He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2399 Illusion? when...

Facing Daye's trump card, the flame monkey, Cattleya also played her trump card.

It looks like a humanoid Pokémon wearing a black lady's long dress, with a lavender face and eight disc-shaped ornaments on top of its head.

Miss Goth, this Pokémon was with Cattleya when Xiaozhi met Cattleya for the first time in the frontier battle.

The flame monkey, which also has fighting attributes, has some disadvantages in attributes.

Although he had reached the match point on the opposite side, Daye's whole body was completely on fire like an exploding head above his head.

"Flame Monkey, Sonic Fist!


After the words fell, the flaming monkey turned into a white light and rushed out at an extremely fast speed.

Hugh bang!

The next moment, an iron fist hit Miss Goth in the face, knocking her back several steps.

The rapid movement of the flame monkey also made Cattleya frown.

The speed is so fast, and in terms of strength, it is far superior to ordinary preemptive moves.

"Is it the iron fist characteristic..."

Cattleya realized in an instant that the flaming monkey in front of her was not the fierce fire characteristic of the regular Yusanjia, but the iron fist characteristic that can enhance the strength of various boxing.

Facing the opponent's ace partner, Cattleya's expression rarely became focused and dignified.

Buzz buzz...!

The blue light of thought power covering the whole body trembled slightly, the light became deeper, and even appeared on Miss Goth.

With Cattleya's super power bonus, and her eyes glowing blue, Miss Goth's mental power has been greatly improved!

"Has it started...?!"

Seeing this, Daye couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

Not only spiritual communication, but also the increase of superpower itself...

Most importantly, this cheating method is not foul!

In essence, whether it is superpowers, the power of bondage, or the "rejuvenation roar" and "come on and don't fall" that the trainer simply uttered later, they are all the same.

"Don't lose to it, Flame Monkey, show all your fighting spirit, Sonic Fist!


Daye let out a low snort, and launched an attack again.

The flame monkey rushed out, this time even faster than the first time, and the waving white light fist passed like a bolt of lightning.


However, the moment he was about to touch Miss Goth, the latter cast teleportation and disappeared in place.

"Don't panic, Flame Monkey, believe in your speed!"

Daye quickly reminded that the flame monkey's mind had also entered an unprecedented state of concentration.



Following the roar of the flame monkey, it opened its eyes suddenly, and the surface of its clenched fist was once again covered with white light.

His eyes scanned the audience, all possible locations where Miss Goth could appear.

After it launched an attack, Miss Goth used teleportation to dodge, then as long as it can rush to the latter's newly appeared position in the first place...

As long as one's own speed can be faster than teleportation, it is enough to hit the opponent!

"Then go all out, Sonic Fist!


Daye's voice was like a completely ignited flame, and the flaming monkey rushed towards the target immediately, its eyes were not only focused on Miss Goth in front of it, but also scanning all positions in the audience.

Hurry up and teleport, I want to see where you can run...!


Sure enough, the fist arrived in front of her, and Miss Goethe cast teleportation again and disappeared in place.

Flame Monkey raised his mouth and glanced at the audience at the same time, preparing to launch a second attack at the position where Miss Goth appeared.


However, after seeing the audience clearly, the flame monkey suddenly froze and froze in place.

The whole place was empty, except for himself, there were no other Pokémon.

Not only on the ground, but also in the air...

This made the flame monkey a little dumbfounded. Could it be that Miss Goth still uses digging to hide underground? !

"Flame Monkey, what are you doing, wake up..."

Vaguely, it seemed that he could still hear the voice of his trainer, but the voice was very small, as if it was an illusory sound from another world.

Wake up soon?

Wait, when did I fall asleep? !


Flame Monkey opened his eyes suddenly, and finally woke up.

However, he saw that his clenched fist was still covered with white light, and he assumed the posture of a sonic fist, but he was stuck in place like a log, and he had not sprinted at all...

On the opposite side, Miss Goth was still standing there, and in the distance, her eyes glowed with a strange glint...

Illusion? !

When is it...? !

"Damn, what kind of strange power is this?!"

Even Daye, who was a trainer, couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and shook his head violently.

Miss Goth's combination with Cattleya's super power is like an illusion. Even I seemed to see the illusion of the flame monkey hitting the sonic punch just now...

"Spirit shock!"

However, at the next moment, Miss Goth's move was already ready to go, and the countless streamer shells with condensed thought power were blasted out in unison.

The flame monkey is still between reality and fantasy, and it is impossible to tell whether the attack at this moment is real or fake...

Hugh boom boom!

The mental shock hit, triggering a massive energy explosion on the flame monkey!

The effect is outstanding!

"Turtle...is this Miss Cattleya's ability?!"

In the spectator seats, Xiaozhi, who was watching from the third perspective, couldn't help shivering, and showed a surprised look the next moment.

It's not just hypnosis.

It seems to be the combined effect of phantom light and hypnotism, coupled with Cattleya's own super power increase, directly let the opponent enter the world of illusion...

If one is not careful, even the trainer may be recruited together! ?

Now, Mr. Daye is hanging.

You must know that Cattleya, in addition to this ace Miss Goth, also has an Elledo that is close to full...


On the field, Daye's expression also became uglier than ever.

"Strong drink..."

After eating a set of heavy ones, although the flaming monkey hadn't completely collapsed, its condition looked very bad, and it continued to pant heavily.

Just fight hard when Pokémon fight, why do you still have illusions? !


Cattleya remained silent, but the command of hypnotism had already been shouted in her mind again.

This time, everyone could see it clearly. The energy fluctuations of the hypnotism, in seven colors, spread outward from Miss Goth's eyes circle by circle.

This is the medium that uses the phantom light moves to make hypnotism more stable and precise.

The hit of the move also caused the flame monkey's arms to hang down, and it was about to enter the illusion state again...

Seeing this, Daye also knew that he could no longer hide his skills, and immediately shouted:

"Flame Monkey, use Great Indignation!


The flame monkey's eyes opened, and the child's hole instantly turned red, and the whole body continuously spewed out fiery waves of flames, and its momentum continued to rise.

The frantic state of mind also made it forcibly break free from the hypnotic effect of Miss Goth!

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