse scales attack with full body strength, but the Axetooth Dragon attacks with its own axetooth and sharp blades, making it easier to hit the vitals.


The body of this strange-colored red-faced dragon fell backwards, its head tilted, and its eyes began to spin.

On the other side, the red light on Axetooth Dragon's body has not completely dissipated, and it is shaking its head a little restlessly.

It seemed that Axetooth Dragon hadn't fully mastered Ni Lin's move, and it was a bit confusing after only attacking once.

Seeing this, Don George immediately raised his arms and said in a loud voice:

"The victory has been divided, the red-faced dragon loses its fighting ability, and the axe-toothed dragon wins!"

"This game will be won by Alice from the Double Dragon Gym!"

Hearing this, Xiao Chun froze in place, unable to react for a long time.

"Great Axetooth! Win, win!!"

Alice, on the other hand, ran into the arena excitedly, and hugged Axodontosaurus fiercely in her arms to celebrate.

Not long ago, her Axetooth was still in its juvenile form, and it would not be stored in the elf ball at ordinary times, but stayed in her thick purple hair

Now, it is already moving towards a mature and fierce dragon! twig

"Oh, is it a superpower?!"

In the auditorium, Xiaozhi appraised Alice's behavior at a glance, and couldn't help blurting out.

looks like

This ability is somewhat similar to the power of your own bondage. In addition to being able to communicate with Pokémon, it seems to be able to stimulate the power of Pokémon to a certain extent?

I don't know if it only works on Dragon-type Pokémon.

In terms of naming, you can choose a name of "Dragon Power" first. twig


Xiaozhi is somewhat looking forward to his next fight with Alice.


In the stands on the other side, the champion Adek stood up excitedly.

People with special abilities are rare. It seems that Alice's superpowers still have a certain effect on combat!

"Alice, I have a little impression of the name Alice."

Adek lowered his head and thought for a while, but he remembered hearing Xia Ka mention it before. twig

Over the years, he has been looking for suitable and potential trainers who can take over the burden of champion in the future.

Naturally, he also asked the gymnasium owners from all over the place, including Xia Ka, the owner of the Shuanglong gymnasium.

Dragon-type Pokémon are the most domineering and powerful, and are more suitable than other specialized types.

Shaka once recommended Alice to him

But at that time, the little girl seemed to have just started, so Adek didn't continue to ask.

Looking at it now, although Alice is not mature enough, her wild fighting spirit is very much to Adek's appetite.

The level is not bad, and there is this special ability to communicate with Pokémon of the booster dragon attribute.

The most important thing is that he is still a native of Hezhong!

Thinking of this, Adek immediately left the scene with a red face, ready to have a conversation first.

Good seedling!

If you practice hard, you can expect to make great progress in a short period of time, and there is hope to take over the position of the champion of the union within a few years!

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