He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2352 the unlucky Kanto people crashed

"Dr. Oki, I know you are in a hurry, but can you say it again?"

At night, Xiaozhi stood in front of the public phone, and on the other side of the screen was Dr. Oki who hadn't been online for a long time.

Dr. Oki in the picture has a anxious expression:

"Xiaozhi, did you leave a Caracalla in Ziyuan Tower? Now this Pokémon has escaped, and it seems that it wants to find you in the Hezhong area."

Hearing that Xiaozhi tilted his head, his expression was still a little confused.

It took a while to react

It seems that he really has a Caracalla! ?

At that time, I was going to guard the tomb for my mother, Gala Gala, and I stayed in Ziyuan Tower. Now counting the time, it has been almost two and a half years.

"Wait a minute, you mean you came to the Hezhong area on foot?"

Xiaozhi's expression was startled, and he couldn't help but speak louder, causing many people around him to cast curious glances.

"Well, Fuji has asked the nearby residents to help find it. It is said that someone once witnessed that Caracalla plunged into the water last night."

Dr. Oki hooked his cheeks and said.

On the edge of Ziyuan Town is a long river, all the way to the sea in the Kanto region

If you can swim, it is indeed the fastest route to the Hezhong area.

"Diving?! Caracalla, isn't this suicide?!"

This time, it was Xiaozhi's turn to start worrying.

That Caracalla, no matter whether its attribute is the former ground + rock, or the mutated special ghost + fire

They can't cross the sea at all, right? !

Dr. Oki pushed his hand, and returned the sentence to Xiaozhi:

"E Xiaozhi, I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry about Caracalla, I've already asked Fuji for help."

People from the older generation in Kanto, such as Fuji, Chrysanthemum, and Xia Bo, had many encounters with Dr. Oki when they were young, and the relationship is fairly close.

Don't look at the old man Fuji who is now running a rescue station. He usually goes to the Ziyuan Tower to sweep the floor when he has nothing to do.

But he is very charismatic in the local area.

"In short, I just want to inform you that the matter of Caracalla is left to Fuji. From now on, you should focus on the championship. Our folks are watching the live broadcast, cheering for you~!"

After speaking, Dr. Oki hung up the phone.

But these words did not completely calm Xiaozhi down, and he grabbed the receiver and thought for a while.

Next, let the housebirds in my hometown go around Ziyuan Town for a few laps.

Caracalla, who can't swim, shouldn't be so hard to find.

But what Xiaozhi is most afraid of is whether the straight-tempered Caracalla has sunk to the bottom of the sea now? !岯

The matter of Caracalla has come to an end for the time being, and Xiao Zhi can only pray in his heart that the former is fine.

When he returned to the hall, he found that the expressions of several people were a little heavy.

Especially Xiaoxia, who was staring at her mobile phone closely at the moment, with a silent expression.

"What's the matter, everyone?"

Xiaozhi approached curiously and looked over his head, and found that Xiaoxia's screen happened to be the second round of the Fanba World Championships, that is, the match information of the top 64.

It is still a random match, and each player will receive information about his opponent individually.岯

Xiaoxia's opponent

On the screen was a beautiful red-haired woman wearing gold-rimmed glasses, exuding an elegant and intellectual temperament.

Kanto Ice King, Kona!

In the second game, two Kanto people crashed directly!

"Ah, so unlucky?!"

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi also opened his mouth wide, his face full of surprise.

Speaking of this competition, if there is no setting in the early stage, will your own people not crash your own people? !岯

But this can't really be blamed on the competition system.

After all, the World Championships are only in private, representing the competition between various regions.

At least on the bright side, it's just a hodgepodge of all people, regardless of race or region, to determine the number one in the world.

"it's okay no problem"

Xiaoxia exhaled again and again, trying to calm herself down.

Although the relationship between the two is good, and Xiaoxia's goal is to defeat Kona

Perhaps such a competition system is also a good thing, let yourself see the gap with Miss Kona!岯

"And I may not have no chance of winning!"

Xiaoxia clenched her fists and stood up.

Although the expression looks a little stiff, speaking of these words, there is not much confidence.

There is no break between the second round and the first round of the World Championships.

The battle just ended during the day, and tomorrow is the new top 64 match.


At this time, an elf ball on Xiaoxia's waist opened automatically, and Koda Duck ran out.岯


It patted the back of Xiaoxia's hand, barked a few times, and seemed to come out to comfort its trainer.

"Duck! Are you going to fight Master Kona?"

Xiaoxia's eyes lit up, and she immediately held the duck's face and said in surprise.

Since it is indeed difficult to defeat, if it is a rare soldier who can reach the duck, maybe there is still a glimmer of life? !


The next moment, Koda Ya held his head with his palms, his eyes became hollow, and he let out a meaningless cry.岯

Its meaning is simple:

If you have to worry about so much, why don't you come and play it badly with Koda Duck.

Xiaoxia: ""

After a while, Xiaoxia left in a hurry to make final adjustments, and Xiaozhi could only hope that Master Kona would not be too violent.

In his opinion, there is still a big gap between Xiaoxia and Kona

Then Xiaozhi looked at the two people next to him, Mingyi and Douzi looked much better than Xiaoxia.

Although everyone said that after the first round, everything will be fine

But if you can really go on, who doesn't want to fight for two more rounds?

"Hey! I seem to have drawn a good lottery! It's a social animal uncle from other places, and he doesn't look strong~!"

The corner of Mingyi's mouth raised, and he showed Xiaozhi the picture book with a smile.

The unlucky Xiaoxia was here just now, and it was not easy for her to stab Xiaoxia.

Xiaozhi took a closer look, and saw a migrant worker on the screen, with short black hair brushed back, but his face was sallow, tired, and he seemed not energetic.

"Is the name Aoki a trainer from the Padia region?"

Xiaozhi nodded, it looked really weak on the screen.岯

It is estimated that they are temporary workers randomly assigned by the Padiya area, right?

For Mingyi, it is indeed a good lottery, and it should be able to win another round smoothly.

"Hey, I seem to be lucky, I didn't draw any dangerous opponent~"

Next to him, Douzi grinned, confidently speaking.

Her opponent is from the Alola region, and seems to be a local student with excellent grades, so it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with it.

After all, there is not even a Pokémon Alliance in the Alola region, so naturally it is impossible to send any gym masters or alliance kings.

The local officials estimated that it was up to whoever wanted to come, and the qualifications were given directly.岯

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