He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2393 Someone is playing fake matches? !

"Boss Meow can't fight!"

After fighting continuously, Douzi finally calmed down a little after seeing the Viking savage Meow Miao fall down completely.

Finally killed one!

It's just that this meow boss doesn't look like Pioney's trump card, but more like a vanguard official thug

Even so, he was still in a chaotic battle, using three Pokémon to win it, which made Douzi very discouraged.


King Yanwu also groaned and panted a little because of the back injury from Flame Charge.

"Thank you, Boss Meow!"

On the other side, Pioni withdrew the leader of Meow, and after muttering in a low voice, he had already pulled out the second Poké Ball in his hand.

It was just that when he wanted to open it, he unexpectedly began to hesitate.

Douzi: "?"

What's the matter with this middle-aged uncle?

Even the referee, Don George, coughed a few times, signaling Pioney to send out the next Pokémon.

Opposite him was a girl who was about the same age as his daughter, and this majestic King Yanwu

After some hesitation, Pioni dispatched the second Pokémon.


The poke ball was opened, and a huge monster landed in front of Pioni, and the heavy weight made the ground make a sound.

The bronze elephant covered with dark and light green rust appeared again.

The bronze elephant of the king!

With a body like a hill, Douzi couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

But at this moment, she has successfully defeated a cat boss, at least the basic goal has been achieved, and the next battle can be done without any scruples.

"Fight with all your might, King Yanwu!


Douzi snorted and said, the famous bronze elephant of the king in the Galeer area is still a single steel attribute, and it was restrained to death by King Yanwu.

Maybe take one more?

At the beginning of the battle, King Yanwu was still the first to spew out a beam of fiery flames, and went straight to the target.


However, the big bronze elephant swung its thick steel trunk and easily scattered the flames.

"Such a strong force"

Douzi was a little speechless. Standing behind her, she even felt the strong wind blowing from the big bronze elephant waving its trunk.

Thinking of this, Douzi immediately changed his tactics and said:

"In that case, Hei Nier, use the oath of fire!"

You have only one trunk, see how you resist other flames?



King Yanwu let out a low cry, clenched his fist and slammed it heavily on the ground in front of him.




The next moment, as if magma was gushing from the center of the earth, the ground around the bronze statue of the king spewed out fountain-like lava pillars of fire one after another, surrounding it.

The oath of fire is more effective than spraying flames for this kind of immobile meat target.

Pioni just raised his hand and pointed:


The big bronze elephant understood, raised its forelegs a little clumsily, and then trampled heavily.


All of a sudden, the ground shook violently, and the entire ground of the arena shook violently, especially the earth and rocks near the bronze elephant of the king began to crack and spread.

This move not only instantly destroyed the oath of fire, but also the flaming magma could not be maintained, and disappeared and fell.


Even King Yanwu was affected, and he groaned uncomfortably.

The stomping move performed by the King's Bronze Elephant is not only the aftermath, but also has the terrifying effect of an "earthquake".

"Don't lose to it, Hei Nier, arm punch!


Douzi hurriedly shouted, long-range flame moves are ineffective, then try melee combat!

King Yanwu understood, and tried his best to maintain his figure in the shock, then rushed towards the bronze elephant of the king, his muscles bulged, his raised arms were covered with white light, and he swung a powerful arm punch!

Pioni didn't choose to dodge, or he couldn't dodge himself with the body of the king's bronze elephant, so he simply faced it head-on:

"Bronze King Elephant, we use brute force."

The big bronze elephant waved its huge trunk again. This time white steam rose from the surface of the trunk, even stronger than before.


With a violent collision and explosion, the trunk of the big bronze elephant not only took over King Yanwu's arms and punched his fists.

"My lord!


The stamina continued, and with the deep roar of the big king's bronze elephant, it even directly flew King Yanwu out, falling several meters away!

The strength of the two is the same as the body shape, and they are not at the same level at all.

With just one blow, King Yanwu came to the state of candles in the wind, his arms were limp and numb, and he was half kneeling on the ground, panting continuously.

"So strong"

Douzi's expression changed drastically. Is this big bronze elephant Piony's trump card? There is no chance of winning at all!

She was still thinking quickly, wondering if the person in front of her faced Mr. Adek, who would win?

On the other side, completely in an absolute advantage, Pioni's eyes sharpened, and he was about to shout "heavy collision".

Heavy Charge is a steel attribute move, and the higher its weight, the stronger its power.

The weight of an ordinary bronze elephant is already extremely exaggerated, not to mention that Pioni's bronze elephant is characterized by "heavy metal".

Heavy metals will double their body weight!

This blow came out with a heavy impact, not to mention King Yanwu, who was still in the wind, even if he was full of blood, he would need another King Yanwu who was full of blood to block it.


Only at this time, Pioni suddenly fell silent, and did not call out this move.

The big bronze elephant turned its head in some doubts, but when one person and one elephant looked at each other, the big bronze elephant didn't have any more doubts, but nodded slightly to Pioni.

Just as Douzi thought, this big bronze elephant is Pioni's trump card and his initial Pokémon.

When he was still a child, Pioni and his elder brother, who is now the president of Roz, each took in a big bronze elephant in an abandoned mine as their initial Pokémon.

Living together with this big bronze elephant so far, the two can naturally read each other's thoughts with just one look.

"Thank you for your understanding, King Bronze Elephant."

Seeing this, Pioni smiled wryly at his big bronze elephant, then raised his palm, and suddenly retracted it into the elf ball.

This scene also made Douzi and referee Don George a little confused.

Take advantage of the victory to pursue, and end the game with just one move

Why did you suddenly change Pokémon?

The referee Don George's expression changed even more, as if he hadn't replaced the Pokémon

But Pioni suddenly raised his palm and said in a deep voice:

"Sorry, I choose to admit defeat in this battle."

As soon as the words fell, the entire venue was in an uproar, and many audience members even started to discuss and scold.

Everyone wants to see fierce battles!

It doesn't matter even if you are one through three, but at least you can't choose to surrender and admit defeat in a disappointing way!

Especially at this moment when Pioni has an absolute advantage, Douzi is no match at all

Is it a match-fixing match? !

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