He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 217 Lava Armor!

"Duckbill Charmander, use jet flame!"

"Fire dinosaur, use jet flame!"

The game started, and the two issued the same instructions at the same time.

"Boom!" "Boom!!"

Two pillars of fire burst out from both sides of the arena and sprayed toward the center of the arena. The color of the flame on one side was darker and reddish brown. This was the flame of the duck-billed fire dragon.

On the other side, the fire red element of the fire dinosaur is slightly weaker, and it is more golden yellow.


Two powerful pillars of fire collided together, sparks flew all over the place, and powerful waves of air surged around.

Seeing this, the corner of Xia Bo's mouth twitched. He is an expert in the fire attribute, and he can see a lot of things just by the color of the flame. There was a flash of sharpness in his sunglasses, and he said in a low voice:

"Duck-billed fire dragon, be a little more serious!"

As soon as the words fell, the flame at the end of the duck-billed fire dragon's tail suddenly rose by three points, and the color of the flame spit out from the mouth became deeper and richer, so rich that it seemed to have a solid body.

"No, it really has an entity!"

Xiao Gang in the rear was shocked, his eyesight has been very good.

At this moment, the flame of the duck-billed charmander is no longer an unpredictable energy flame, but a viscous, liquid-like and solid flame substance...

"It's magma!!" He came up with the answer.


In the next second, the jet flames of the magma covered the jet flames of the Fire Dinosaur. Like a continuously flowing liquid, it was constantly eroding and engulfing, emitting white smoke, which was completely covered and swallowed in less than a few seconds. Even the hot magma did not Stop, and continue to go toward the fire dinosaur cover at the source.

Xiaozhi quickly shouted: "Fire dinosaur, avoid it!!"

The fire dinosaur resolutely closed its mouth and gave up the flame emission, rolling to the side in front of it to dodge.

And the magma liquid was half a second behind, covering the position where it stood before, instantly corroding and burning the spot to form a shocking fire pit.

"So strong..."

Xiaozhi and the fire dinosaur were taken aback by the molten flame.

"Hehe, it's common sense that magma restrains flames."

Xia Bo smiled lightly.

Fire-attributed Pokémon are somewhat different from other attributes. The flames they emit can be continuously deepened and forged through the perception of external flames, and the duck-billed Charmander, which is soaked in volcanic lava all day long, can not only get a terrifying body comparable to fire. With the aura of a god, the flames emitted are naturally much higher than ordinary flames.

What kind of boiled water should I drink more?

Please drink more magma today!


The duck-billed fire dragon opened its mouth again and spit out several balls of flame magma. It was said to be a fire attribute skill, but if you don't look at the color, the shape is more like a poison attribute skill.

"Isn't the power of flames comparable to..."

Now Xiaozhi's mind is highly concentrated, his expression is stern, and he is constantly thinking about countermeasures.

"Then try close combat, Fire Dinosaur, use your best Hell Thrust!!"


The fire dinosaur roared in situ, moved its hind limbs and began to approach the target. Its body tossed and moved in the rocky ground, constantly avoiding the attacking flame magma. He put on a ferocious expression, the rich and deep dark black energy has been condensed in the claws, forming a sharp energy coat.


The distance between the two dragons was less than one meter, and the fire dinosaur didn't even think about it, and stabbed towards the duck-billed fire dragon's chest with a dark thrust.

"Melee combat? The duck-billed fire dragon, let's use split tiles!"

Xia Bo did not choose to dodge, but also chose to attack from the front.

There was a burst of white light flashing from the two fists of the duck-billed fire dragon, and the white fists met the dark thrusts, and they blasted forward.


The powerful strength exploded, and the palms of the two dragons were locked together, and the muscles were even trembling faintly due to the excessive force.

"Damn it, don't you have the slightest advantage in strength!?"

Beads of sweat had already fallen on Xiaozhi's forehead.

"Keng!" "Keng!" "Kang!"

The first blow separated, the fire dinosaur and the duck-billed fire dragon did not stop attacking, and the expression of the two dragons facing each other did not change at all, but the hell thrust and split tile in their hands were launched again and again, constantly hitting each other, and constantly defending each other's attacks, The strength of the fist collided with the attribute energy continuously, making bursts of bombardment and blasting sounds.

In less than a few seconds, they had already faced each other for 5 or 6 rounds, but none of them took advantage of the opponent's attack.


The Fire Dinosaur suddenly roared loudly, a flash of sharpness flashed in its eyes, and its body pressed against the opponent's attack and actively pushed forward.

"call out..."

Turning his head to the side, he managed to dodge a blow that hit his head.

Immediately afterwards, the left hand was lifted up into the air, slightly covering the view of the duck-billed fire dragon's eyes. At this moment, its facial expression suddenly became extremely sinister.

In an instant, the fire dinosaur's body suddenly pressed forward, and the left hand swiped across to restore the duck-billed fire dragon's vision. At the same time, a sharp and penetrating black light suddenly flashed out from a tricky angle.

The flame temperature is higher than that of many duck-billed Charmanders, and the strength is also 50-50, but in terms of flexibility, the Fire Dinosaur is even better!

The dark spike came out, and the fire dinosaur aimed at the eye of the duck-billed charmander, and stabbed it mercilessly.


Hell thrust!

The fire dinosaur used all its strength to hit the fire dragon, and the duck-billed fire dragon could not react! !



To everyone's surprise, the fire dinosaur's hell thrust just stopped in place, and its face even appeared a little distorted due to the excessive force.

Even the end of the black energy coat on the periphery of Hell's Spike has been stuck a few inches in front of the duck-billed Charmander's pupils, but with this distance of a few inches, no matter how hard the fire dinosaur exerts, it can't go any further.

"What's wrong?"

"Fake match?"

The fire dinosaur is not bound by any super power attribute skills at the moment, it is simply because there seems to be a transparent wall on the surface of the duck-billed fire dragon's body, which is so hard that it cannot break through no matter how hard it exerts.

When everyone took a closer look, they saw the clue.

I saw a layer of reddish-brown translucent film lingering on the surface of the duck-billed fire dragon's body, like an armor arm guard, firmly stuck the hell stabs outside.

This film is like a flowing solid, flowing slowly, exuding a fiery and powerful power if there is nothing...

"It's magma again!?"

Everyone suddenly realized and blurted out.

At first, they thought that this layer of reddish-brown film was the skin color of the duck-billed Charmander.

"That's right, the key to everything is magma..."

Xia Bo smiled lightly, thinking in his heart that he had been polishing his body in the magma all the year round. Not only did the fire dragon's flame evolve into a magma flame, but a tough magma armor even formed on the surface of its body due to accidental collisions.

It is the terrifying flame demon aura that the duck-billed fire dragon comes with when it comes on the stage, all because of the increase brought by this layer of lava armor.

"Shock enough, duck-billed fire dragon, use the over-the-shoulder throw!"


The duck-billed fire dragon suddenly turned its head, and the unstoppable Hell Spike pierced through the chest instantly, making a penetrating sound of "cracking" rubbing against the lava armor on its surface.

The duck-billed charmander immediately hugged one of the fire dinosaur's arm joints, turned around and stuck it with its back, and exerted its strength, throwing the fire dinosaur flying out!

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