He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2420 Chenglong vsmega Ice Ghost Guardian!

"Snow Fairy has lost her ability to fight!"

Facing Kona's absolute trump card, this nimble and ghostly Snow Fairy didn't last long at all. After suffering a powerful thunderstorm, she fainted and fell to the ground.

Bonnie took it back with a solemn expression, and her eyes fell on Chenglong in front of her.

During the exchanges and discussions in Lianyi Town, she had fought against Kona's riding dragon before, and knew the strength of the latter.

YouQi seems to have some strange power hidden in him.

Every time I show a little bit, even I can hardly breathe. What kind of exaggerated power is that?

Until now, she didn't know what hole cards were hidden on Kona and the Chenglong.

Even if you can't defeat the opponent today, at least force the opponent to use that power!


The red light fell, and Bonnie's third Pokémon officially appeared.

This time it was Xiaozhi's old acquaintance, with only a huge ice-shell head in the whole body, with a snow-white ice shell on the outside and a pitch-black head inside.

Grinning ferocious face with devilish horns on both sides of the head

"Ice Ghost Guard?"

Seeing an acquaintance, Xiaozhi rolled his eyes and couldn't help standing up excitedly.

Indeed, Ice Ghost Guard is the signature Pokémon in the Fangyuan area

"No, that's it?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were sharp, and soon he narrowed his eyes, noticing that there was a familiar round bead inlaid in the gap of the ice shell directly above the head of the Ice Ghost Guard.

Bonnie also untied the dark purple silk scarf that was always tied around her neck, turned over her palm, and there was also a strange bead inlaid on the silk scarf

"Then, Mega Evolve, Ice Ghost Guard!"

There was no delay, Bonnie used her big move as soon as she came up, and the dazzling mega evolution light instantly flooded the ice ghost's body.

"Guard to drink!!"

With the rupture of the energy shell, the ice ghost guard showed a new posture.

Not only has the body size become larger, but a third ice horn has grown on the top of the head, and even the lower jaw has been completely separated from the upper half of the face, and the bloody mouth is always open, looking very ferocious and fierce.

"Mega ice ghost guard!?"

Xiaozhi was happy to see Lie Xin, and couldn't help reminding him of his ice ghost guard.

When I was a snow boy, I had a mega stone in my mouth

That's right, the Fangyuan area, like the Carlos area, can already dig mega stones locally. As the local alliance king, it's not surprising that Miss Bonnie has this ability.

"Mega evolution Bonnie, it seems that you have hidden a lot of things before~"

At one end of the arena, Kona pushed his glasses and couldn't help laughing.

During the friendly sparring in Lianyi Town before, she didn't see the mega stone protective gear on the head of the ice ghost.

"Each to each other~"

Bonnie covered her mouth and smiled, then instantly changed her face, her eyes sharpened, and she took the initiative to attack.

"Ice Ghost Guard, Frozen Fang!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Mega Ice Ghost Guard's dislocated bloody mouth was condensed with blue light of ice and snow, and he didn't take the initiative to attack the target, but bit the ground in front of him fiercely.



Not only did the ground crack, but it also spread an astonishing chill to the entire arena. Several ice cones and icicles nearly two meters high rose out of thin air around Chenglong.

Bonnie pointed her arm, and the iceberg beauty's face was quite excited and fiery at the moment.

"And then roll!"

Mega Bingguihu understood, and his body immediately spun at a high speed, and rushed forward at the same time.

But Bing Guihu also didn't attack Chenglong directly, but deviated in the direction and slammed into an icicle next to him.

Bang bang!

With the help of the reaction force of the icicle, the Ice Ghost bounced to the other side and hit an icicle again.

After bumping into icicles several times in succession, the Mega Ice Ghost Guard's body was like a pinball ball, and its speed also increased, spinning and bouncing around Chenglong continuously.

Bang bang!

Bang bang! !

Not only that, but the power of rolling is also multiplied

You must know that rolling this move, the first few strikes are not very powerful, but once they are superimposed, the power is even more exaggerated than the big bang!

Boom! !

Sure enough, after stacking four or five times, even the originally extremely firm and hard icicles could not bear the impact and broke.

Mega Ice Ghost Guard finally adjusted the impact direction, spun straight, and slammed into Chenglong brazenly! !

The power of this kind of momentum has even surpassed the power of the rock attribute ultimate move - the double-edged head hammer!

"Is there still such an attack method?"

Under the stage, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and now this move was protected by his ice ghost.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the king of the alliance who has been famous for many years, and his tactics are really extraordinary

Even when the superimposed rolling power is like a pinball ball, Chenglong is completely restricted in the center, rolling at a high speed, and even makes it impossible for Chenglong to attack and interrupt the ice ghost guard, or dodge.

So next, how will Miss Kona resist?

You must know that the rock properties are very effective!

Kona: ""

If Miss Bonnie, who is hot and excited at this moment, is like a sharp ice pick and sharp blade revealed after melting ice

Then Miss Kona is an increasingly cold and deep snow mountain.

Since he couldn't dodge, and the high-speed Ice Ghost Guard couldn't even capture the attack trajectory, Kona simply chose the full-court AOE move.

"Ride the dragon, use surf!"


Chenglong let out a low cry, and suddenly a huge wave surged under him, rushing towards the surroundings.


However, in the face of the rolling superimposed Mega Ice Ghost Guard, the surfing move did not play any buffering effect, and was easily pierced by the latter from the middle.

However, at the next moment, Kona suddenly shouted coldly:

"Absolute zero!"

After the words fell, an astonishing chill immediately permeated the entire arena.

With Chenglong's body as the center, the surf around below spread and froze into solid ice in an instant, and even the mega ice ghost guard who was about to rush out of the water was also frozen and imprisoned in it.


The sudden appearance of absolute zero also caused the entire audience to shiver subconsciously.

But at this moment, the arena is filled with cold air and white mist, even freezing the ground, raising the flat ground abruptly, creating a layer of ice ring nearly 2 meters high!

Now, Kona and Bonnie at both ends of the arena seem to be directing the fighting boxing on the ring, and they need to look up at the arena

Bang bang!

Of course, absolute zero is ineffective against ice-type Pokémon, and Mega Ice Ghost quickly broke out of the solid ice and fell back to the surface.

It's just that the high-value rolling effect that has been superimposed several times has also been completely interrupted

It became a normal rolling move with a power of only 30 again.

Bonnie frowned slightly, but couldn't help admiring:

"As expected of you, you have a hand"

Kona just smiled and didn't make a sound.

Chenglong in front of him is very adaptable to this kind of icy ground, and can glide freely on the ice with a slight swing of his wide webbed limbs.

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