He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 219 Lava Purgatory vs Huge Character Explosion! !


(Third update, please subscribe, please vote...)

The fire dinosaur clasped its claws together to fight against the big-character explosion, whether it was the terrifying strength or the attribute air wave, it made it fight with all its might...

Even so, the figure of the fire dinosaur kept moving backwards.

In less than a while, the Fire Dinosaur was directly pushed over 3 meters by the big character explosion. At this moment, it has no way to retreat, and behind it is the magma purgatory outside the arena.

It was pushed to the edge of the rock, and half a step back, there was a sea of ​​flames.


The muscles of the fire dinosaur's whole body were trembling constantly. The terrifying flame impact made its consciousness close to fainting.

At this moment, as long as there is any thought of giving up and slack in my mind, it will be defeated in an instant.

But even so, the current Fire Dinosaur is only dying, and the power of the explosive flames in front of him has not diminished at all. He is so overwhelmed that he almost falls to his knees, and the focus of his pupils is gradually slackening.

"Fire Dinosaur!! Block it!!"

Seeing that the fire dinosaur was about to be completely pushed out of the arena, a loud roar sounded from one end of the arena, and everyone couldn't help being shocked.

Xiaozhi's loud voice has always been acceptable.

And in the explosion of big characters, the eyes of the Fire Dinosaur that gradually became clear instantly recovered!

Suddenly, Xiaozhi and the Fire Dinosaur couldn't help shaking their spirits at the same time. Their incomparable belief and fighting spirit seemed to have a strange connection in their hearts, linking their minds together.

"Is it finally here..."

Chi in his soul looked at the phantom of a fiery red head that suddenly appeared beside him, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but draw an arc.

With the current strength of Xiaozhi and the fire dinosaur, it is extremely difficult to defeat this duck-billed fire dragon, unless he can enter that state again...

The power of bondage!

This is the name Chi gave this ability.

He looked at the faucet curiously...


in reality.

Xiaozhi opened his eyes. At this moment, what he saw was not the scene of the fire dinosaur fighting against something, but a group of extremely hot big character explosion flames that were burning its body, extremely hot.

The terrifying force pressed on his shoulders, making Xiaozhi almost fall to his knees.

He and the Fire Dinosaur are not only mentally synchronized, but also visually and tactilely synchronized!

The five senses are synchronized, and the belief and will to defeat a powerful enemy superimpose and increase each other, and they have increased several times in an instant!

"I want this big character to burst, and it can't cover my eyes anymore!!"


One person and one dragon shouted violently at the same time, the eyes of the fire dinosaur had already become more determined than ever, and the exhausted power was continuously emerging from the body.


It saw the soles of its lower limbs firmly grasping and stepping on the ground, and its terrifying force instantly created two cracks on the edge of the rocky ground. The center of gravity sank, and the muscles on its arms bulged even more!

Then his breath sank, his thighs, lower back, and arms vigorously pushed backhand the unstoppable big character explosion! !

The terrifying big-character explosion flew upside down towards the sky, as if shocked by the aura of the fire dinosaur, and even kept changing its shape.

From the word "big" to the word "middle".

It became a word "fine" again.

Finally, it turned into a ball of flame and dissipated in the air.

"Ooooh! [Biquge www.boquge.info]!"

As a feat, the Fire Dinosaur jumped from the edge of the rock to the center of the arena again, roaring wantonly at the duck-billed Fire Dragon in front of it, venting the joy in its heart.

It's blocked!

Although at this moment its arms were covered with scorched black scars after being burned by high-temperature flames, and the bones of its body were constantly trembling due to excessive force.



This time it was Xia Bo and the duck-billed Charmander's turn to be shocked, and they couldn't help but take half a step back because of the crazy roar of the fire dinosaur.

"Is this feeling again..."

As a trainer, Xia Bo obviously thinks more than the duck-billed Charmander. This kind of feeling that the trainer and Pokémon seem to be integrated. Just now, this phenomenon also happened to Cammy Turtle and Xiaozhi, but he didn't pay much attention to it. It's just my own illusion.

But at this moment, the fire dinosaur had this phenomenon again, which made him have to be cautious.

"Does this boy have mysterious power..."

Xia Bo, who was half buried in the ground, naturally knew that in the human group, there are quite a few humans with special abilities.

The most common one is the Golden City. Randomly throwing a stone over the Golden City has a high chance of knocking out a superpower user.

"Can it assist the magical ability to increase the strength and fighting spirit of Pokémon..."

Seeing a man and a dragon whose eyes became equally hot in front of him, Xia Bo slowly came to a conclusion.

Although what he said was very simple, for Xia Bo, who had decades of trainer experience, he knew what this ability meant.

Obviously he is bald, but just thinking about the future development of this ability makes his scalp tingle...




Two heavy breathing sounds interrupted Xia Bo's thoughts.

Whether it's the duck-billed fire dragon that ate a set of purgatory, or the fire dinosaur that rebounded from the big-character explosion, its physical strength has dropped to a yellow blood at this moment.

"It's time to decide the outcome...Duck-billed Charmander, jump into the magma!"

Xia Bo didn't hesitate anymore, and suddenly raised his arm to one side to indicate.

Hearing that the duck-billed fire dragon did not hesitate at all, it turned around and ran to the edge of the arena, and jumped into the lava below like a dolphin without splashing a single splash.

Although the action looked like diving, it was magma! !

This action startled Xiaozhi and the three of them, and even for a moment they forgot that the duck-billed fire dragon came out of it.

Feeling that the magma below began to tumbling continuously, as if some terrifying power was brewing, Xiao Zhi swallowed.

"Fire Dinosaur..."

He knew that Xia Bo was using the hot magma below to save his big move, so the fire dinosaur...


The roar of the fire dinosaur directly gave the answer, and in the next second, the eyes of one person and one dragon lit up at the same time.

"Come on, let's jump into the magma too!"


The Fire Dinosaur ran to the edge of the rock in a few steps. Facing the red-eating magma, it took a deep breath and jumped down.

Of course, the diving posture is indecent, and it belongs to the frog falling into the water. A large pool of magma was instantly splashed, corroding and burning the surroundings.

"It's too messy!"

The two people in the rear rushed up in a panic. It is no problem for the duck-billed charmander to live in the magma all year round, but whether the fire dinosaur's body can withstand the high temperature of the magma is another matter, let alone copy it on the spot, trying to borrow the power of the magma.

"It's okay, we can accomplish anything now!"

However, Xiaozhi's eyes did not flicker at all, and became extremely firm! !

"Pfft..." "Pfft..."

After a long while, the heads of the two dragons popped out of the magma, and the magma liquid was still flowing on their bodies, dripping continuously, and the appearance alone was already extremely terrifying and infiltrating.

The duck-billed charmander and fire dinosaur just stared at each other in the magma, condensing their strength!

And the skins of the two dragons also emitted a surge of red light, as if they had absorbed some power, filled with terrifying power///

The entire Red Lotus Volcano even began to tremble, and the magma below was bubbling and bubbling like boiling water, as if it was about to spew away.

The atmosphere was extremely oppressive, making it difficult for the two people behind to even breathe.

"It's now, duck-billed fire dragon, use big characters to explode!!"

"Now, Fire Dinosaur, use Purgatory!!"

Suddenly, Xia Bo and Xiao Zhi roared loudly at the same time.


In the magma, a mass of flame energy has once again condensed in the mouth of the duck-billed fire dragon, but this time the flame has completely completed the reddish-brown lava flame, filled with unprecedented momentum, and pushed out suddenly.

The lava flame group changed its shape in mid-air, this time it no longer transformed into the character "big".

It's a penetrating "giant" character! !

Giant characters burst into flames! !


On the other side, the dark red skin color of the Fire Dinosaur became darker, completely turning into a magma-like reddish brown, and there were even traces of cracks and damage like lava, as if it was about to explode and shatter.

An unprecedentedly intense red light shone outside the skin, and countless white smoke steamed up in an instant.

The red air waves rolled and danced, and all the lava around the fire dinosaur's body spewed out. The flames and magma scorched and intertwined, turning everything around into endless purgatory fires, and terrifying black smoke was burning above.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The lava purgatory erupted!

The giant character explosion is facing the lava purgatory! !

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