He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2389 Information on opponents in the top 16!


After waiting anxiously for more than ten minutes, the illustration book in his pocket suddenly shook, and Douzi immediately became energetic and took it out to check at the speed of light.

It's just that after seeing the screen clearly, the expression on his face, which was 7 points expectant and 3 points nervous, froze instantly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter? Could it be that he won the jackpot and directly faced Mr. Adek?"

"Let me see"

Beside him, Mingyi and Xiaoxia moved their heads curiously.

However, in the illustration book, it is a middle-aged uncle with a silver-gray inch-cut head, his face is quite dark, and he has thick eyebrows and a beard.

It was one of those two trainers from the Galar region, Pioni!

"It looks like Mr. Adek's personality is a bit similar?"

Xiaozhi also came over, this uncle Pioni's selfie photo is a laughing expression, he should be a person with a hearty personality?

It's hard to imagine that it will be a mercenary who is here to backstab and snipe the United Alliance?

At the same time, Xiaozhi turned his head to look at his illustration book.


Rotom just returned him with a cute expression, as if the phone was born with a poor signal, and he couldn't receive his battle information for a long time.

Xiaozhi: ""

Douzi's face was a little pale, did he have such bad luck to bump into this person?

During this period of time, she has already investigated these two Garrel people in depth.

Although the information is very scarce, some clues can still be found

For example, Pioni, whom she will be fighting against tomorrow, used to be the Gym Leader in the Galar region. He was good at steel attributes, and even served as the league champion there for a short time.

The champion of the league, the strength is definitely stronger than a batch!

It is even said that he is the current president of the Galar Alliance, Luoz's biological brother?

Douzi took another look at Pioni's photo in the illustrated book, and his face was indeed very similar to that of Chairman Luoz.

But I heard that the two have different personalities. After seeing his brother become a famous celebrity in the Galar region, this eccentric Pioni completely withdrew from the public eye, so there are not many records.

"So it's because of my brother that I came here to attack the Hezhong area?"

Douzi frowned, guessing.

After all, the Garrell World Championships is fully in charge of Luoz, and this very capable president offered to ask his younger brother to help him, which is completely justified.


But these have nothing to do with me!


Although he had dug out the opponent's information, Douzi squatted on the ground holding his head and couldn't help crying.

Fighting a former league champion tomorrow?

Come to the king of the alliance, it's almost done!

"Uh, that's great, I also want to fight this Mr. Pioni~"

Beside him, Xiaozhi said with envy, which made Douzi roll his eyes.

"Beep! Received new battle information Loto~!"

At this time, Rotom finally reacted, and the movement made Xiaozhi's eyes shine.

He ran back quickly, clicked on the information link, and the photos of the top 16 players also popped up.

Aoki, an ordinary trainer from the Partia region.

Unlike other pavilion masters, Mr. Aoki seems to be just a public official of the local Pokémon Alliance, who was forcibly assigned to travel.

"Is my opponent Mr. Aoki?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows. Recently, he encountered many incidents in the Padia region.

But this information introduction, it seems that Mr. Aoki is the weakest of the top 16 players

"Xiaozhi! This Uncle Aoki is definitely not simple!


Mingyi's complexion changed slightly, and he quickly opened his mouth and said vigilantly.

She was eliminated by Aoki before.

Obviously that Mukehawk looks like it's going to fall in the next second

But he just held on abruptly, and directly eliminated her in one pass and two!

This uncle who looks very decadent and powerless must be hiding his strength!

"Well, I know."

Xiaozhi nodded, but did not refute.

He watched the whole battle between Aoki and Mingyi, including the battle of Uncle Aoki at the back, he also paid special attention to it

Although every time it seems that they are very reluctant to the limit, as if they will overturn at any time, but in fact, the rhythm of the battle is completely controlled by Aoki.

This social animal uncle, on the list of top 16 players, should be able to rank in the middle?

"It's just right! It's also a good opponent!"

After reading the results, Xiaozhi breathed a sigh of relief, at least his round of 16 will not be boring.

I just don't know who the other players are?

It seems that the four heavenly kings of Hezhong are still there, but in this round of 16, many alliance kings should be brushed out

The next day, morning.

The round of 16 of the Sailing World Championships has officially opened.

Even Douzi was a contestant in today's first match, separated from Xiaozhi and his party early in the morning, and waited for the stage in the waiting area.

Xiaozhi Mingyi and the others came to the player waiting area with ease. This is an excellent viewing area located in the front row, and in front of it is the railing that separates the arena.

"Oh~ Mr. Denji, Miss Xiaotsubaki, good morning~!"

After arriving at the scene, Xiaozhi also greeted several acquaintances in the waiting area.

After a quick glance, it seems that gym owners from all over the world, even though they have been eliminated, are not in a hurry to go back.

They are all continuing to watch, ready to see who can make it to the end.

It seems that many people have noticed this multi-regional Smash Bros. game format and have an excellent viewing experience.

As for the gym owners in the Hezhong area, most of them left.

Only the group of relatives and friends like Xiaojuer stayed here for the time being, ready to cheer for Douzi who will be on stage next.

After taking his seat, Xiaozhi glanced at the illustrated book again to confirm his order of competition.

There are a total of eight battles in the top 16, and each player can use 3 Pokémon to fight.

Eight battles were fought in two days, with two battles in the morning and two in the afternoon

His game order is the second game this afternoon, and there is no rush for the time being.

He just sat down and was discussing with Mingyi Xiaojuer and the others which three Pokémon Douzi would send to the stage next.


Victini, who had fully shown his figure, did not hide at the moment, and lay on Xiaozhi's hat, looking curiously at the venue of Nuoda.

It used to be hidden in a high place, overlooking the audience, but today it was the first time it sat directly off the court.

"Hey, that Pokémon is Victini, right?"

"It is said that its trainer can always win?"

"Who knows where there is a private casino, I want the guy from the Kanto region of Stud"

A lot of spectators who approached around also cast curious looks in the direction of Xiaozhi and the others, talking a lot

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