He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2369 An unexpected encounter, Alice!

The next day, early morning.

With continuous battles, today's schedule is completely empty. All players and spectators who are also watching the match can rest for a day, and the round of the top 32 will continue tomorrow.

Early in the morning, Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia were walking alone on the street at the venue of the World Championships.

Since the sky was just getting brighter, there were not many pedestrians on the street, and the air blowing in was a bit cold.

After two days of torment, Xiaoxia completely let go of the burden in her heart after she was completely defeated by Ke Na yesterday.

"Ah, I lost~"

As she walked, she stretched and let out a foul breath.

There is also a Kodak duck walking in front, as if leading the way, with its fat buttocks twisting and twisting as it walks.

After the battle yesterday, what Kona said touched Xiaoxia a lot.

Yeah, I thought about too many fancy tactics, but none of them suit me

Ice is a material form of water, so the power of water flow alone must be able to defeat Kona!

But it will take a long time to accomplish this.

At least for now, Kona's strength makes her unmatched.

"What about you, Xiaozhi? If you face Kona, are you sure you can defeat her?"

Xiaoxia suddenly tilted her head and asked a question she had been curious about.

"Is it Master Kona?"

Xiaozhi crossed his hands and held the back of his head, and began to think as he walked.

If it was an ordinary alliance king, he would have been able to defeat it very early on.

Not to mention the alliance king, even the alliance champion Mi teacher in Fangyuan area, he killed them all.

It's just that after seeing Kona's performance yesterday, Xiaozhi also began to feel uneasy

It can only be said that ginger is still old and hot, and the strong ones in his hometown are indeed even stronger!

But in the end, Xiaozhi replied in a deep voice:

"Although I can't say that I will definitely defeat Master Kona, I should be able to guarantee that I will not lose."

He's not worried about colliding with Kona next time.

It's even better if you hit each other, just in time for an upright duel, and the winner will be determined!

"That's great~"

Seeing this, Xiaoxia couldn't help sighing with emotion, the current Xiaozhi is no longer at the same level as her.

While happy for Xiaozhi in my heart, I was also a little envious

Involuntarily, Xiaoxia suddenly thought of Xiaoxia, another slut she saw in the Akroma simulator, and had a subtle but profound emotion for another "Xiaozhi".

"Uh, it should have nothing to do with me."

Xiaoxia blushed, and quickly shook her head, putting aside these messy thoughts.


Xiaozhi glanced at Xiaoxia with some doubts. He didn't know what the latter was thinking, but he quickly turned his attention to the front of him.

Walking side by side with Koda Ya at the moment, there is also the single-headed dragon that Xiaozhi has just subdued.

It's okay to take them out for a walk, which can increase some intimacy to some extent.

It happened to be early in the morning, and there were not so many passers-by on the street, so this single-headed dragon would not suddenly go berserk and attack others.

But just to be on the safe side, Xiao Zhi still put a collar around the neck of the single-headed dragon and led it with a bracelet.

This can not only ensure that the single-headed dragon will not attack other passers-by, but also better protect the single-headed dragon from self-harm.

You must know that this single-headed dragon with a weird personality will not stop at all if it starts to go crazy, and it will not stop until it knocks itself into a candle in the wind.

But after several days of getting along, the temper of this single-headed dragon seems to be much better.


It even imitated the movements of the Kodak, bobbing its head when walking, and the thick black hair on its body was bouncing accordingly, which is quite cute.

It's just that this scene of putting a collar on a Pokémon is not acceptable to all trainers.


Even put a collar on a cute single-headed dragon~! "

The two who were still walking in the early morning suddenly heard a coquettish shout from the side.

Xiaozhi turned his head subconsciously, with a puzzled expression.

Next to it is a small park green space, and the sound is coming from the bushes at the height of half a person

Who was in ambush here early in the morning?


The next moment, two figures rushed out from the bushes and landed in front of them.

On one side is a black-skinned girl with long, thick purple hair. She looks wild and energetic.

However, there are still some leaves and branches on the hair and clothes, and the clothes are also baggy and dusty.

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, it looked like he had camped in this small park all night?

"Hey, I remember you are that Alice?"

Xiaoxia was the first to speak and recognized the other party.

Because of Alice's performance, she was impressed.

As for the other figure, it was ax-toothed dragon a head shorter than Alice.

The comfortable big bed in the elf center was not to Alice's liking. She preferred the feeling of adventurous camping in the jungle, and she had been living here with Axodontus during the competition.

Xiaozhi was also a little surprised, he didn't expect to meet this dragon girl here.

"Ahh! It's such a cute single-headed dragon!

Why tie it down!


However, Alice's focus is entirely on Xiaozhi's single-headed dragon.

Just like Xiaoxia will become hyperactive and nympho when she sees water-type Pokémon, Alice is the same for all kinds of dragon beasts.

Just when Alice was going to approach and forcibly hugged the single-headed dragon into her arms.



Xiaozhi's single-headed dragon suddenly let out a low growl, baring its teeth, full of aggressiveness.

It used to dislike humans very much, and these days it is barely familiar with Xiaozhi and his little friends

He still maintains a high degree of hostility towards other humans!

"Um, it's better not to get too close, this single-headed dragon doesn't like strangers, it will attack"

Xiaozhi quickly explained, interrupting Alice's frenzy.

"Dragon-type Pokémon don't have bad kids! Leave it to me!"

Seeing this, Alice patted her chest instead, extremely confident.

"What we have to do is to understand that as long as the barrier between Shan Shoulong and Shan Shoulong is eliminated, and each other's hearts are connected together, then everyone can become friends~!"

Immediately afterwards, Alice closed her eyes suddenly, and slowly raised her arms, facing the single-headed dragon with her palms.


A faintly visible, very hazy golden thread flew out of Alice's palm and landed on the forehead of the single-headed dragon, connecting one person and one dragon together.

In an instant, not only the single-headed dragon and the axe-toothed dragon, but also the unique aura of dragon-type Pokémon appeared on Alice.

This scene made Xiaozhi and Xiaoxia look at each other with surprise on their faces.

It is the special ability that Alice used in the tournament before

Dragon Power!

Xiaozhi looked forward even more closely, his curiosity aroused.

Just take a closer look at Alice's dragon power, what is the difference between her own bond power? !

(an update today)

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