He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 2430 vs Gigamax! Cross the battle!

"It's really violent, Mr. Du."

On the screen, suddenly covered by the smoke caused by this powerful iron tail, Xiaozhi couldn't help but gasp.

Kuailong can generally master multi-attribute moves. Even if dragon-attribute moves are ineffective against Frost Milk Fairy, they can still use a lot of restrained moves.

"Well, this fast dragon, it should be the demolition fast dragon that crosses is still so violent"

Beside him, Xiaochun from the Yanmo Gymnasium was also watching, commenting sharply on his cousin from time to time.

Since Kuailong is already a quasi-god

Du directly bred several fast dragons, and each fast dragon has its own focus.

This fast dragon is obviously the violent fast dragon that will directly go crazy and demolish the base when facing various villains' secret bases.

"Really an incredible attack"

And on the field thousands of miles away, Popla, the owner of the Fairy Pavilion, couldn't help but exclaimed that the Creamy Milk Fairy in front of him, who had been beaten into a lump of cream, had also condensed into shape again.

This is a move, melting, which can greatly improve one's own physical defense ability, but it will not be killed by the opponent with a single blow.

"Magic shines!


Even when the distance between the enemy and the enemy was close, the dazzling pink light bursting out from the frost milk fairy soared into the sky, somewhat blinding the fast dragon's eyes.

The non-transitional eyes did not waver in the slightest, and shouted again:

"Iron Tail!


Kuailong swung the steel heavy tail again, swept it out forcefully, and beat the milk fairy into a ball of cream again.

Although the melting move does have a good defensive effect

But after a few shots of the iron tail with outstanding effects fell, the Frost Milk Fairy couldn't stand it any longer, and even the strawberry ornaments inlaid on the top of her head shook a little, as if it would fall off at any moment.

"In that case"

Seeing this, Popola suddenly raised the poke ball and took back his own milk fairy.

Xiaozhi was a little surprised by this, this Frost Milk Fairy is the last Pokémon of this old lady, how can it be taken back?


However, the next moment, the elf ball in Popola's hand rapidly grew larger, directly becoming about the size of a basketball, and covered with a deep red energy network pattern all over.

Xiaozhi: "?"

People around: "?"

For a moment, everyone seemed to have turned into bumpkins, staring blankly at the picture on the screen.

As Popla threw the large elf ball in his hand again, a skyscraper-like Frost Fairy appeared!

Even the appearance of the tens of meters tall Cream Fairy has undergone tremendous changes. The lower body is completely a cake tower stacked on top of each other, and the top is the main body of the pink cream figure.

Even the sky above the competition venue was instantly covered by a black-purple energy force field, and pink-purple clouds swirled around Frost Milk Fairy.

"This is the gigantic phenomenon in the Galar region~"

During this period of time, Douzi has collected a lot of information on the Galar region, and at this moment he proudly popularized science to several people:

"Um, but if the appearance changes, it should be considered a gigantic phenomenon, right?"

But Douzi was not too clear about the specific details, and the introduction was a bit stumbling.

"Extremely large?"

The huge Frost Milk Fairy on the screen can feel the grandeur of the former through the screen, but Xiao Zhi remembered something.

At that time, he was still traveling in the Sinnoh area, and the Shenzhu King he met in the Xuefeng Temple

The opponent seems to have swelled dozens of times at once, like a hill, right?

At that time, was the opponent also exerting extreme power?

The phenomenon of extreme giantization is unique to the Galar region, and it needs to rely on the unique local power to complete it.

Let's not talk about the battle, just on the scene

It doesn't seem to be a surprise that the Pokémon battles in the Galar region can explode.

Even through the screen, Xiaozhi can feel the coercion of this Frost Milk Fairy, not to mention the audience who are present at the scene at the moment. This kind of competition, everyone must be excited and excited? !

In contrast, the Hezhong area, which has nothing

It's no surprise that you can't compare to others?

"Totally lost~"

Beside him, Mingyi also helplessly spread his hands and shook his head.

Even a local like her now wants to go to the World Championships in the Galar region. In terms of the dynamic scene, even the mega evolution is not so exaggerated.

It even seems that there is not much threshold setting for extreme giantization over there

As for mega evolution, z moves, these all require the trainer himself to find the corresponding rare and rare props.

Returning his gaze to the arena, the gigantic Frost Milk Fairy could blow air currents with just one movement, causing the cloak behind him to flutter continuously.


Even so, there was still no panic on Du's face, obviously he had experienced the local extremely giant battle a long time ago.

"Frost Milk Fairy, use the super giant to achieve happiness~!"

Poplar suddenly called out a move with a lengthy name, which seemed to be a power related to extreme maximization.

As the frost milk fairy raised its head and chanted, in an instant, several impacts like meteorites fell from the sky above the arena.

But it wasn't meteors that fell, but lumps of pink and purple cream bombs?

But in terms of power, it is not inferior to the meteor swarm.




Although the sound effect was a bit bad, clusters of cream meteors fell to the ground, forming a large pool of messy cream marks on the ground.

However, some of them managed to hit the fast dragon, and a burst of pink-purple energy exploded in half of the arena in an instant, which was impressive.

The effect is outstanding!

Not only that, a green light glowed on the body of this cream fairy at the same time

This shot of super giant happiness is complete, and it seems to have a healing effect on one's own side. The physical strength that was destroyed by Kuailong's successive use of iron tails has recovered a lot at once.

Of course, Du is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he didn't even use the power of extreme giant together fairly, but still repeated the command:

"Iron Tail!"

In the thick creamy smoke, Kuailong's figure stood upright again, and even flapped his wings, rushing straight towards the Frost Milk Fairy.

Compared with the Frost Milk Fairy after Gigamax, Kuailong's figure at this moment is extraordinarily small, like a small bug.

However, with a powerful sweep by Kuailong, the iron tail hit the cake tower below the Frosty Milk Fairy.

Bang bang!

As if the entire skyscraper was smashed by a fast dragon from the middle, the figure of the super giant milk fairy was dented, and the doubled physical strength was dropping rapidly

The effect is outstanding!

In the final game, this fast dragon also fully exerted its terrifying destructive power of violent demolition, forcibly smashing and destroying all the cake towers on the lower body of Cream Fairy.

The latter wailed, and the huge figure finally collapsed.

At the same time, Frost Milk Fairy's figure also shrunk several times in succession, and only then did she fully restore her original appearance, and the winner was completely determined.

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