He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2388 Subdue? Phantom Beast sucks

After all, that rich man is also the only "creature" that Victini has come into contact with in the past 30 years, and he still has feelings.

Every day when I go to the island, I just hug myself with a smile, stroke my hair, feed, play games...

The cute victini didn't realize that his freedom was restricted.

At most, it's just a person who has been staying on Liberty Garden Island, which is very boring...

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, do you want to subdue it?"

At this time, Douzi suddenly spoke.

It seems that Victini likes Xiaozhi very much.

Although she doesn't know much about "the power of victory", Xiao Zhi's fighting spirit is indeed full when it comes to "victorious fighting spirit".

Compared to the possessive rich man, Xiao Zhi is undoubtedly the best trainer.

"I just don't know who gave the rich man's inheritance...?"

Suddenly, Douzi was still secretly guessing in his heart.

Hearing this, Adek nodded in agreement.

If Xiaozhi tames this victini, it would be a good choice.

Of course, the number one candidate in his heart is Alice, after all, she is the successor he has already set his sights on...

But judging by Victini's appearance, she doesn't have any feelings for Alice, and she can't force anything.

"Are you subdued..."

Xiaozhi looked closely at Victini, and his breathing became heavy for an instant.

To subdue a phantom beast that countless people want and can bring victory...

This temptation is too great!

And just now he has seen Victini's "Victory Power", which can force the completely suppressed crocodile to the strength of Keldeo's 50-50...

If this power falls on Genesect or Pikachu, then superimpose his own bond power.


Xiaozhi couldn't help taking a breath, a little afraid to imagine how violent it would be.


But looking at Victini's cute big blue eyes, Xiaozhi finally let out a breath of air and put away restless thoughts.

"forget it..."

He shook his head and gently picked up Victini.

"Victini, you can choose the next path yourself, you can follow me, maybe I can take you to Zhenxin Town in the future, or even reverse the world..."

"If you accept it, let's wait for the future."

These words made the surrounding people all look surprised...

The phantom beast that was given for nothing was placed in front of his eyes, and then Xiaozhi... gave up subduing it? !

Don't you know how precious Eudemons are? !

"Well, I see, it's you who don't understand..."

The only exception in the crowd, Xiaoxia put her palms on the table, dragged her cheeks, looked sideways at everyone, showing a look of not being surprised.

It is said that Xiaozhi has created a reverse world now, and the phantom beasts in it are all rotten streets...?

Victini stared at Xiaozhi blankly, and then seemed to understand the meaning.


It flew up suddenly, landed on Xiaozhi's hat, and made a clear laugh like a silver bell, and even held Xiaozhi's head with two small hands, refusing to let go.

Obviously, Xiaozhi has an appetite for it.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi just raised his hand and rubbed Victini's long ears, and said with a smile:

"If that's the case, then follow me next~!"

Speaking of which, it seems that he has stood on top of many Eudemons...?


After the matter came to an end, Adek took Alice and prepared to leave.

With Xiaozhi's protection, the current victini should not have to worry about falling into the hands of some idiot and rich man.

"In the next World Championships, you can send Victini as a Pokémon to fight...but if you don't make an appearance, you can't let Victini display its victory power, that would be a foul. "

Before leaving, Adek raised a finger and said suddenly.

It doesn't matter if humans use superpowers, after all, trainers are indeed fighting.

But if there is no Victini in the Pokémon you sent, then it would be outrageous to use the power of Victini to open it.

In that case, you can even let Pikachu fall at your feet without appearing on the stage, just keep wagging its tail outside the field to reduce the opponent's defense...

"Ah, I see."

Xiaozhi nodded, and casually glanced at Victini.

The latter seems to be just an auxiliary Pokémon. It should not have much combat power. The next step is to watch the show off the field.

"Then let's do our best for the next round of 16~!"

Speaking of this, Adek suddenly approached, his eyes were serious, and he said quickly in a voice that only Xiaozhi could hear:

"Remember, if you encounter those two trainers from the Galar region, don't hold back and charge them hard!"

You must know that the two backstabs from the Galar region have both entered the round of 16, and they are definitely the most dangerous enemies.

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, then regained his expression, nodded and assured:

"Okay, then I will definitely fight with all my strength!"

Of course, he secretly added a word in his heart.

"Even if he is facing the local king of Hezhong, or even Mr. Adek himself, he will fight with all his strength!"

Anyway, no matter who the opponent is, they all rushed!

Hearing this, Adek was satisfied, and left with the suspicious Alice.

Now, he himself has to prepare for the next World Championships, but he doesn't have much time to guide Alice's practice...

Just take it by the side and watch for now.

After all, it is now the top 16 stage, even Adek himself does not need to go all out, otherwise he may overturn and be out at any time.


It was almost night to send Adek off.

After dinner, everyone teased Victini, who had just joined the small group, while waiting for the release of the top 16 match list.

In the round of 16, the matching mechanism is still completely random, and the players only know the information of the opponent they are going to face.

And at this stage, the number of Pokémon that trainers can use has finally reached three.

The following quarter-finals will be the final stage of the competition. The battle information of the eight players will be fully displayed, and there will be no randomness in the future, and the process and route will be completely determined.

"Hurry up hurry up hurry up!


At this moment, Douzi was anxiously pacing back and forth in the elf center, taking out the illustration book from time to time to see if there was any pop-up information.

It feels like no matter who she faces, she will suffer!

"Don't worry, Douzi~!"

In comparison, Xiaozhi's expression is much calmer, and he still has the time to tease the Victini on the table.

Next, no matter who you face...

Of course, if there is a chance, Xiaozhi still wants to face those two trainers from the Galar region, just to try the true strength of these two backstabs!

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