He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2427 I see through, above you!

"Lucario, strengthen the fist!


The final battle started. Lianwu's Lucario's fists were covered with orange arrogance, and he sprinted vigorously and threw out his jab.

"see through."

Commander Ma Shide was still calm, and the eyes of the martial arts bear master in front of him glowed green, and he turned his head to avoid the punch.

stop! stop!

Not only that, facing Lucario's consecutive enhanced punches, the martial arts bear fought and retreated, dodging the dense fist shadows one by one.

It has come to the final stage of the battle, but Tian Wang Lianwu's command has calmed down a lot:

"Bone Stick Luan Dao!"

The energy arrogance of Lucario's fists dissipated, and a bright blue energy bone stick instantly condensed, increasing the attack range, and swept towards the head of the martial arts bear.


Master Martial Dao Xiong has sharp eyes and quick hands, and once again held the bone stick firmly in his palm with a big hand.

"Broken Rock!"

Ma Shide's voice sounded at the same time, and the Martial Daoxiong master immediately exerted force with his palm, easily crushing the bone stick in his hand into energy debris.

Even the white light of the fist did not dissipate, and the thick and powerful rock-crushing fist hit Lucario's head straight, as if to crush the latter like a stone!

Don't look at the broken rock is just a low power tool skill

But in the hands of this martial arts bear master, it has frequently exerted great effects.

However, at the next moment, Heavenly King Lianwu also called out a familiar command:

"Lucario, see through!"

I saw that Lucario's eyes were also focused green light, and his figure moved and shifted, also dodging the opponent's rock-shattering fist.

Seeing through this move is very common in fighting-type Pokémon.

"Then Fa Jin!"

Taking advantage of the trend, Lucario lowered his figure, spread his palms, and was about to stick them to the chest of Budao Xiongshi, the golden light in his palms was already crackling

"see through!"

The battle seemed to fall into an endless loop, and Budokumashi also used the see-through moves, dodging sideways and developing powerful slaps.


Finally, with a powerful whip kick, Lucario, who had his arms in front of him, was knocked out, which temporarily ended this high-intensity offensive and defensive battle.

In the spectator seats.

The Abandoned Monkey also sat in the seat at some point, and because one monkey almost sat in the seats of three people, Xiaozhi Mingyi and the others next to him could only squeeze together.

"Give up drinking~!


However, the high-intensity battle between a dog and a bear on the field also made the Abandoned Monkey raise its arms and shout, looking extraordinarily excited.

Both sides are skilled fighting masters!

Seeing through each other's offense and defense In the final analysis, seeing through is nothing more than capturing the opponent's attack trajectory, maneuvering to dodge, and waiting for the opportunity to continue attacking.

This is actually a very common move in a special fighting competition, or a fighting technique.

He could only stare blankly from the stage, which made Abandoned Monkey even more eager to compete with the two fighting masters on stage.

"Don't worry, don't worry, there is a chance!"

Xiaozhi quickly grabbed the long hair on the Abandoned Monkey's back, and comforted him repeatedly, for fear that the Abandoned Monkey would jump onto the field directly

on the field.

"Lucario, use the qi bomb!


Heavenly King Lianwu let out a low snort, and was still attacking with high intensity.

Seeing the orange energy bomb rapidly condensed and enlarged in Lucario's palm from a distance, Xiaozhi was a little surprised.

It's not a wave missile, but a real air bomb?

It seems that Mr. Lian Wu's Lucario does not focus on the cultivation of Bird, but is purely trained as a fighting master.


However, Master Wu Dao Xiong raised his hand and shot the tile hand knife, and directly smashed the zhenqi bullet forcefully, arousing a huge energy flow in front of him in an instant.

"It's now, Iron Hoof Light!


Taking advantage of the cover of the infuriating bomb, Lucario closed his fists in front of him, and the metal spikes on the back of his hand burst out a beam of silver-white energy laser!


Unable to defend, the light from the iron hoof hit the Martial Arts Bear Master, causing a huge explosion at one end of the arena.

"Lucario, use Fa Jin!


Holding on to the anti-injury effect of the iron hoof light on himself, Lucario let out a low cry, and rushed forward again, his golden palm was about to press against Budao Xiongshi's chest.

Once the force hits, there is a high possibility that the opponent will enter a state of paralysis, which is extremely important in fighting where every second counts.

"Martial Arts Bear Master, Explosive Fist!"

But obviously, even such a move would not make the Martial Bear Master fall down. After shaking his head to disperse the smoke around him, the Martial Dao Bear Master immediately clenched his fists and threw a powerful punch on the spot!

Facing an opponent who was a head taller than himself, the burst punch was far more powerful than Fa Jin. Lucario instinctively lowered his figure in an attempt to avoid the opponent's burst punch, and then he struck out with a powerful palm.


It's just that when the two of them were confronting each other, Lucario's eyes widened, and he realized that no matter how he lowered his figure, or dodged left and right,

Opponents seem to be doing the same trajectory shifting.

And in terms of speed, is it faster and more accurate than its active side? !


The next moment, Fa Jin "actively" bumped into the Explosion Fist, and the center of the collision between the palm and the fist caused a roar and explosion.

Due to the huge gap in strength, the Fa Jin moves were instantly destroyed, and even Lucario's body flew out in an instant and fell heavily to the ground.

The effect is outstanding!

With a steel attribute, Lucario does not have an advantage in a civil war with a fighting attribute.

But the second time the opponent forcibly caused a head-on collision with moves, Tianwang Lianwu fully reacted.

"Is this seeing through?"

He was a little dumbfounded, and his thick yellow eyebrows were raised.

The martial arts bear's ability to see through can not only dodge the opponent's attack, but also accurately capture the opponent's attack, forcing a head-on collision with it?

"Oh hehe~ I've been discovered~!"

Ma Shide just chuckled a few times, but he wasn't too surprised.

Seeing that the explosive punch hadn't completely determined the winner, Lucario on the opposite side stood up tremblingly, Ma Shide immediately increased his tone and said:

"The battle is over, Martial Arts Bear Master, let the water flow continuously!"

The martial arts bear master rushed forward, and punched out one after another heavy fists wrapped in water bubbles. Lucario subconsciously planned to use see-through to dodge.

But obviously, the martial arts bear master's perception is still higher than that of Lucario.

boom! boom!


The sound of water hitting three times in a row sounded one after another, all of which were successful hits, still hitting the vital point three times.

This also made Lucario unable to hold on any longer, his eyes turned white, and his body fell forward.

"Lucario lost the ability to fight!"

"Because Lian Wu's three Pokémon have lost their ability to fight, this match will be won by Master M from the Galar region!"

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