He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2421 Extreme, absolute zero!

The battle has completely heated up, and Bonnie launched an attack again:

"Ice Ghost Guard, Iron Head!"

The mega Ice Ghost Guard hit the ground again, shattering in an instant and stirring up countless ice shards

With the scattered ice cubes, Bing Guihu's figure was also approaching rapidly.


Even around the entire arena, there were several shadows of ice ghost guards, each of which was moving rapidly, making it hard to distinguish the real from the fake.

"A shadow clone?"

Kona stared, commanding:

"The eye of the heart!"

There was a strange light in Chenglong's peaceful eyes, his pupils shrank, and he instantly judged the location of the Mega Ice Ghost Guard's main body from countless shadows.

Kona is merciless, the opponent is probably trying to use some kind of restraint move when rushing over like this, in this case, she can also restrain the ice ghost guard:

"Slender Horn!"

Chenglong understood, lowered his head, and the small and exquisite horns on the top of his head were suddenly covered with metallic silver light, forming a bunch of dangerous heavy metal horns.

The webbed limbs swiped violently on the ice, and knocked the slender horn out violently!

Bang bang!

The collision sound rises, which means that the entity has indeed been hit, however

The sound of the collision seemed unusually crisp?

Even the "Ice Ghost Guard", which was stabbed fiercely by the slender horn, was easily pierced, and burst into ice fragments in mid-air, falling powerlessly

"A substitute? When?!"

Kona frowned, other methods could not defend against the Eye of Heart, but if it is a stand-in, it is not impossible

And the real body of Bingguihu has already come to Chenglong's side, and Bonnie took advantage of the situation and shouted loudly:

"Now, use freeze drying!!"

Since the rock-type roll doesn't work, let's try the ice-type moves that are extremely effective against water-type Pokémon!

Freeze-drying this move, for Pokémon with extremely high water content in the body like Chenglong, the power is estimated to increase to 3 times the effect of restraint!


Mega Ice Ghost Guard's big mouth that couldn't close at all began to spit out icy breath, all of which landed on Chenglong's back on the side.

The piercing chill eroded in, completely freezing from within the body


Even Cheng Long, who was as strong as a bull, couldn't help trembling and wailing.

The effect is outstanding!

"Ride the dragon, the slender horn!"

Being bound and frozen by freeze-drying, it looks like nothing serious on the outside, but it makes it very difficult for Chenglong to move.


Barely tilting his head, the huge steel horn raised barely pushed the ice ghost's shield away, ending the freeze-drying.

Seeing that her move was successful, the expression on Bonnie's face also slowed down a little.

still have a chance!

She can also rely on the Mega Ice Ghost Guard to defeat the Chenglong in front of her and Kola's next Pokémon, making a complete comeback!

"Ice ghost guard, and then the crushing trick!"

Chasing after the victory, Bonnie's tone was also flying a lot, the mega ice ghost guard jumped up again, opened his bloody mouth, and bit Chenglong's neck fiercely.


The move hit, and the teeth fit into Chenglong's skin fiercely.

With the turn of Binggui's headguard, even Chenglong's slender neck bent, and he almost fell to the ground.

This kind of situation is completely one-sided situation between Bonnie and Bingguihu, and it seems that the winner will be decided soon

At this time, Kona's complexion sank, and he suddenly shouted:

"Chenglong, absolute zero!"

Hearing this voice, Bonnie was somewhat puzzled.

Absolute Zero is a one-hit kill, it's really powerful, especially in the hands of this riding dragon

I have also seen it before, and the 2-meter-high surf can be completely frozen into solid ice in an instant.

But the move of Absolute Zero is completely meaningless against ice-type Pokémon!

Seemingly aware of Bonnie's thoughts, Kona just chuckled and said:

"Is it? Attribute restraint or something, but it can't stop my Chenglong!"

And Chenglong who was still being bitten, his eyes were fixed, and his whole body suddenly released an astonishing chill crazily

And the scale and momentum are far more exaggerated than the absolute zero before.


Even the faint water vapor left in the air froze into snowflakes, which spread to the surroundings.

In an instant, the nearest Bonnie, Don George, and all the audience in the stands were all terrified. The biting chill seemed to completely freeze them in their positions.

"this is"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, he was too familiar with the breath of this move!

On the field, the Mega Ice Ghost Guard, who was biting Chenglong's neck fiercely, bore the brunt of the blow and completely withstood the blow.

"Guard drink?"

At the very beginning, the Ice Ghost Guard hadn't reacted yet. After all, his whole body was made of solid ice, so how could he be frozen again?

Absolute zero moves, it is impossible to work on ice-type Pokémon, one hit kills

However, at the next moment, Rao Bingguihu also felt that shocking and chilling chill completely invaded the inside of his body.

The vision of will in front of me is also rapidly blurring and dissipating


Even before it could react, its entire body suddenly fell powerlessly from the air and fell to the ground.

The dislocated mouth still cannot be closed, and the eyes are also wide open.

call out!

Then suddenly a burst of colorful light rose from the body, and the mega ice ghost guard exited the mega evolution posture

This shows that this Pokémon has completely lost its fighting ability at this moment.

Don George: "?"

He scratched the back of his head, puzzled, completely unaware of what had happened.

But looking at the ice ghost who fell on the ground, although his eyes didn't roll, he looked motionless, and the state of mega evolution also disappeared

It should be that he has lost the ability to fight, right?

"Ice ghost guards can't fight!"

"Because Boni's three Pokémon have lost their fighting ability, so this World Championship round of 16 will be advanced by Kona!"

Out of professionalism, Dong George soon spoke loudly, breaking the strange deadlock in the venue.

"Ice Ghost Guard, why all of a sudden?"

Bonnie, who was closest to her, had her beautiful eyes wide open, with a look of surprise on her face, and she hadn't fully reacted yet.

Isn't it her advantage, why did the battle suddenly end?

And the palpitating power released from Chenglong just now is the same as what I felt when I competed with Kona in Lianyi Town

It's just that last time, she didn't see clearly.

This time, she was also unaware! ?

It looks like an ordinary absolute zero, but why is the power so exaggerated, and it can also be effective against ice-type ice ghosts, killing in one hit?

At this time, Kona also took back Chenglong, completely put away his fierce fighting spirit, and said with a light smile:

"Because my absolute zero is literally absolute zero"

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