He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2426 Parallel Champion of the World Fighting Competition! (Thanks to the leader of the centu

Swinging out a cracking punch, Master Martial Arts Xiong folded his hands back to his waist, took a deep breath, his back was straight, and the temperament of a fighter was fully displayed.

"What a handsome Pokémon!"

While watching the game, Xiao Zhi in the spectator seats couldn't help showing a fiery expression.

So the question is, where can I meet such a handsome martial arts bear master?

The temperament is somewhat similar to his own Lucario, but there are still differences.

His own Lucario held his breath and looked more like a loyal and courageous guardian boxer from ancient times.

And this martial arts bear master on the field, just like the name, really looks like a martial arts master in a martial arts dojo.


At this time, an elf ball on Xiaozhi's waist suddenly bounced off, and the Abandoned Monkey ran out on its own initiative.

"Give up drinking...!"

Its killer hair was raised, and the angry veins on its forehead also protruded, and a black-purple ghostly aura permeated its whole body.

The Abandoned Monkey stared closely at the martial arts bear master on the field, wishing he could jump over the railing and fight it right now!

"By the way, Master Ma is also a participant in the World P1 Fighting Competition..."

Suddenly, Xiaozhi remembered it completely.

It's the name Ma Shide, I seem to have heard of it somewhere before.

Abandoned Monkey has been fighting in the World Fighting Competition before, and the previous world champions were Ma Shide and his partner Budo Xiongshi.

The strength is extremely strong, and even defeated Master Xiba who was the runner-up back then.

At that time, he had only heard the news, but he did not expect to meet Ma Shide at the World Championships instead of meeting each other on the stage of a fighting competition.

"Hasn't Abandoned Monkey participated in that World Fighting Championship...?"

Beside him, Mingyi couldn't help asking.

Xiaozhi nodded, then shook his head again.

In fact, Abandoned Monkey has already won the championship and the big gold belt of the World Fighting Championship.

However, the opponent in the final is not Ma Shide, and even Master Shiba did not come to participate...

According to Mr. Fan Dou, this year is simply the most worthless fighting game in the world.

Abandoned Monkey is also regarded by many people as the champion of parallel imports in the fighting circle.

Therefore, for this former world fighting champion, Abandoned Monkey can't wait to have an upright duel with him immediately, to prove the gold content of his big gold belt!

"Don't worry...there's always a chance."

Xiaozhi quickly smiled and comforted the Wrecking Monkey.

According to the situation in the arena, Ma Shide has a high probability of winning, and it seems that Mr. Lian Wu cannot stop it.

Then in the next quarter-finals, and even later games, he has a chance to collide with Ma Shide.

But isn't the Abandoned Monkey planning to retire? After all, they have won the fighting champions.

Unexpectedly, the fighting spirit has been aroused now, the enthusiasm is in full swing, and the warm-up is gearing up...

As for the arena, Lian Wu's master, Itachi, was still defeated in the end, and was defeated by the opponent's unique skill-Shui Liu Lian Da.

"Use wide-area defense!"

Lian Wu also tried to resist with wide-area defense.


It's just that the water flow punch that this martial arts bear master swung was actually a barrier that easily propped up the wide area defense, smashed and destroyed, and hit Master Itachi's abdomen with another punch.

The powerful punch was thrown out, and the body of Master Itachi was sunken and bent, and his appearance was extremely tragic.

boom! boom!

Immediately after that, two consecutive punches were added, a total of three punches in a row, the move hit the vital point, and the master Itachi flew out like a sandbag, and fell in front of Lian Wu.

"Master Itachi, you can't fight!"

Referee Don George quickly raised his hand to signal.

It seems that this match is completely one-sided crushing game...

This strong fighter from the Galar region is not easy to deal with.


"Can't stop...?"

Taking back the defeated Master Itachi, Tianwang Lianwu's thick yellow eyebrows were almost distorted, and he was puzzled.

Could it be that this water-flowing move not only hits the vitals, but can even ignore the protective barrier?

Ma Shide did not hide anything, and explained cheerfully:

"It's not the constant flow of water, but the characteristics of the martial arts bear master... I will name it the invisible fist, old man~!"

As the name suggests, as long as it is a fist move played by the martial arts bear master.

Not even boxing, as long as it uses fists as a medium to release physical moves, such as climbing waterfalls, breaking water, etc., it can completely ignore the opponent's defense, wide-area defense and other moves, and easily hit the body directly!

Of course, like the previous water jet, it hit people with the head, but it was a barrier that couldn't break the wide-area defense.


Hearing this, Tianwang Lianwu somewhat wanted to curse.

It's fine to have a tyrannical exclusive move, but now there is another bug feature that completely breaks the defense? !

If I let you play, do you think you are some legendary Pokémon or Eudemons!

Gritting his teeth, Lian Wu finally dispatched the third Pokémon.

Seeing the humanoid Pokémon solidified by the red light, Xiaozhi couldn't hold back at first, and he was talking about the latter just now...

This one, Lucario? !

"Mr. Lian Wu, does he still have a Lucario as his trump card?"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but exclaimed again and again.

"This is quite normal. After all, more than ten years ago, there were many wild Leolus living in the Suanmu Ranch."

Douzi next to him rubbed his chin and explained that it is not surprising that Tianwang Lianwu has a Lucario.

Later, they were all fished out, and now there is only Hayoke on the rotten street left in Suanmu Ranch.

It is also a dog, but everyone prefers the handsome Lucario.

"Is it a wooden ranch..."

Xiaozhi remembered, and when he subconsciously turned his head, Mingyi and Akroma were also looking at each other, and the three immediately smiled knowingly.

The three of them met at Suanmu Ranch back then, and even used Acroma's detection machine to try to find the nearby wild Leolu.

The machine did find the Riolu still inhabiting there, but the number is extremely rare.

In the end, they didn't choose to break the peaceful life of those wild Riolu, so they just let it go.

After the memory was over, Xiaozhi immediately looked at Lucario of Lianwu from a distance, scanning up and down carefully.

"Looks like it won't mega evolve..."

He was a little disappointed about this, and he didn't find any protective gear inlaid with mega stones on this Lucario.

That's right, there was nothing in the Hezhong area.

And this final match point game has officially started.

"Is there even Lucario? It's really interesting~"

The face under Masted's mask was smiling.

Two humanoid fighting Pokémon stood far away at both ends of the arena. Although Lucario was a head shorter than the martial arts bear master, his strong and profound martial arts aura was not much weaker.


(I just saw that a big boss gave a reward to the leader...the keyboard is on fire, and the speed of light is faster!)

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