He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2367 Belly drum! Freeze dry!


On the arena, the battle has already started, and with the downpour of rain, thundering lightning fell at the beginning of the match, making the arena glow white!

"Tuigui, Xiaoxia is really rude."

In the stands, Xiaozhi shrank his head and said in astonishment, all kinds of tactics were used.

"By the way, why doesn't sister Xiaoxia use that tyrannosaurus?"

Next to him, Mingyi held a small umbrella and said doubtfully.

The Gyarados sent by Xiaoxia before can even undergo mega evolution, and its strength is exceptionally strong.

But in the face of Kona, it was the mosquito-repellent frog king and the starfish that were sent out, and now it was the jewel starfish.

"I guess Xiaoxia has more confidence in these two Pokémon."

Xiaozhi looked closely at the field and said casually.

Mega evolution can't close the gap with the alliance's kings much, let alone the best among them-Miss Kona.

The large-sized Mega Gyarados is undoubtedly very dominant against the less skilled trainers.

But if you face a trainer who is several times stronger than yourself, you will feel a little like a "live target"

"This battle is really important to Xiaoxia."

The heavy rain was pouring down, supporting the railing, Xiao Zhi couldn't help murmuring.

At the same time, Xiao Gang, who was studying for a Pokémon doctor's license in a certain elf center thousands of miles away, was also simultaneously watching the live broadcast of the Fanba World Championships.

His stern eyes were fixed on the TV screen without moving away.

The heavy rain continued to fall, especially when it fell on Miss Kona. The uniform that was soaked close to the body was looming, and it was really hard to look away.

Xiao Gang quickly wiped off the nosebleed. Although his eyes kept on Kona, he muttered deeply:

"We must win, Xiaoxia!"

on the field.


In the face of the thunder caused by the gem starfish, Chenglong's body surface also burst out with lightning, isolating the thunder from the outside world.

Many water-attribute Pokémon can actually master electric-attribute moves, and Kona's Chenglong can master "one hundred thousand volts".

"Damn, is there such a defense method?!"

Xiaoxia's complexion tightened, and she said quickly:

"Jewel starfish, then use electromagnetic waves!"

"Chenglong, mysterious guardian!"

This time Chenglong opened his eyes, and a layer of white mist floated around his body, easily blowing away all the paralyzing current and nullifying it, without giving him any chance.

"And then boulders!"

As Chenglong opened his mouth, several ice cubes shot out like gravel, hitting the gemstone starfish and knocking it out.

Every boulder hit made a crackling sound, full of power.

Even after the move was over, the corners of Chenglong's partially closed mouth were still emitting green smoke, as if a gun had just been unloaded.

"How about Xiaoxia, what are you going to do next?"

Ke Na raised the corner of his mouth, looking forward to Xiaoxia's continued attack.

"Come back for now, Gem Starfish!"

But Xiaoxia suddenly withdrew the gem starfish, and sent out the previous mosquito-repellent frog king.

The rain feature that comes with the game prolongs the rain round when the sky is about to stop.

And as soon as she got on the stage, Xiaoxia shouted:

"Mosquito incense and frog king, attack with all your strength, use belly drum!


Mosquito-repellent Frog Emperor nodded, his brows were furrowed tightly, using this trick required a certain amount of determination.

winter! winter! Dongdong!

As it slapped its stomach, it used a lot of strength, and the sound resonated and made a dull sound.

"mosquito coil"

The continuous and violent slapping was no different from self-mutilation, and the king of mosquitoes and frogs let out a muffled groan, and his physical strength was also rapidly decreasing.

Instead, its own attack power began to soar!

Belly drum move, deduct most of your physical strength, and increase your attack power to the maximum at one time!

As the six amplifying red lights finished lighting up, the slender limbs of the Mosquito-repellent Frog King swelled up visible to the naked eye, and they could explode with astonishing power when they swung them at will!

As a price, its stamina is directly in the wind.

Cooperating with the abdominal drum move, Xiaoxia brought a giant tree fruit to the Mosquito Frog King, and she was already prepared.


After swallowing the giant tree fruit whole, it can be regarded as barely pulling the physical strength to a healthy state that is not considered healthy.

The buff was raised to the extreme, Xiaoxia looked fixedly, and attacked:

"Mosquito incense and frog king, use salt water moves!"

Facing the water sprayed by the mosquito-repellent frog king, Kona's expression did not change, and he waited and watched.

Her dragon riding is a water storage feature, and her salt water moves are purely happy water that restores blood

Xiaoxia naturally also knew that she just sprayed the salt water moves to the surroundings in order to cover her own trajectory.

After all, even if the Mosquito-repellent Frog King has full strength, but the speed is still stretching the hips, no matter how strong the fist is, it is difficult to touch the opponent head-on

The figure of the mosquito-repellent frog king moved frequently under the protection of salt water, and his speed was faster than usual on the slippery floor.

Finally, in a blind spot of Chenglong's perspective, Mosquito Frog King found an opportunity.

"It's now, Zhenqi Fist!


Following Xiaoxia's shouts, the mosquito-repellent frog king rushed up, his clenched fists were covered with white light, and exuded a heart-stopping power

A true qi fist with a bulging abdomen, and it is very effective against ice-type Pokémon

After this punch, even Master Kona's Chenglong would be hard to catch!

It's just that when the Zhenqi fist was about to hit Chenglong, the latter's head was still looking forward, as if he didn't notice the attack from behind.

However, at the next moment, an astonishing coldness suddenly centered on Chenglong's body, spreading 360 degrees!


The vast cold spread extremely fast, almost spreading and freezing the entire stadium ground in the blink of an eye, and even the rainwater that was falling from the sky was frozen into ice and snow, forming a continuous piece.

Especially the Mosquito-repellent Frog Emperor who was close behind him was completely frozen into an ice statue in an instant.

Even the mosquito-repellent frog king, who was bound in the ice layer, still maintained the posture of Zhenqi Fist, with a complacent and excited expression on his face.

But it was all in an instant, frozen there, unable to move any more.

Freeze dry!

Kona’s unique freeze-drying trick of riding a dragon is released at 360 degrees without dead ends, killing and freezing all surrounding objects containing moisture!

It is obviously an ice-type move, but it can also have outstanding damage effects on water-type Pokémon.

For example, the body of the mana jellyfish is almost entirely composed of water, and the effect of freeze-drying can already reach 4 times the damage.

However, Pokémon with a hard shell body like the gem starfish, the effect is much weaker, less than 5 times.

As for the Pokémon such as Mosquito Frog King, whose body water content is not low

It happens to be the outstanding effect of 2 times the damage!

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