He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 221 Brother Chi? Tu Yile

Xia Bo: "?"

He scratched his bald head. He had heard the words "it's all right" just now, and he had a faint feeling that the eyes of the three people since they came in and looked around were expressions of mourning and silence.


"Actually, besides the badge of the gymnasium, we have one more thing to tell you."

Seeing the end of the gymnasium competition, the three of them finally came to this topic, and their expressions became profound.

"This volcano will erupt in five weeks!"

This stern look frightened Xia Bo, but then he blurted out with a smile:

"Don't be joking, the experts in Nibi City have said that there will be no outbreak within 50 years."

"I'm from Nibi City. Those experts only study rocks and don't know anything about volcanoes."

Xiao Gang stood up and explained.

The only volcano in the Kanto area is this red lotus volcano. There are no volcano experts here, let alone other places.

Seeing the serious expressions of the three of them, Xia Bo's hearty face gradually darkened, and he looked at Xiao Zhi who was at the front.

"Although you have proved yourself with your strength, this matter cannot be sloppy. I need evidence."

If the volcano really erupted, it would be a matter of thousands of lives, and just thinking about it would make one's scalp tingle.

It is precisely because of the seriousness of the situation that there must be no ambiguity in this matter.

Xiaozhi took out the illustration book.

"Didi. After testing, the Red Lotus Volcano will erupt in five weeks. Believe it or not."

"That's not evidence."

Xia Bo shook his head, a Pokémon illustrated book is not a hero.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi had no choice but to pat his chest slightly, and said silently in his heart.

"Brother Chi, please."

They really don't have any evidence, they just rely on their intuition, and those who run the train in the illustrated book can only play with their mouths, and they are useless.

It can be said that all the people present, except Chi who had real experience, were all Yun people.

After a while, a sentence came to Xiaozhi's mind.

"Take a shot of the last poke ball on the left..."

Chi Jue, still swaying on the grand master's chair, played an invisible pass decisively, and passed the difficult problem again, while he was in a state of secret observation.

Xiaozhi didn't know what to do, but what he wanted was to let the old man occupy his body, and talk to this bald guy with sunglasses about the things in his hometown, so as to convince him of a fact.

The volcano in my hometown has indeed exploded.

But Brother Chi's words were always pleasant to hear. He didn't hesitate, and patted the elf ball lightly.

To be honest, he didn't know what was in the poke ball, he only knew that it was a Pokémon with a mental cleanliness. Brother Chi once told him not to touch this poke ball unless it was absolutely necessary. .

But judging from his performance in the sea of ​​fog in the lighthouse last time, he used brute force to stuff the huge green-blooded fast dragon into the poke ball, and then directly welded the door of the poke ball to complete subduing this almost miraculous creature. Operation, Xiaozhi knew that this was an extremely powerful Pokémon.

Maybe this is God.

"Thank you for your hard work, big brother!"

Xiaozhi touched the poke ball, and by the way made a close contact, and thanked him first.

"Huh..." He let out a voice of doubt.

This was the first time he touched this elf ball, and Xiaozhi felt a little strange in his hand.

Metal appearance, matte texture, a burst of warmth when you touch it... It is not the touch of ordinary poke balls at all.

After obtaining the Poke Ball VIP qualification from Silver Company, he has played a lot of Poke Balls, and he knows some cold knowledge.

Different poke balls not only have different capture rates, but also have different hand shapes.

Ordinary balls have an average feel, loose and dry.

Super ball with improved feel and less dry touch.

The high-grade ball has an excellent feel, and at the same time ensures a firm metal texture and the softness of silicone. Although it is a little wet when grasped, it will not slip at all.

As for other elf balls, each has its own shape and feel.

But this elf ball on his waist is definitely the best elf ball he has ever played with, which makes Xiao Zhi unable to move his fingers and fiddle with it a few more times.


Unexpectedly, as if it touched something, the elf ball suddenly trembled, and a layer of red film fell off.

Everyone looked curiously, and saw that the original red shell on the poke ball was actually a red sticker pasted on by hand, and as the sticker fell, the poke ball revealed its complete appearance.

The lower part is still white, while the upper part has become a noble and mysterious purple, and the letter "M" is engraved in the center.

"Big...Master Ball!?"

Xia Bo was so dumbfounded that his sunglasses almost fell off.

Isn't this the legendary master ball! ?

"Master Ball?"

Xiaozhi remembered that in the Silver Building, the president Silver mentioned the word Master Ball. This is the rarest Poké Ball, with a 100% capture rate.

"Is this the Master Ball..."

He couldn't help but pick it up and play with it in his hands. Apart from the excellent hand feel, it actually gave him a kind of Ling Ran confidence that I have in the world.

The Pokémon master is equipped with a master ball, and this ball seems to be configured for him! !

"Let go..."

Just when he was still climaxing, a rather deep voice suddenly sounded in Xiaozhi's mind, and the blue light power suddenly appeared around his palm, forcibly blocking him from the master ball.

The Master Ball just floated in mid-air.

The superpower attribute restrains the fighting attribute, and Xiaozhi can't stop it at all, and he can't even have any will to stop it in his mind.

"Hehe, hello brother thigh!"

He recognized the voice, and hastily greeted Master Qiu cordially. This action made the three people next to him bewildered for a while.

During this period of time, Xiaozhi has already understood to some extent that the real thigh is the one in this elf ball when he is in a desperate situation.

Brother Chi?

It's just a picture of fun, at best it can only be regarded as a calf.

No, brother Chi likes to play with his mouth, so he should change his name to Xiaozui.

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words clearly.


Seeing that in the soul space, the two substantive characters of "Little Mouth" slowly floated in front of his eyes, followed by a paragraph "Brother Chi, please don't peek at this idea, peeking is a puppy." One size smaller, he almost directly united with that Pokémon, seized his body and became the king.

This kid...!



In reality, Xia Bo suddenly widened his eyes and blurted out.

A few years ago, the Rockets extracted the dna from the dream eyelashes they found, and created the dream No. 2, which is truly beyond the dream, that is, super dream.

Xia Bo participated in this experiment, and he could clearly feel the aura emanating from this master ball, which was exactly the same as the Chaomeng he had seen in the training machine!

Impossible, how could a novice boy carry Chaomeng on him! ?

That Mewtwo should still be in the hands of the Rockets, right? !

"Mecha dream? What kind of Pokémon is this?"

The three of Xiaozhi were stunned, it was the first time they heard this name, even Chi didn't say the name to Xiaozhi.

Xia Bo swallowed, forced himself to calm down, secretly thinking that this should be just a coincidence.

That's right, how could a novice have Chaomeng?

Ha ha!

"Hey, brother, I seem to see Chaomeng..."

"Liar, it's on a novice trainer, this trainer is wearing a red and white peaked cap, by the way, he also has an electric mouse, the very fat one."

Xia Bo suddenly remembered the phone call from his old friend Fuji who was living in Ziyuan Town more than half a month ago. At that time, he laughed at whether the latter had a cerebral hemorrhage.

He couldn't help but look down at Xiaozhi's legs, and finally swallowed hard.

Indeed, this electric mouse is really fat...

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