He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2378 Leave the king and the overactive ape!

On the field, the battle has already begun. no

"Ma Yula, split tiles!!"

Ah Yin's first Pokémon is Mayula, which runs nimbly with its small size, making it difficult for people to track its movements.

And Qianli's first Pokémon is a very famous leave king in the Fangyuan area.

Its own racial value even surpasses some legendary Pokémon...

But because of the "lazy" feature, after using a move every time, he must not be able to move in the next round.

Such negative characteristics make the King of Leave a very extreme Pokémon, and only a few trainers will choose it as a partner.


Ma Yula swung a brick-breaking knife sharply, and hit the king who asked for leave in the neck.

The effect is outstanding!

However, this leave king just lay on his side on the ground, with one hand supporting his head and the other hand still holding his belly. It didn't seem like there was much damage?


Ah Yin frowned, his Ma Huanla mainly focuses on high-speed and high-attack, and specializes in abusing dishes.

As long as the opponent is less powerful, Ma Huanla can launch a high-speed and powerful attack, easily winning or losing within a few rounds.

But now the opponent is a meat tank...

Obviously, this is the most difficult opponent for Ma Huanla.

"Ma Yula, split tiles continuously!!"

Ah Yin hurriedly commanded, no matter how fleshy the opponent is, the moves with outstanding effects will definitely have an effect.

Ma Xuanla understood, her claws were covered with white light, and she repeatedly slashed at the king asking for leave.

After a while, many obvious scars appeared on the leave king's body.

And Qianli just stood at the back, with his arms folded, his expression calm.

"Lazy." Wu

Between the attacks, the leave king let out a low cry, and its body was instantly covered with a layer of green light, recovering a lot of physical strength.

Obviously this is to fight a protracted war.

"Ma Yula, don't stop, split tiles continuously!!"

Ah Yin hurriedly attacked, ready to kill this troublesome meat tank at once.

Seeing that the opponent had no intention of fighting back at all, Ma Xunla simply stopped moving and kept attacking.

Every tile splitting force is exceptionally strong, leaving clear scars on Wang Wang's body.

After a while, the leave king, who recovered most of his physical strength, was covered in bruises again. no

But just when Ah Yin thought that the other party would repeat the old tricks and continue to use lazy moves to recover blood, Qianli suddenly sharpened his eyes and called out a new order.

"Double return!"

The leave king who had been lying on his back suddenly stood up, steaming all over his body, especially one of his clenched fists was covered with a penetrating white light.


Ma Huanla froze in place for a while, attacking with all her strength, it didn't realize that the opponent would attack again.

Unable to defend, he can only use the tile splitting move to forcibly force the opponent's fist.

Boom! ! no

The moment the two moves collided, Ma Xuanla's entire body was thrown flying, and fell heavily in front of Ah Yin.

It's a collision of two levels of power...

The effect is outstanding! !

The move that the king of leave had suffered before returned it with twice the damage!

Such an attack can be withstood by the body of the king who asked for leave, but now it is replaced by Ma Huanla?


Killed by one blow, Ma Xuanla's eyes were already spinning, and she fell to the ground unable to fight. no

"Damn it, this man...is he so strong?"

A Yin cursed in a low voice, took back the defeated Ma Yula, and looked at the king asking for leave like a hill in front of him and the meticulous man behind him with a bit of guard.

"Come back, leave king."

But unexpectedly, Qianli took back the leave king next, and both of them changed into new Pokémon.

"Crocodile drink!!"

Ah Yin's second Pokémon is the crocodile, and it yells at the opponent as soon as it comes on the stage, looking fierce.

And Qianli's second Pokémon is a white-haired orangutan with thick arms-hyperactive ape. no

"Interesting, is the queen who asked for leave a hyperactive ape?"

In the stands, Xiao Zhi stroked his chin and said.

They are all Fangyuan's unique Pokémon, and Ah Yin obviously doesn't know much about these Pokémon.

If it were him, if he chose long-range attack directly, he would be able to grind that leave king to death.

Compared with the extremely lazy and hard-to-move leave king, the hyperactive ape is extremely hyperactive and won't stop moving for a moment.

They are two Pokémon in the same evolutionary chain, and their habits can be said to be very contrasting.

"Hell stab!!" Wu

This time it was the hyperactive ape's turn to attack first. At the beginning of the battle, he moved his claws together and rushed forward with black light attached.

"Great crocodile, Frozen Tooth!"

However, the crocodile's most proud mouth had a very strong bite force, and it actually bit the palm of the hyperactive ape's poke.

Even the biting cold air invaded and froze shards of ice on the half arm of the hyperactive ape...

"Hyperactive ape, use Thunder Fist!!"

However, the next moment, the hyperactive ape's other arm that was still able to move made a fist, bursting out with a violent electric current, and hit the crocodile's cheek with one blow!

The effect is outstanding! ! no

But Ah Yin did not show any weakness, and shouted:

"Big crocodile, climb the waterfall!!"

The crocodile's head was blown sideways, but its arms were also clenched into fists, surrounded by countless water bubbles.

Whoosh! !

Panpu's heavy fist also hit the hyperactive ape's abdomen, and knocked it out hard.

"Hey drink~!"

However, during the throwing process, the hyperactive ape slapped the ground with his palm, and landed steadily with a flexible backflip, seemingly unharmed. no

And as the abdomen was attacked, Ah Yin noticed that the hyperactive ape was wearing a gemstone pendant among the staggered white hairs.

A dark purple round stone with a peculiar luster on the surface...

"Evolve strange stone...?"

Ah Yin frowned, recognizing the prop.

Hyperactive apes can also continue to evolve upwards to become kings of leave, which is a Pokémon that evolutionary stones can work.

And this stone can give the hyperactive ape a stronger defense...

"Hyperactive Ape, Continuous Lightning Punch!!" Wu

Qianli's attack made Ah Yin a little breathless. Before he stopped for a long time, the hyperactive ape rushed up again. This time his fists were covered with violent current, and he greeted the crocodile again and again.

"Big crocodile, use brute force!!"

Facing the dangerous brute force punch of the crocodile, this hyperactive ape didn't even bother to dodge, and used his body to catch it hard, so that his thunder and lightning punch could completely hit.

It's not a big problem, anyway, with the bonus of the evolution stone, its defense is extremely strong.

"Back to life!"

Even when his stamina was decreasing, the hyperactive ape exploded with even stronger strength, and the strength of the boxing he swung even forcibly surpassed the brute force of the crocodile.

Boom! ! no

As the crocodile was hit by the resurrection from the dead, the battle came to an end...

(One more, Calvin...)



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