He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2353 A Yin vs Boss Chrysanthemum in the Top 64 Match

"Beep beep! The information of the opponents in the top 64 has been received by Loto~!"

Rotom still had a lot of delay, and it took a while before he reminded.

Xiaozhi sighed helplessly, recently Rotom started to stretch his hips.

Take the flying Rotom and look at the screen.

But after seeing clearly his opponent in the next round, Xiaozhi relaxed a bit, he wasn't a dangerous opponent.

Moreover, the previous Caracalla incident also reminded Xiaozhi of something, and he couldn't help muttering:

"If the opponent happens to be this person, I still have some questions to ask."

Beside him, Douzi Mingyi also leaned over, seeing clearly that Xiaozhi's opponents had lost interest, and moved to the side to communicate with each other.

the next day.

The top 64 round of the Sailing World Championships has officially started!

This time there are a total of 32 games, and like the first round, it is a two-day schedule.

According to the rules of random matching, the number of Pokémon that each player can use during the period has been increased to two, which is not as cruel as the first round.

"Tsk, is it the end of today again?"

Xiaozhi glanced at his own battle times, it happened to be the 15th match, which was the penultimate match on the first day.

Well, most of the time today, I can only lie on the railing and watch the game eagerly.

And today's first match, both sides are Xiaozhi's acquaintances

Well, it doesn't seem that familiar.

"In the first round of the top 64 of the Fanba World Championships, the two sides will be the player Ju Boss, the owner of the Fanba Gymnasium, against the player A Yin from the Chengdu Yanmo Gymnasium!


The venue of the tournament is in Fanba City, Boss Ju is in the home court, and as soon as he appeared on the stage, the whole venue burst into cheers and cheers.

But hearing Don George's voice, Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows.

Especially looking at the end of the arena, Ah Yin, who was dressed in brocade robes and black clothes, felt a tingling in his heart.

Since when did this guy become a member of the Yanmo Gym?

"Ayin has been in our Dragon's Cave before, and temporarily borrowed this title after practicing with the Great Elder."

At some point, Xiaochun came to Xiaozhi's side and explained to Youyou.

Those who pass the test of the Great Elder can even get a miniature dragon with excellent qualifications

But after all these years, the only one who passed the test was Du.

When looking at the field, Xiaochun showed envy.

Damn, I was going to win yesterday, but I was overturned by that girl for no reason.

Otherwise, I would still be on stage today!

But the special ability Alice used yesterday, she seemed to have seen it before at her cousin Du?

"Dragon's Lair? I see."

Xiaozhi nodded, it seemed that Ah Yin was also practicing hard.

And the opponent is that stubborn cowboy uncle. If it weren't for the rules of the game, maybe he would be on stage with a shotgun today.

boom! boom!

Soon, the two players on the field threw the poke ball at the same time.

Boss Ju’s Pokémon is the signature dragon-headed gopher. The brown-black body is not tall, but the top of the head and arms are covered with sharp blades and drills. With the stern eyes, it is full of courage.

On the other side, Ah Yin's first battle Pokémon is a Thorn Dragon King.

The sky-blue body of a seahorse has a pair of dragon horns growing on top of its head, and its peaceful gaze carries a bit of nobility and majesty unique to dragon attributes.

"The Thorn Dragon King, use Rain Praying!"

When the battle started, Ah Yin fixed his eyes on the sky.

"Dragon-headed gopher, surprise strike!"

Boss Ju and Ah Yin's personalities are quite similar, they are both cold and silent, and they are both very capable in command.

While the Thorn Dragon King raised his head and chanted, the dragon-headed gopher rushed out quickly and hit the Thorn Dragon King head-on.

However, the Thorn Dragon King's natural bucket waist racial value, offense and defense are at a good level, so he forcibly withstood this blow.



With blue light in his eyes, he looked towards the sky and sang.

The next moment, the originally sunny weather suddenly began to rain heavily, soaking the entire arena.

The characteristic of the Thorn Dragon King is that he can swim freely. With the help of the dense rain around him, his speed has suddenly increased several levels, and his figure can shuttle and slide on the field flexibly.

Such weather made Boss Ju, who specializes in ground attributes, frowned.

"Leading Gopher, use Rockfall!


The speed has been greatly increased. Facing the countless gravels thrown by the leading gopher, the Thorn Dragon King shuttles back and forth ghostly, dodging one by one.

Because it is floating and sliding on the ground, the appearance of the Thorn Dragon King looks like a ghost floating in parallel.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Ah Yin immediately shouted:

"Thorn Dragon King, water cannon!


The sharp and thin mouthparts of the Thorn Dragon King sprayed out a jet of high-pressure water in an instant, and with the addition of the surrounding rainy weather, the power was even higher!

This kind of water cannon is naturally not something that the leading gopher can fight head-on. Boss Ju immediately commanded:

"Leading gopher, use digging!"

The body of the leading gopher turned into a large high-speed rotating drill bit, aiming directly at the ground, stirring and breaking the mud and sand.

The wet ground under rainy days also increased its digging speed to a certain extent.


The dragon-headed gopher scuttled around the ground so fast that it even created a vine on the surface along the way, extending straight to the direction of the Thorn Dragon King.

Finally, it broke through the ground suddenly, and the sharp metal claws slashed straight at the target.

However, in rainy weather, the reaction speed of the Thorn Dragon King was raised to the extreme.


The dragon-headed gopher swung a fierce blow, only to realize that he just hit the afterimage of the Thorn Dragon King.

"Now, Ink Cannon!


The Thorn Dragon King appeared behind him with a ghostly figure, and a jet of black water sprayed out from his slender mouthparts.

The leading gopher turned his head subconsciously, protecting his body with metal claws, ready to block the blow.

It's just that the Dragon King's special seahorse mouthparts gave it the effect of sniping, which is similar to the signature move of Thousand Faces Avoiding Service. This ink cannon precisely deflected the gap between the sharp claws.


In the end, he hit the leading gopher's eyes, and directly shot the latter black.

The effect is outstanding!

"Finally drop it, use the water cannon!"

Taking advantage of the fact that the leading gopher had become completely blind and was swaying in a panic, Ah Yin's eyes sharpened, and he launched a fierce attack.

This time, the water jet gushing out from the mouthparts of the Thorn Dragon King's seahorse became fierce and violent!

Cooperating with the increase in rainy days, the water cannon hit the belly of the leading gopher and sent it flying hard.

The effect is outstanding!

After suffering heavy blows one after another, the leading gopher finally collapsed, completely losing its ability to fight.


Seeing this, the Thorn Dragon King just turned his head coldly, and the end of the slender mouth was still faintly wafting the green smoke from the bullets, and looked at the leading gopher who fell to the ground with disdain.

Hmph, a gopher is also matched in front of it, calling itself "leader"? !

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