He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2392 Is it really for the backstab...?

It's just that the two Pokémon have a big difference in level. The iron head of the leader Meow actually forcibly broke through Vulture Na's Brave Bird Attack, and hit the latter's chest hard.

The characteristic of this meow boss is hard claws, not only the claws are hard, but the power of all physical contact moves can be improved!

Bang bang!

Condor Na was knocked out on the spot and fell heavily in front of Douzi.


Douzi exclaimed, his expression changed drastically.

As the smoke dissipated, I saw that Vulture Na had already fallen there, her slender neck hanging on the ground, and her eyes were rolling

"Vulture Na has lost the ability to fight!"

The referee, Don George, spoke immediately, and the sound of the judgment made Douzi startled.

"Thank you, Barbara"

After taking Vulture Na back, Douzi's aura suddenly dropped a lot.

Uh, the opponent is really strong enough, the previous nervousness and hesitation seem to have nothing to do with me!

"Damn it, there are two more!"

As soon as Douzi gritted his teeth, he took out the second elf ball in his hand.

Unlucky to face the former league champion in another place, now he can only bite the bullet and continue!

On the other side, Xiaozhi and his party are next door to the viewing area.

The sound of a girl shouting for cheer was quite eye-catching in the crowd.

"Father, Boss Meow, come on~!

! "

The father can only be a male father, and the person who cheers can only be Pioni.

You must know that this is the home stadium of the Hezhong area. Most of the audience is cheering for Douzi, and there are very few scenes of cheering for players from other places.

Not to mention that most of the tourists in the Galar region are watching the Galar World Championships at home at this moment, and almost no one will come to watch the game together.


Xiaozhi looked to the side curiously, meaning that this girl is actually Uncle Pioni's daughter?

He could only see half of the opponent's figure and profile.

About 2 or 3 years younger than me, wearing a dark blue student uniform and short skirt.

The skin color exposed on the side face, neck and thighs is somewhat similar to that of Pioni, all of which are dark in color.

There are pendants on the earlobes, short pink-white hair, which seems to have been permed and curled, and the ends are dyed a bright pink.

It looks like a trendy girl.

"If you backstab, do you still drag your family to participate in the competition?"

Beside him, Mingyi said in surprise.


And Akromar and N, who arrived at the scene last, were the first to know these gossip secrets, and asked doubtfully.

After Xiaozhi and the others explained, the two showed a look of sudden realization.

Under the brim of the hat, N narrowed his eyes, looked at Pioni at the end of the field from a distance, shook his head and said:

"It doesn't look like it's a backstab specifically, or is it not a backstab on its own initiative?"

Xiaozhi and Mingyi glanced at N and then at each other, a little confused.

How is it a riddle man again?

This battle is still going on, and it is completely in Douzi's disadvantaged situation, and the battle is very reluctant.

Douzi's second Pokémon is an old builder, who appeared on the stage holding two huge concrete stone pillars.

Apparently, Douzi intends to use the powerful punches of the builder to retaliate against the fighting boss.

"Does Douzi still have a builder?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, it was the first time he saw Douzi's Pokémon.

But the temperament of the two is very compatible. To build a Pokémon like an old craftsman, they also work as coolies in various regions of Hezhong.

Maybe Douzi usually sends out the old construction craftsmen to split up and work separately to make money?

As soon as he appeared on the stage, the old construction craftsman launched fierce attacks again and again, and each punch was extremely powerful, witnessing the moment when the old construction craftsman was sweating on various construction sites

"Meow boss, metal explosion!"

However, under the powerful metal explosion of Boss Meow, all the damage suffered before was returned to the old builder, and the latter was blown out at once.

With the short stature of Boss Meow and his small size, he drove out the tall builder, and the scene was quite frightening.

"Use the iron head!


But Boss Meow's speed was much faster than that of the old builder. Before the opponent could react, he dashed out with a small figure.

The head, which was still hard, slammed into the chest of the veteran builder, and the winner was completely determined.

"The veteran builder loses his ability to fight!"

The referee, Don George, spoke immediately, with a look of worry for Douzi on his face.

This foreign backstab is really strong enough

If things go on like this, maybe today Douzi will be pierced by this meow boss.

Similarly, Douzi's face also became extremely dignified and deep.


But at the same time, Pioneer's expression is also extremely dignified when he wears it easily.

His brows were deeply frowned, as if he was struggling with something

"The last battle, Hei Nier, fight with all your might!


Douzi's last Pokémon is naturally her ace Yusanjia Yanwu King.



Although he had come to a dead end, this King Yanwu still raised his head, spewing out fiery flames into the sky majesticly, with high fighting spirit.

"What a wonderful girl"

Pioni looked at Douzi in front of him, wondering if he thought of his daughter, and his originally tangled expression gradually calmed down, as if he had made a decision in his heart.

When the final battle started, Douzi looked extremely focused.

At the very least, I have to get rid of this annoying outlander savage Meow Meow today!

"Hei Nier, spray flames!


King Yanwu opened his mouth, and hot flames spewed out, burning the air.

At least in terms of attributes, King Yanwu with fire + fighting attributes can perfectly restrain the boss of the steel attribute.

The leader of the meow dodged again and again, even if it was the hot flame, he didn't dare to face it.

"Hei Nier, push hard!


Riding on the heat wave, King Yanwu had already rushed up, swiping his palms alternately and pushing forward, each blow could break rocks with force.

"Boss Meow, use Iron Wall!


Hearing Pioni's command, the leader of the cat quickly shielded his arms in front of his body, with a metallic silver light on his surface.



It's just a continuous push move, still pushing it horizontally, the effect is outstanding!

"Meow Wu!"

Three consecutive battles also made the meow boss a little tired.

Seizing the opportunity, Douzi immediately said:

"It's now, Hei Nier, Flash Charge!


King Yanwu trampled on the ground and rushed out, the smoke flying in all directions formed an exaggerated blue flame on the surface of his body

Sacrifice characteristics, activate!

With the boosted Flame Charge, the strength soared by a notch, and it rushed towards the Meow leader brazenly.

"Meow drink!


Not to be outdone, the meow boss took the same pose, and chose to attack with an iron head again!

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