He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2377 The final battle, Ah Yin vs Qianli!

Seeing her best friend's victory, Xiao Ju'er couldn't help putting on a bright smile on her cold face.

He even turned his head quite proudly, ready to see Daye's disappointed appearance.

It's just that when she turned around, she found that Daye didn't pay attention to the results on the court at all, but just looked straight in her direction.

Or, looking at yourself?

Not only that, at this moment Daye even put his hands on his chin, exuding the charm of a confident man all over his body.

Leaning forward slightly, leaning his elbows on his thighs, he made a handsome pose towards her.


Xiao Ju'er frowned, and immediately turned her head with a chill.

What's up with this afro guy?

She has seen this kind of look too much. Every time a model catwalk is held, the men in the audience basically have this kind of look.

However, she is not interested in a man like Daye who looks like a gangster and thinks he is handsome and handsome.

"If you really want to find a boyfriend, it seems that Diancijun on the field is more suitable~"

Xiao Ju'er couldn't help but cast her eyes on Dianci who was shaking hands with Douzi after the match.

He is also the owner of the electric attribute hall, and he looks like a melancholy handsome guy with a clean and elegant demeanor

This is not comparable to the man with the afro in the back.

But Daye didn't think so, and thought that Xiao Ju'er didn't dare to look at each other because of her fiery eyes.


Daye immediately put his hands in his pockets, laughed and walked off the stage, and it was his turn to appear next.

Just let Xiao Ju'er experience her own strength!

However, when passing by Xiao Ju'er's aisle, the other party never raised his head from the beginning to the end, which made Daye, who was walking with disrespectful steps, a little confused.

"Mr. Daye, come on~!"

But Xiaozhi next to him said hello.

Uh, barely an acquaintance, right?

"Dangdang~I'm back~!"

Not long after the battle, Douzi returned to the spectator stand and shouted triumphantly.

Several friends next to him sent warm congratulations.

The extroverted Douzi is sophisticated and harmonious in dealing with others. Although it seems to be a show-off, it will not make others feel dissatisfied.

"I'm so envious~ Sister Douzi will advance to the top 16~"

Mingyi spoke enviously.

You must know that if you can advance to the top 16, you will basically be players at the league's king level from all over the world.

"Well, I guess it's a round trip when I go in."

Thinking of this, Douzi felt a little apprehensive, shrugged his shoulders and sat down.

"It's not a big problem. With Dou Zi's strength, it's not like you have a chance."

But next to him, Xiaozhi comforted him.

Looking at it along the way, Dou Zi's strength should be enough to wrestle with the weaker alliance king.

If you are lucky, if you draw a good lottery, you may be able to advance to another round!

And the most outrageous thing is that Douzi's job is not to be a powerful trainer.

I haven't trained much at ordinary times, and I have such a level at such a young age

No wonder Mr. Adek took a fancy to Douzi.

"Then I hope to give me a good sign next time, I just need to make another round!"

Douzi clapped his hands and prayed to heaven.

The round of 16 is still similar to the previous top 32 and top 64, and the opponents are re-matched randomly.

But once the promotion from the top 16 stage is completed, enter the top 8

That is equivalent to entering the real stage of this Sailing World Championships.

The eight players will be clearly displayed, and a battle chart for the eight-player knockout match will be given, and this battle route will lead to the finals.

"Is there such a saying?"

Xiaozhi was stunned, it was the first time he knew the rules of the competition system.

In other words, starting from the quarterfinals, the competition system is more like the previous league conference

However, the contestants are a bit outrageous, and those who can enter the quarterfinals, it is estimated that the best one is a king.

Even now in the top 32 stage, they have already reached a league king every two games, like a bad street.

For example, Daye who is fighting at the moment.

Due to the official behind-the-scenes lottery mechanism, basically players at the level of kings will not be selected as kings, so Daye's battle was still very smooth and rough. Relying on a platypus, he won the victory with one pass and two.

Even after the game, from a distance, he waved his hand in the direction of Xiaozhi and the others.

Little Ju'er: ""


Xiaozhi thought that the other party was waving to him, and wondered in his heart when did he become so familiar with Mr. Daye?

However, he still waved his hand symbolically as a response.

"It seems that the quarter-finals are wrong. In the next round of 16, it is estimated that some league kings will be eliminated."

Beside, Xiaoxia is calmly analyzing.

Kona, the king of the alliance they represent in Kanto, is powerful, so naturally there is no need to worry.

But there are also differences among heavenly kings.

After all, there are only so many positions in total, so naturally someone will be eliminated in advance


Xiaozhi nodded heavily, with a solemn expression.

This Sailing World Championships has reached the later stage, and it is the truly cruel moment.

In the final promotion match of the top 32 rounds of the World Championships, both sides were Xiaozhi's acquaintances.

This made Xiaozhi cheer up immediately, and looked towards the field with a bright and bright look.

On one side is a young man with long red hair and a somewhat feminine and handsome face. Wearing a long black coat and boots, he looks quite regal.

The opponent on the other side was a middle-aged man.

Wearing a brown sportswear that looks like a physical education teacher's suit, with short hair and short hair, he stands upright with his arms folded, with a dignified and serious face.

"Interesting, the last match was Ah Yin, did you meet Mr. Qianli~! These two people actually bumped into each other."

Xiaozhi stroked his chin and looked ahead with interest.

Naturally, Ah Yin's strength needless to say, as an opponent who had fought several times while traveling in the Chengdu area, Xiaozhi naturally knew the opponent's strength.

Especially now that I have written from Chengdu Chapter to Hezhong Chapter, Ah Yin's strength will only become stronger!

On the other hand, Mr. Qianli is the head of the gymnasium in the Fangyuan area, but his own strength can never be described as a simple "gym master"

"It seems that as long as this man takes the initiative to fight for it, not to mention the alliance king seat in the Fangyuan area, or even the championship seat, isn't it impossible?"

At this time, there was a sudden humming sound from behind, which made Xiaozhi and his party subconsciously turn their heads.

But I saw Bonnie, the heavenly king of Fangyuan, who didn't know when to sit over.

As a trainer in the same Fangyuan area, it can be said that she is the one who can best understand the strength of Qianli in the audience.

Bonnie's super high evaluation also made several people around look surprised, and they all became interested, curious about the ending of this battle

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