He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2368 Extreme, absolute zero!


It's just that the game was not over yet, and the ice layer frozen on the mosquito-repellent frog king suddenly cracked from the inside out.

The Mosquito Frog King did not completely lose his ability to fight, and even focused his eyes, trying to unleash the last strength of the Zhenqi Fist.

Hugh bang!

The zhenqi fist hit Chenglong's carapace back, although it was only a spare effort, but after all, it was the strength of the belly drum limit, and it still knocked Chenglong out horizontally

The effect is outstanding!

"what happened?"

Such a change made Kona a little surprised.

This mosquito-repellent frog king can actively break free from the freeze-dryness of riding a dragon, isn't it impossible?

"It's a salt water move."

On the opposite side, Xiaoxia took the initiative to speak.

The previous saltwater moves, not just cover

During the period, the mosquito-repellent frog king also poured salty water on himself.

Compared with fresh water, salt water is not easy to freeze, which allows the mosquito-repellent frog king to break free from the shackles of freeze-drying faster.

"Really, you are indeed an expert in water attributes, Xiaoxia."

Hearing this, Kona pushed his glasses and praised.

It's just that this situation is still infinitely disadvantageous to Xiaoxia, her face is tense, and it's not known whether it's sweat or rain that falls on her forehead.

Although it was predicted in advance that the opponent's all-round freeze-drying

However, the belly drum Zhenqi fist with all his strength was only scratched to the side.

There are not many opportunities like this!

"mosquito coil"

Even her mosquito-repellent frog king has reached the residual candle in the wind, and even breathing has become extremely difficult.

Thinking of this, Xiaoxia no longer hesitated, and immediately said:

"Mosquito incense and frog king, sing the song of perdition!"

In the end, he tried his best, and the mosquito-repellent frog king immediately opened his mouth wide, and once again sang the death song that tortured both the enemy and us.

In an instant, the black mist that symbolized the curse fell on the foreheads of Chenglong and the mosquito-repellent frog king at the same time.

"Ride the dragon, boulder!"

With a flick of Chenglong's head, the sharp boulders that flew out hit the belly of the mosquito-repellent frog king, and the fierce force sent it flying, taking away the last bit of physical strength.

"Thanks a lot"

Xiaoxia took back Mosquito Frog King's elf ball and whispered that what she had done was enough.


Next, the gem starfish appeared again.

But at this moment, Chenglong's Yintang is gradually turning black, and the effect of the song of death is still working.

And at this moment, Kola cannot take the initiative to replace the Pokémon, Chenglong must forcefully eat this extermination song!

"Win after two rounds!"

Xiaoxia gritted her teeth, thinking to herself.

Although I'm not sure whether the level difference can make the Mosquito Frog Emperor's Extinguishing Song effective against this terrifying Chenglong, but now we can only hope for it.

Just in time, the surface of the arena had been frozen into frost by Chenglong, Xiaoxia immediately said:

"Jewel starfish, use mental force to control the ground!


Gem starfish responded by bending the starfish angle. As the Pokémon who has been with Xiaoxia for the longest time, it is natural to understand it in seconds.

The powerful psychic light flew out from the central gemstone, covering the entire field in an instant, and even tore apart the ice layer on the surface as the gemstone starfish exerted force from the air.

Hugh, huh, huh!

The next moment, Gem Starfish used the power of thought to stir up countless cracked shards of ice, forming a storm of shards of ice in front of him, thereby hiding his figure.

As long as you drag through 2 rounds, you win!

In this regard, Kona's eyes dimmed, and he shook his head with some regret.

Such a tactic of only thinking about procrastination has made her no longer interested in continuing to fight.

Since you want to delay

"Ride the dragon!"

Hearing Kona's low shout, the riding dragon nodded and let the broken ice fly around, but it quietly crawled to the center of the arena.

Just when Xiaoxia didn't understand what the other party was going to do, she only heard Kona's second order.

The cold voice also made Xiaoxia feel as if she had fallen into an ice cave for a moment, and her face turned pale.

"Absolute zero!


On the arena, Chenglong's body pressed down slightly, centered on his body, and instantly released a chilling and biting cold air to the audience in all directions!

Bang! Bang!

Bearing the brunt, Chenglong's body raised several sharp icicles out of thin air, and the cold air continued to spread outward.

This time, let alone the ground being frozen again, even the rainwater in the sky was completely frozen, and the sky above the arena was directly filled with dense ice needles formed by raindrops!

As for the shattered ice stirred by the gem starfish's thought power, even the gem starfish's body was completely frozen when the extreme cold air drifted by!

Unlike freeze-drying, it can also use the salt water on the body surface to break free from crushed ice.

The ice wither that was frozen at absolute zero, although it looks good in appearance, it has already lost any breath inside.

Absolute zero, one hit kills!

The gem starfish and the broken ice stirred around it directly constituted a beautiful ice statue.

Even the rainy day is over, and the rising sun casts sunlight, shining the glacier, which is really beautiful

This scene also made Xiaoxia's face turn pale, and she couldn't help but kneel and sit on the ground.


Especially seeing that Chenglong has returned to Kona's side, the partner of one person and one dragon is more like a towering snow mountain that is difficult to climb, which makes Xiaoxia feel a sense of suffocation.

"Jewel starfish can't fight!"

"Because Xiaoxia's two Pokémon can't fight, the winner of this game is the Kanto King's Kola player!"

Referee Don George was speechless after watching this battle. After looking at the gem starfish that had been frozen into a work of art for a long time, he finally said in a deep voice.

There were quite a few alliance kings who appeared on the stage before, but they were basically crushing the game, and there was not much to see.

This is the first time that Kona has shown a truly invincible ultimate power

"Or, stronger than the average alliance king?"

Don George's exhaled breath turned into cold air, and he thought to himself.

If the Hezhong Four Heavenly Kings on my side meet this Miss Kona

Um, I feel bad luck.

Don't say it's the Four Heavenly Kings

"Hiss, is the king of heaven in the Kanto area also so fierce now?"

Even Adek, the champion of the United League, who was sitting in the box at the moment, looked at his scalp numb, and scratched his head while sitting in his seat.

Now, am I really sure that I can defeat such an opponent?

After the game, Xiaoxia sat on the ground for a long time, unable to react.

"It's okay, Xiaoxia."

Kona took back Chenglong and walked over.

Putting away the biting and chilling chill before, with an elegant smile on his face again, Kona stretched out his hand and pulled Xiaoxia up.

"Your saltwater icebreaking tactic was successful"

After thinking for a while, Kona still said seriously:

"If you really want to beat me, you should study the water attribute that you are best at, instead of choosing the delaying tactics of killing songs"

"In this case, one day in the future, maybe the water flow can really break all my ice."

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