He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2400 The charm of the World Championships!

Great indignation can make oneself enter a state of frenzy and excitement, and launch a violent charge boxing, pouring out all the strong flame power of indignation...

To put it simply, it is the fire-attributed scale-reversing trick.



The flame monkey roared again and again, its whole body turned into a crimson fireball, spouting flames, trampling the ground, and finally rushed towards Miss Goth.

Not to mention hypnotism...

Even Miss Goth's mental force can't restrain the flame monkey at this moment.

Like a flame demon god, no one can stop him!

Boom bang!

The next moment, when he came to the target, the flame monkey launched high-speed punches again and again, each punch was full of powerful flame power!

Even the reflective wall that Miss Goth forcibly propped up at the last moment didn't weaken much of its power.


Like a volcanic eruption, Miss Goth was blown out immediately.

However, the flame monkey's offensive is not over yet, and the move of Great Indignation, like Ni Lin, is a move that is forced to continue for several rounds. Once it stops attacking, it will fall into a state of chaos.



Flame Monkey roared loudly, and rushed to Miss Goth's position again, the flames of great indignation shot up to the sky!

Cattleya's complexion sank, and she immediately exerted her super power to the extreme.


With God's help, Miss Goethe finally succeeded in using teleportation at the critical moment, and came to the edge of the other side of the arena, pulling the farthest distance from the flame monkey.


After landing, Miss Goth's expression showed the lucky look of the survivors.

After eating two bursts of anger in a row, maybe it will really fall down first.


Cattleya also had a look of surprise on her face.

It can only be said that he is indeed the King of Fire in the Sinnoh area. Although he does not look good on the outside, his strength is extremely strong, and he cannot relax for a moment.

"Damn it, didn't it hit?!"

The indignant strike made Daye frown secretly.

Not surprisingly, the flame monkey also entered a state of confusion after hitting two big indignation in succession.

The red arrogance on his body gradually dissipated, his steps faltered, and he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north, and south...

Cattleya naturally didn't give the other party any more chances, and immediately shouted:

"The battle is over, mental shock!"

Miss Goth understood, she had recovered her previous elegant temperament, and with a wave of her hands, countless cannonballs of streamer of thought power were gathered in an instant, and they all blasted out!

Boom boom boom!

As a series of mental shocks landed on Flame Monkey again, an exaggerated energy explosion erupted at one end of the arena.

The effect is outstanding!


In the smoke, the figure of Flame Monkey could still be seen falling forward with a bang.

After confirming that the latter was completely unconscious, the referee Don George hurriedly said:

"The flame monkey lost the ability to fight!"

"Because Daye's three Pokémon have lost their ability to fight, Cattleya will advance to the top 16 of the Sailing World Championships!


After the words fell, the entire venue immediately burst into applause, and countless spectators even stood up from their seats to cheer for the king of their own region.

Not only is it glamorous and beautiful, but even the Pokémon battle is a lot stronger, defeating the alliance kings in other regions head-on!

"Miss Cattleya is too strong!"

"Hmph, don't you guys always say that the Sinnoh region is the first division? That's it?"

"Ahh! Lady Cattleya, I want to be your long-haired dog!


Surrounded by countless applause, Cattleya closed her eyes, and the blond hair behind her slowly fell down, dissipating the superpowers around her.


She was panting lightly. Obviously, such high-intensity use of superpowers also had some burdens on herself.

"I lost..."

On the other side, Daye had already retracted the Flame Monkey, walked over in figure eight steps wearing slippers, and said helplessly.

At first, when I heard about the Sailing World Championships, I thought it was a pheasant competition.

Let alone Ms. Zhulan, even if he came, he would easily win the championship...

But now, they were eliminated in the round of 16...

It seems that I have to start practicing again like Dianci.


Cattleya didn't have any ups and downs about this. Even the polite handshake after the game was controlled by her own blond hair, turning it into an arm to shake hands.

Daye: "..."

Um, very strange feeling.


"Ah, Mr. Daye has fallen...!"

In the stands, Xiaozhi sighed with emotion.

It's not that he's too weak, it's that Cattleya's super power is too buggy!

"Hmm... Daye, this guy..."

Behind him, Dianci folded his hands on his chest with a complicated expression.

This powerful friend of mine has fallen in the top 16 stage...

There are really countless powerful trainers in this world.

Thinking of this, Dianci couldn't help laughing wryly, his bad behavior in the Binhai Gymnasium, now in retrospect, he was completely watching the sky from a well.

"Mr. Denji, let's do our best together~!"

Sitting beside Dianci, Xiao Ju'er turned her face sideways and said solemnly.

Although Dianci is a bit confused, he and Xiaojuer are not very familiar at all...

However, both of them have first-class looks, and they are both experts in electric attributes, so there is not much strangeness between them.

The scene of the two people bumping fists and cheering each other up with a smile made Daye, who had just returned from the stage, even more depressed.

It seems that all of a sudden, there are no girlfriends and gay friends...? !


"Ah ha ha!

Miss Cattleya is indeed a remarkable person!


In the box of the champions of all the heavenly kings, Adek stood up first, raised his head and laughed loudly.

Defeat Sinnoh Fire King Daye directly, and it's not a narrow victory. Cattleya still has two Pokémon to fight in the end!

If it weren't for Cattleya not having the slightest interest in her alliance championship seat, she wouldn't be bothered to change if she stayed in the position of the king...

It is also a good choice to let her take over his position.

Just like the alliance champion Zhulan next door, not only is she powerful, but she also has a very good appearance, making her an excellent candidate.

"Miss Cattleya's power... so amazing...!"

Behind her, Alice, who had been by Adek's side for the past few days, also showed a surprised look, and then looked down at her Axe-toothed Dragon.

Will the miraculous power in my body in the future make Axetooth so powerful...?

The other three Hezhong Heavenly Kings, although on the one hand they felt joyful for their colleagues' victory, but their expressions also became tense and dignified.

Although Daye on the opposite side was defeated...

But it can be seen that the strength of this Shenao Fire King is extraordinary.

Cattleya can defeat...but if they face Daye, can they also defeat it smoothly?

"Haha everyone, just fight with all your strength and it's over, don't need to have any worries~!"

Seeing the dignified expressions of his colleagues, Adek raised his head and laughed, which relieved a lot of the tense atmosphere.

"This is the charm of the World Championships. Let alone the king of the league, even the champion of the league may not be able to make it to the end... It is this kind of unknown that we can fight with all our blood and energy!"

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