He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 216 vs Duck-billed Charmander! !

"Come back, flame horse."

The flame horse turned into a red light and left the arena. Pikachu's feet disappeared instantly, and he landed directly on the hot hot sand, making it jump up again. Pikachu quickly stabilized his mind, trying to condense the exclusive electricity of electromagnetic floating under his feet.


It's just that this time the electromagnetic levitation did not appear on Pikachu's four legs as perfectly as before. This time it only appeared on the sole of one of its right legs. The latter can only maintain an independent movement of a golden cock, stalemate on the sand.

Its electromagnetic levitation control is not perfect, without the hyperemia state in the battle, it is not effective.

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking:

"Pikachu, can you still fight?"


What answered him was another burst of flames from Pikachu's body, another burn state.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Seeing Pikachu's tragic appearance, Xiaozhi was embarrassed to let him continue to fight, so he quickly jumped a few steps into the hot sand field, personally carried Pikachu out of the field, and signaled to Xiaoxia outside to give him a hand. It is fed with a burnt fruit.

Xiaozhi couldn't help kicking the hot sand, and said:

"Pikachu, you should practice more. What's so hot about the sand? The soles of your feet are afraid of heat. This is a sign of kidney deficiency."

Pikachu: "?"

You take off your shoes and say something like that.


The sunny weather in the Red Lotus Gym has become more intense.

"Is it finally the last battle..."

Under the sunglasses, Xia Bo's face did not show the slightest discouragement because of the previous two defeats, but his expression became more enthusiastic.

The Red Lotus Gym has badge restrictions on challengers. Not only is this magma field dangerous, but each of Xia Bo's Pokémon is very powerful.

It can be said that Xiaozhi's current level is really not weak, and he has completely jumped out of the Muggle class of novice trainers.

"This boy's mind is pretty good..." Xia Bo gave Xiaozhi an evaluation.

Although the first two Pokémon are generally stronger than him, but relying on Xiaozhi's clever command, they are not weaker than him, which often surprises him.

"Then how can you face my last trump card!!?"

Xia Bo suddenly opened his arms and roared loudly at the entire volcanic lava arena. His old body looked like a hot-blooded boy at this moment.

"Come out, king of the magma!!"

He didn't throw the elf ball, but as soon as he said that, the magma under everyone's feet suddenly rolled violently for no reason, and steaming bubbles continued to emerge.

"What happened?"

"We didn't say 'can't fly' did we?"

"We didn't say "Little Coal Turtle" either!"

The three of Xiaozhi hurriedly looked down at the surface of the molten lava that was making noise.


Suddenly, a figure broke through the magma, jumped up from the hot magma below, clung to the edge of the rocky field with one claw, rolled up with its arms, and finally landed firmly on the field.

This Pokémon just stood in front of Xia Bo, staring at Xiao Zhi from afar.

"Hoo hoo..."

Immediately, the oncoming high temperature heat wave enveloped the entire arena. The high temperature steam made everyone squint their eyes. Xiao Gang was even forced to leave the referee's position in the middle of the arena. Like Xiaoxia, he stood beside Xiaozhi. behind.

Among the crowd, only Xia Bo and Xiaozhi, who were wearing sunglasses, remained unchanged.

"This is..."

Wearing Cammy Turtle's sharp-framed sunglasses, Xiaozhi can clearly see the entire figure of this Pokémon that jumped out of the magma.

Humanoid upright body, red and yellow skin, like a flaming horse, the red pattern on the body is like a real burning flame, and black locks are worn on the arms, thighs, neck and neck.

It has a big tail with flames burning at the end like a fire dinosaur, a gloomy expression, eyes like extremely red dead fish eyes, and a slightly protruding mouth into a duckbill.

Just standing there, a layer of faint fiery red energy spread around its body, and its body exuded terrifyingly high temperatures, blurring and scorching the surrounding air.

The most frightening thing is that this Pokémon has just landed at this moment, and there is still a lot of volcanic lava flowing on its body, which is ticking down. Coupled with that gloomy face, it is like a flame demon, which can directly scare people. crying children.

Its two soles stepped on the scorching hot sand, and even the surrounding hot sand was directly scorched into charred crumbs...



Cammy Turtle and Pikachu were startled by this Pokémon's aura, and they couldn't help hiding behind Xiaozhi.

Isn't today's game two wins out of three?

Then he should have finished work and let the black uncle next to him make a celebration dinner.

Even Chi in his soul was taken aback for a moment, although this duck-billed fire dragon was a bit weaker than the core cadre of the Rockets team he met earlier, Zeus's duck-billed fire dragon.

But the momentum is not inferior, and it even faintly overshadows it.

"Is it because of the magma..." Soon, Chi understood the key.

Fire-attributed Pokémon can rely on external flames to forge their physical fitness, and this Charmander duck-billed dragon has obviously forged its body in this terrifying magma for a long time, and its quality has far surpassed most Muggle Charmander duck-billed dragons.

Chi's eyebrows twitched suddenly, as if he had discovered something.

"But this energy should be coming soon..."

But he didn't say it.


"Didi. Duck-billed Fire Dragon, Duck Pokémon, with a body like flaming magma. The body can withstand thousands of high-temperature flames. Those who touch it may enter a burn state, but their appearance is average. It is not recommended to accept them here."

The illustrated book made a beep.

Xiaozhi put the illustrated book into his pocket with his backhand. Pokémon don't care about their appearance. Although the duck's appearance is indeed average, but with that flaming momentum, if it wasn't for Xia Bo's Pokémon, he would have lost it. Pokeball is gone.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi swallowed his saliva, fixed his eyes, kept his aura at its peak, and then threw his elf ball abruptly.

"It's up to you!! My trump card!!"

A red light flashed, but before the figure appeared, a fiery pillar of fire shot up from the red light, scorching the air.


A dragon's roar exploded in the Honglian arena, and a substantial air storm suddenly spread in all directions, and the magma in the entire crater also began to roll, as if responding to this strong dragon's roar.


The figure of the fire dinosaur appeared on the field. As soon as it appeared on the field, its two strong hind legs stepped on the hot sand field, and directly stepped on two deep pit marks in the hot sand.

At this moment, facing the devil-like aura of the duck-billed fire dragon, the fire dinosaur's aura has no effect at all, on the contrary, it is even better, with its sharp claws clenched tightly, it can charge and fight at any time.

"Fire attribute, naturally we have to use fire attribute to deal with it!" Xiaozhi shouted lowly.

Both Pokémon are of the fire attribute, and there is a word dragon in their names, rounded up, they can be regarded as two fire dragons.

Whether it is fire or dragon, they are all Pokémon with high self-esteem. As soon as they came out, the two dragons had already met their eyes, staring at each other tightly, the flames in their eyes swelled, and they wished to trample each other's head on the ground. underfoot.

"In terms of flame battles, the fire dinosaur and I will not lose to anyone!"


Xiaozhi and the fire dinosaur took the lead in issuing a declaration of battle, and the flames of war have been ignited.

The two of them who have already entered into a strange bond state, the tacit understanding at this moment far exceeds that of Xiaozhi and other Pokémon.

"In that case, let me see if your flames are hot enough!!"

"Ho Ho Ho!"

Xia Bo and the duck-billed fire dragon also put on a fighting action, the flames and magma were tumbling, and the battle was about to start!

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