He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2394 Pioni and Xia Keya!

The referee Don George glanced at the uproar in the surrounding seats, and then his eyes fell on Pioni with a serious expression.

"Are you sure you want to abstain?"

Pioni nodded, took a long breath, and replied again in a deep voice:

"Yes, I choose to abstain."

Hearing this, Don George didn't say much, and loudly pronounced the verdict amidst the noise around him:

"Because Pioni chose to abstain, the top 16 of the Sailing World Championships will be advanced by Douzi from Leiwen City!


As a referee, he is not responsible for the psychological construction of the players, asking why

The only thing that can be done is a fair sentence.

The voice fell, which made the whole venue even more agitated. This is the third time that the Fanba World Championships has given up and conceded defeat.

It's just that the first two times were in the early stages of the World Championships. Some players faced the powerful king of heaven, so it is understandable that they directly chose to admit defeat.

But this time, Pioni, who was the absolute dominant player, chose to admit defeat? !

"Hey, hey! Uncle Garrell, did you come here to make trouble on purpose?!"

"Keep fighting, don't be disgusting!"

"Rely on me to beat you all, I just want to eat some stinky water, why are there still fake matches?!"

Amidst the endless yelling and cursing at the venue, it seemed that many spectators tore off the voucher paper in their hands and sprinkled it into the air.

With the progress of the World Championships, many people have already identified Pioni as the former champion of the Galar region.

Although the odds suddenly became extremely low, at least betting all-in on Pioni, at least a few meters can be guaranteed, and it is very stable anyway.

As a result, he abstained directly? !

On the field, Dou Zi also looked a little confused.

After tearing up the betting tickets in his hand, Douzi hurriedly caught up with Pioni who had left, and asked:

"Well, Mr. Pioni, why did you admit defeat? The outcome of this game is already very obvious."

Although she was lucky now, and even made it to the quarterfinals.

But this kind of process is not what Douzi wants to see, but instead, he suffocates his anger.

But Pioni didn't answer directly, he just waved his hand and left the stage.

"This place, maybe I shouldn't have come this morning"


It was another riddle answer, which made Douzi stunned in place, and some did not react.

It's just that she also invested a lot of money in Stud Pioni before the game!

I thought well at first, even if I lose today, I won’t lose

Now, the fruit of hard work in the past few months has suddenly turned into a bubble!

On the other side, there is a private spectator seat for the champions of the U.S. Kings.

"Hiss, the strength of Mr. Pioni is really not to be underestimated."

Champion Adek said solemnly.

Even if he faced the big bronze elephant, it couldn't be said to have a 100% winning rate.


Beside him, Lian Wu, the King of Fighters, also said in a deep voice.

Even if he sends his best fighting Pokémon, it may not be able to break through Pioni's steel defense.

It's just that such a strong player, and a backstab player from the Gale region, why did he suddenly abstain from voting?

It stands to reason that at the top eight stage of the World Championships, the identities and order of the eight players will be displayed together

This is the real climax of the World Championships. If you want to beat the Hezhong World Championships, reaching the quarterfinals is the most important step.

"Could it be that Pioni didn't have this idea?"

Adek rubbed his chin and murmured to himself in doubt.

Compared to the surrounding champion kings who were full of doubts, the evil king, Yueju, smiled brightly.

"This wave, I'm full~!"

Lingonberry covered her mouth, couldn't stop laughing, her shoulders were trembling along with it.

Naturally, he secretly opened the private casino for the Saiba World Championships.

As a gambler who has learned from the painful experience and washed his hands, Yueju will never gamble again in his life

So he started to be a banker.

I don't know who leaked the news, but Pioni is the former league champion in other places, so many people put a lot of money on Pioni to win this match.

With Pioni's acknowledgment of defeat, the banker directly killed him haha!

The first round of 16 is over, and the next second game is not so fast.

After all, there are only two games in one morning, and there is almost a half-hour break in between.

After leaving the arena, Pioni actually came to the viewing seats of Xiaozhi and his party.

Or in other words, the place where Pioni's daughter is suspected to be located is just adjacent to their seat.

"Father, why did you admit defeat!


This fashionable girl with pink and white short hair had already greeted her and said very dissatisfied.

"Haha Xia Keya, anyway, he has reached the top 16~ It's enough to show your father's strength~!"

Pioni laughed and looked sloppy, his face showed a look of doting, and even his voice became very greasy and silly.

"Hey, I promise my classmates that you can make it to the finals, Daddy!


The girl named Xia Keya pursed her lips, turned her head, and sulked.

And Pioni is on the sidelines, constantly trying to laugh at his angry daughter.

This clumsy old father's appearance is completely different from the previous trainer who commanded cleanly and had a strong offensive.

This scene also surprised Xiaozhi and the others, it really didn't look like a purposeful backstab at all.

Did you really blame this uncle?

"That, Mr. Pioni! Please tell me why you abstained!"

At this time, Dou Zi chased after him, and asked with a serious and sincere face.

The money is gone and her heart is bleeding

If you don't figure out the reason behind it, it is estimated that you will have to break your defenses because of this incident in the past few months!

"Um, you're the girl from just now"

Pioni looked at Douzi with some doubts, seeing that the latter looked seriously, and it seemed that if he didn't give a satisfactory answer, he might pester him all the time.

"All right"

After thinking about it, Pioni agreed to answer.

It's just that the surrounding seats are very messy, and many spectators who are close are quite dissatisfied with Pioni's surrender behavior, which is obviously not a good place to communicate

"It's convenient here!

It's convenient here! "

"Everyone is their own!


Adjacent, Xiaozhi and his party, whose gossip fire had already been ignited in their bodies, greeted them from a distance, and deliberately vacated a seat in the middle.

Indeed, they are all their own people, such as Xiaojuer, Daye, Kona, Qianli and others are also sitting around and behind.

Although these people have no expression

But they were all calm and connected, with their ears pricked up, ready to eavesdrop openly.

Pioni: "?"

Although a little unclear, Pioni was pushed and pulled by a group of people to sit in the middle.

No way, so he let out a long sigh and began to explain why

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