He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 220 It's okay, it's better to ruin it

"Keng Keng!!"

On the surface of the hot magma water, the giant character explosion and the fire of purgatory collided without any hindrance. Just the moment of contact, the whole volcano began to shake suddenly, and only a loud explosion was heard, and the magma below completely entered Boiling state, completely rolling up.

It set off a huge wave nearly 3 meters high!

"Back! Back quickly!!"

Facing the huge lava waves rushing towards their faces, the crowd who were still watching on the rock field were taken aback. Xia Bo was the first to react, and hurriedly pulled the crowd to avoid the rock wall path that he passed when he first entered the crater.

Three seconds later, the terrifying giant wave of magma landed on the rocky arena where everyone was staying before.


The magma flowed past and fell back to the crater below, and the surface of the field was completely turned into black coke, which could no longer be used for competition.

"My Red Lotus Gym..."

Xia Bo murmured, the new Red Lotus gymnasium he built with great difficulty would be considered ruined.

"It's okay, it's the last time anyway." Xiao Gang comforted him by lining his shoulders.

Xia Bo: "?"

He also didn't expect the impact of his skills to cause such a large-scale magma spray.

So what's next?

It was safe for the time being, and everyone once again gathered their minds and looked down at the bottom of the rock, the source of the energy shock.

"Keng Keng!!"

The flame in the shape of "giant" and the fire of purgatory are still in a stalemate. The space in the contact center is almost collapsed by the pressure of this terrifying high-temperature energy, filled with terrifying black phantom, which seems to swallow everything.

Although the surrounding magma did not set off huge waves again, it was still churning violently, constantly washing away the surrounding walls.

In the magma, the duck-billed fire dragon and fire dinosaur stared at each other, their aura had reached its peak.

"Boom boom boom..."

When the energy is always exhausted, I saw that the giant character explosion and the fire of purgatory finally dissipated slowly, turning into a terrifying air wave energy hovering anxiously, eager to find an outlet to vent, and finally spewed out from the crater above.

"The volcano erupted?"

"No way, no way?"

Residents and tourists in Honglian Town were startled when they saw the red energy mist emanating from the crater in the distance, and they froze in place.

If the volcano erupts now, the fire can travel directly to the underworld! ?

"It's okay, the experts in Nibi City have said it, everyone must believe in science!"

Several local businesses quickly issued a kind reminder.

Only then did everyone regain their composure, secretly thinking that this is a kind volcano, probably playing with the fire.



The scorched hot magma fell back to the surface of the water and covered the duck-billed Charmander and Fire Dinosaur. The eyes of the two dragons did not flicker at all, and their fighting spirit was still high, but their bodies were trembling, as if the blow just now had consumed all of them. Great physical strength.

Xiaozhi's eyes were bright, and suddenly he roared loudly from a distance:

"Now, Fire Dinosaur, come forward and hug him!!"


The fire dinosaur's muscles were trembling, please come to the deadlock, and it was the first to react, and its body jumped out to quickly close the distance with the duck-billed fire dragon, splashing countless magma sparks along the way.

"Don't let it succeed, duck-billed fire dragon!" Seeing this, Xia Bo roared loudly.


It's just that the duck-billed fire dragon didn't make any other movements. Obviously, it hasn't recovered from the stamina of the skill just now, and has fallen into a state of stiffness.

It's not just the skills of freezing that will become frozen. Any skill that releases too much energy may fall into this negative effect.

Like a sandbag waiting to be slaughtered, it was violently embraced by the fire dinosaur.


The high temperature from the skin made the Fire Dinosaur frown a little. It is outrageous that the temperature on the duck's body is even a little higher than the surrounding magma.


Shocked, Xia Bo blurted out that they both released the same limit of energy, why the duck-billed fire dragon could not move, but the fire dinosaur could still move.

He subconsciously looked at Xiaozhi next to him, and saw that the eyes of the latter were almost identical to those of the fire dinosaur in the magma, as if he had merged with the fire dragon below, and then suddenly realized.

"Is that power again..."

Thinking of this, Xia Bo's eyes dimmed in an instant, and he withdrew from the bloody battle before, turned his hands back rather freely, and looked at the two dragons off the court.

Now he is not a participant in the battle, but more like a bystander.

"I'm old, but I didn't deserve my defeat..." Xia Bo sighed softly.

In his field of vision, he saw that the fire dinosaur had already hugged its duck-billed fire dragon and soared into the sky, spinning wildly for three times in mid-air with a strange force. blue planet.


I only heard a dragon's roar in mid-air, and the fire dinosaur's arm muscles suddenly exerted force, smashing the dizzy duck-billed fire dragon vertically onto the rocky field, and instantly ejected countless smoke, dust and gravel. The waves blurred everyone's faces!

Cast on Earth! !


When the smoke and dust cleared, the fire dinosaur stood on the red lotus arena that was already full of coke, and crazily sprayed flames at the crater above, venting the fighting spirit that had not dissipated in its heart.

At its feet, the duck-billed fire dragon had lost its ability to fight, and collapsed at its feet.

"The duck-billed fire dragon can't fight, this battle is won by the fire dinosaur!"

"Red Lotus Gym Challenge, Xiao Zhi wins!"

The referee Xiaogang next to him announced the result in time.

"Great, Fire Dinosaur!!"

Just as Xiaozhi was about to jump up to give the Fire Dinosaur a warm hug, but just as he stepped on the ground of the arena, white smoke rose from the soles of his shoes, so he had to withdraw his feet quickly.

Now the magma has just flowed through the arena, and there is even a lot of magma left. Even a body repairer like him dare not face the high-temperature magma directly with his body.


Just when Xiaozhi was still hesitating, a fiery red figure flew over from the arena and threw himself into his arms.

"Fire Dinosaur..."

Seeing the joyful Fire Dinosaur in his arms, Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but feel a sore nose.

Now the Fire Dinosaur has fully recognized him!

The meaning of excitement is far higher than the meaning of emotion, ignoring the latter's still hot skin that has not completely dissipated the heat, Xiaozhi hugged it vigorously, and hugged the fire dinosaur with his backhand, almost suffocating.

"Fire dinosaur, good brother!"


One person and one dragon, the meaning of fetters has entered a deeper level!



Xia Bo took back the duck-billed fire dragon that was unable to fight, and handed a red badge shaped like a flame to Xiaozhi.

"Accept it, this is the proof of defeating the Red Lotus Gym, the red badge."

He glanced at the fire dinosaur next to him, then looked at the young man in front of him, secretly thinking that this young man might be able to achieve great achievements in the future on the road of fire attributes.

Fetters are really a terrifying force...

Xiaozhi accepted the red badge, flicked it up and down excitedly, and shared the joy with a mouse, a turtle and a dragon behind.

This is his seventh badge, only the last one is missing, and he will officially live together!

Challenge gyms, challenge alliance conferences!

Pokémon masters, the future is still promising!


"Hey, it's a pity that my newly built Red Lotus Gymnasium will take a long time to rebuild again..."

Xia Bo looked at the stadium full of black soil coke and lava ahead, and sighed regretfully.

He didn't expect the battle to be so loud.

As soon as the words fell, three arms fell on his shoulders at the same time, which should be comforting.

"It's fine..."

"Better ruined..."

"It's the last time anyway..."

Xia Bo: "?"

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